HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 1027 / ^ ORDINMICE NO. 1027 AN ORDITIANCN ADENDING ORDINANCE NO. 954 REGULATING TIM 11ANGING OF SIGNS EMENDING OVER SIDs+iALKS OF TM CITY OF FAYETTEVILT, , ARKAMMS , AND FOR OTIER PURPOSES BE IT OTtDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF TIL" CITY OF' FAYMTTCVilLR , ARKANSAS : Section 1 . That Section 2 of Ordinance Nov 954 is hereby amended to read as follows : "Section 2 . Any person, firm or cor ,;oration who may desire to erect or maintain any siCn extending over or across any side- welk or street in the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas , extending more than eighteen (18 ) inches from the building to which it is attached or extending- more than eighteen ( 18 ) inches over the side-walk if not attached to the building- , shall submit to the City �nginaer of the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas , an application for a permit to erect or maintain such sign, together vaith the design and specifications showing. the size and construction of such signs and the matter to appear thereon. I£ said City Engineer approves such application, desiCn and specifications , he shall issue a permit on the condition that the work be done under the supervision and inspection of the City Engineer om his - duly authorized representative, provided that the applicants6shall pay for said permit and inspection the sum of 32 . 50 which shall be a prerequisite to the issuance of such peraito however , that no permit shall be issued for the erection of any sign unless satis- factory evidence be produced to the City Sngireer that said sign is to be erected upon applicant' s real estate or upon another ' s zeal estate by written consent of the . owner thereof. '' Section 2 : That Section 3 or Ordinance No . 954 is hereby amended to read as follows : • r "Section 3. All signs provided for under Section 2 of Ordinance Mo. 954. s4all . be of metal construction or of approved material of suffi- cient strength to insurethe safety of the public and the method of ., attachment of said sign, as well as the height from the sidewalk or street level , as to case may be ; it , shall also be of construction such as to insure the safety of the public ; that the City 3'ng neer _ shall requirethe applicant to show the method of suspending or hang - ing_ of said sign, the height above the {sidewalk or street level and such other information vrith reference to said sign as is necessary •to' determine that its installation will not endanger the public . In no event, however, shall-.a .permit be issued for any sign having- less than : an ei.ght . ( 8 ) foot; six (6) inch clearance above the- sidewalk or street level as the case may bei nor shall a - permit be 'issued for any sig-n _ de- siFned to project past the outside wire ,of the curbing and over the stztet . " _ Section 3. Section 7 shall be added to Ordinance No. , 954 as follows : "Section 7 . . That no signs shall be erected pursuant to the 'terms of this Ordinance on that property ovaned by the City of Fayetteville, lying between the outside edge - of the sidewalk and the curb line except that this Section shall not be construed ao as to prohibit MICROFILMED DATE. OCT 6 1978 REEL_�'� 'v the erecting of traffic control signs or directional signs erected by church and/or educational institutions . Passed and approved this 23rd TAay of June , 1952 • &tayor Attest: City Clerk