HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 1014 ORDINANCE N0 . I �9 ► Li 4 . AN ORDINANCE ADOPTING BY IMFERENCE THE ARKANSAS STATE PLIUMIN6, CODE RET, ATINO TO TAE COUSTIMOTION, INSTALLATION AND .INSPEdTION OF PLUMB- ING AND DRAINAGE Fcl REAS , the City Council of the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas, caused a - notice to be published that it had urider consideration the adoption of an ordinance relating to the construction, installation and inspec- tion of plumbing and drainage as set forth in the Arkansas State .Plumb- ing Code adopted by the Arkansas State Hoard of Health on the 26th day of July, 1951 , pursuant to Arkansas Act 200 of 1951 , and itHEMAS0 the requisite number of copies of said code were .kspt on file " as provided by .Act 267 of the Acts of _Arkansas Sor the year 1949, and there have been no protests or suggestions or requests for discussions, and WHEP.EAS , the City Council of the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas , finds that it is to t)%e' vest interests of 12ie City of Fayetteville that the , above code of the Arkansas state Board of Health governing the constziuc- tion, installation and inspection of plumbing and drainage be substantially adapted except for those ansndzmnnts hereinafter set forth : NOP72 THMMFO_RBp be it oi'% talned by the ;ity Council of the City of Fayette- ville , Arkansasc SECT.ION. 1. That the rill*,^ and regulation.G of the State Board of Health governing the c,nst.ruvtion, installation and inspection of plumbing and drainape k .Orn ru the Arkansas State Plivaving Code be , and the same s hereby adopted for the City of paxetteville, Ar?zansas , c�acopt as herein- after providec! : SEOTION 2 . that Section 1 . 2 .1 shall W added to the Arkansas State Plumb- ing Code and adopted by. the City of Fayetteville , as follows : - - Sec . 1. 2 . 1 Definitions . , .Plumbing .for the purposes of this ' ordinance s' ereby defined as foll'ons a. All piping, fixtures , appliances and appurtenances in connection with the mater :supply and dibainage system within a building and to a point from three to five feet outside of the building. b. The construction and connection of any drain or waste pipe carr,Ting domestic sewage from a point within three to five feet outside of the foundation walls of any build- ing with the sewer service lateral or other disposal term- inal, including private domestic sewage treatment and dis- posal systems and the alteration of any such system, drain or waste pipe, except minor repairs to daucets , valves , pipes, appliances and removing of stoppages . MiCROFIIMED DATE OCT 6 Rte_ �7�- 1978 o: The '+Teter service piping from., a point within. } three to five feat outside of the foundation trolls of any building to the water meter or other eater utility property or other terminal and the conn- acting of domestic hot water storage tanks, ?eater softeners, and water heaters with the water supply systemo do later pressure systems other than public utility systems. . . o. A plumbing and drainage system so designed and vent piping so installed, as to keep the air within the sys- tem in tree circulation and movement, and to prevent with a margin of safety unequal air pressures of such force as might blow, - siphon or affect trap seals or retard the die- charge from plumbing fixtures , or permitsewer air to es- cape into the building. SECTION 3. That Section 2.1. 2 shall be added to the Arkansas State Plum g�Cods and adopted by the City of Fayetteville as follow : Sec . 2.1. 2 Inspection and Supervision. a. There is hereby oreated the position of Plumbing Inspector who shall be appointed by the Uayor, subject to the confirmation of the City Council . b. The Plumbing Inspector shall receive as full coot pensation for his services such salary as the City Council may direct. c. The Plumbing Inspector shall have experience in the business of plumbing to the extent that enables him to know When plumbing is installed in accordance with the provisions of the CZode . Ae shall not be connected in ars dray TA th airy persons fins or corporation directly or inw directly engaged in the business of plumbing, or plumbing supplies. d. It shall be the duty of the Plumbing Inspector to en- force all provisions of this ordinance and the Plumbing , Inspector is hereby granted the authority to enter all buildings in the City of Fayetteville, inthe performance of his duties between the hours of SIQC a.m. and $:Qb p.m. daily. The Plumbing. Inspector shall issue permits for plumbing work as herein provided and shall prepare suit– able forms for applications , permits and other reports . e. It shall be the duty of the Plumping Inspector to inspect and test all plumbing work for compliance With the Code . SECTION 4. That Section 2.1 . 3 shall be added to the Arkansas State Plumbing off—adopted ty the City of Fayetteville as followos Sec . 2 . 1. 3 Applications , Permits . a. Before beginning. any plumbing work in the City of Fayetteville, the person installing same shall - apply to the Plumbing Inspector, or other designated offi— cial and obtain a permit to do such work. Only those persons authorised to do plumbing may be issued permits. A perrA t may be issued to a property owner to install plumbing in a single family residence provided the prop- ' arty owner does the work himself and the building is owned and occupied by such owner as his home ; provided, howDvor, .that such ,work must be coWleted . within striot:: ; compliance with the requirements of this code. b. Said plumbing permit shall require a fee payable to the City of Fayetteville , computed as follows$ First fixture $2.00, next five fixtures $1.00 each, all addi tional fixtures 500 each. Plumbing permits or service connection permits shall be granted only to . a licensed , master plumber of his authorized representative; except ' as provided above in this ordinance. SECTION 56 That Section 2 .1.4 is hereby added to the Arkansas State Plumbing Me and adopted by the City of Fayetteville as fellowso a. Seo. 211.4 An Rx=ining Board is hereby created to act on all pppli.caticns for license , examination for lic— enses and other related duties as required by State Law and the Plumbing Code of the City of Fayetteville . Said Board shall be composed of four (4) members as followse (1) A licensed Master Plumber, (2 ) A licensed Journey- man Plu>jber, (3 ) A. 'representative of the administrative; authority of the City and (4) A licensed Oas—Pittsri Members of the Board shall be appointed for a period of two years by the Mayor of the City of Fayetteville, with the recomendaticne of the Plumbers Association of Fayette— villo, given due consideration. b. -The City of FayetteviLlo shall secure necessary equip- ment and supplies '� required by the Board' from , taw . xe _ : ' " ceipts collected eith. applications for examinations. The surplus thereof ehall bs disposed of as , the Board shall : unanimously direct. The above—mentioned supplied and eq' uipwa ment .shall be in charge of the City Engineer of the City of Fayetteville; Board members present shall receive per diem in the amount of $2.00 per hour, with voucher payable to the Secretary—Treasurer of the Board. SEMON 6. That Section 2.1. 5 is hereby added to the - Arkansas State Plumbing ' o e a adopted by the City of Fayetteville as followse a. Sec. 2.1.5 Requirements for a City License shall be as follows% 1. Hold a State License for the current year and 2 . Proof to the examining Board that the applicant has held City license previously, or arrange with the member of the Board representing the City for examination for the license desired. The re. sults of said examination shall .bo the minimum or above that required by the examining Board to satisfy this require- ment for eligibility. 3. Every Master Plumber doing business in the City of Fayetteville shall execute and . de- liver to the . City a bond with a surety bond. ing company in the sun of $lsQOq.,00 -to� in- demnify the City or any citizen for any dam age caused by the failure of such Master Plumber to comply strictly with the provisions of this ordinance . No plumbing permit shall be issued to any Motor Plumber unless this .bond has , been delivered to the City, ;and is in full force and effeo�. L. payment in advance of the following;license and examination: fees to the City of PAyetto- Ville as followst Schedule of License & Examination Fees Initial Renewal ?castor Plumbers & Gas $ 50. 00 $ 25.00 Fitters baster Gas Fitters 25.00 15.00 Journsymmn Plumbers 17 .00 5.00 Journeyman Gas Fitters 10.00 5.00 b. Should the applicant elect to furnish his own material as required for his examinations $10.00 may be deducted from the sohodula of fees given in Paragraph h of Sec. 2.1. 5 above. o. Sec•tion. 2.1.5 is hereby. added to. the Arkansas Stats . . Plumbin Godo and adopted g p by the City of Hayattovlla as folloxee go licanse shall be ' issu' ed for longer than oris year and all licenses shellexpire on December thirty- first in each year and such license may be renewed upon application made within thirty days preceding or fbllov- ing the date of expiration. The Board may renew lic- enses upon application made after February .first if it, is satisfied that the applicant has good cause for not making application witldn the months of December or January, and upon payment of the renewal and additional fess prescribed. SECTION 7. That Section 2.4.4 is hsreby added to the Arkansas State Plumbing ..o adopted by the City of Fayetteville as followso Sec . 294** The use of lead pipe is restricted to the "Short Branches , " unless otherwise specified. Short Branches of lead pipe shall have griped points . SgEpdj•,�5, aril hat Section 2 .5.1 of the Arkansas State Plumbing Code shall amen ed, adopted' to read as follows : See . 2. 5:1 Existing Buildings . In existrg buildings or premises in Mch plumb fig installations are to be altered, re- paired,, renovated, or have location changed; said work shall be carried out in accordance with all the requirements of this code:. S$ETION :,:9 :That:rueLt on 2.21.1. of the Arkansas State 2lumbing Eads, shall be amencl�"—and adopted by the City of Fayetteville to read as folloirs; When a public sewer is not available for use within 300 feet of the property desiring to be served, savage ani drainage piping may be connected to an individual savage disposal sysjtaa provided tke lot area is at ;Least; 7000 sq xe fe t, aa3the unit slid] be`t-of:. proper construction and ?in6talla= tion as recommended by the Arkansas Sitate Board of: E3ealth. in Bulletin Mo,-,9, and must have the inspection and approval of the administrative authority. SECTION lo. That Section 7 . 20 . 3 is hereby added to the Arkansas State Plumbing o e an adoptgd by the City of Fayetteville as follows : Sec . 47 .20. 3 Automatic Clothes mashing Machinos shall be provided with a 2-inch drain and trap , and 1� inch vent. 'SECTION 11. That Section 11 .1 . 2 of the Arkansas State Plumbing Code shall be amended And adopted by the City of Fayetteville to read as follows : Sec . 11.1 . 2 Above Ground Waste Piping Within Buildings . Soil and waste p p g ora r nage system in bujAcangp , shall be Cast Iron and lead pipe for all drains ; with the following exceptions : BrAncharms, galvanised or eopper pipe , 30 inches or under in length are pe pitted on top fixture of each separate vent stack of cast iron or lead; closets shall be set on, lead wiped on, brass ferrule ; tubg. sbza]7 have 4a by 89 lead drum trap's ju and wiped ts'. Ali3t points betwean . lead and lead and Urasa :shall be_ vaped. Other T Ai tares i ivth 114" traps;;or less<mag be Y o axd-o 30! provddd tPe fixtures waste does not interfere venting ' of other fixtures , and where there are no other fix- tures above it. " SECTION 12 . That Section 11.1. 3 of the Arransaa State Plumbing Code shall be amendO and ,Adopted by the City of Fayetteville by having the words ? :°.Type I %" copper tubing" omitted. SECTION 13 . That Section 11 . 1 . 4 of the Arkansas State Plumbing Code shall be amendeddan adopted by the City of Fayetteville to read as follows : Sec. 11. 1. 4 Fittings . Fittings on drainage systems shall be of an approved drainage pattern and shall conform to the type of piping used. oa"Ir.Al^l: no Al, 0?.J1' Tf tU3 LDOPTI;Ic B7 M.F: 1CS TIT; a:~l Ms sm P ,uI.nr.r cc:>; Ll i'` T?' C:7STRUMTIO:' , I"�TGLlLTYO" !.'� I'"�cYGaY ' '' G.^• ,7C _ 'AH21 W710 t!le City Council of the City of Voyott..evillo , iritansas , caused a notice to be publichel that it had undoi consideration til✓ adoption of an ordinance ralFting to the eonstructisn, installation end ins;�toc- • tion 03 pluabAnj, end drrinaen as cot forth in th ^ r' :^ >n: utetc Yluair inl� Code adopted by the fr'cansas 17tatc Loard of Health on tho 26th Icy of July, 12512 purmant to f,rxanoaa Lct 200 of 1951 , and tlr:s rogeiaitc Inimbor of corico of Gala coda Coro !copt on file :.G provides by Fact 267 of l!• 1: t,c; of 4r}cancas for tho pars 1949, an:i thorc have tazn ro .rotost,s -)r ti esticno or rcquacto for diecursiorn , and Jity Councilof thn :iiti✓ ul I:s; ty^.illo , 'X'tansaa , finds filet it is Lo t' :." ie ^t i_rt:,i'Inmt1 of 12< : ; S.tir of r&yettovillo that the abatis colo of t::. . .rmrsa9 "tst_ !:orrd oi' 'La:ltti 7ov�)rnin;! the cor-stzuc- tion, installation Lr• l L? •actio Q n.- ara artdna,o bo substantially adopt,3 ' oxc :.a !:0 , 'ia : �t l: , i 4s'.';" i 1 :6 }' L,L^ >l t} e0'+ilL•7l A+ til �ty if Ycgotto— viI Lrlvssen . a:CTIM 1 . 11.a'; tYi :*n,1. 1' ' eVIA Y •, ?alat !I)m of t7o , ', tato :: ocrd of dealth Iovomir • th3 coni tnt ti.n-�, % h9t 12ction . •+ i 1 •ts i;ctlon of olunbi•lr and dmir:,jo i.;, ,-, .11 , n1 . ;fit '; •+ t ^_. ` t: :. :llu'.lu Gra tho sem] is plClS:by L!inlFni1 for 41,".. : , t;' t';. .�i `tilJ 'T+l..il "' , i . . •t,'.-`_R , . 'C"'^ Yy tsC llzzt�in- SECTION 2 . l.lat F/.ctton 1 . 2 . 1 , I:nU L allcd to t c Pr!.ec. icins state Pluab- zn��a an a o?tnd Ly thT 'Ity o ? tylettnvi.lic , e4 foil j, ^.ac . 1. 2 . 1 13iini.tions . j'1_ xir.; for tem ourooscs o2 t0i, ordi'Fri C rmJV dofi•;1??6 as fOno-..s : a. All pipinf7, firturen , appliances and cppurtsnances in com%ecticn kith the ^ater su3ply ani dr^inOrz systz:n vjitbin a bUL! in.• and to a noi .lt :Yan three to ' five feet Outside of tho builainL•. - b. 1'he construction and connec8�on of Lny drain, or 'rasto pi,r_ m ca "Anr dowotic selca a frog a point rithin tl=a to tivoFfeet outoido of the foundation falls of any :.gild- in;; vitf, the sewer , carvico lateral or othor uit-posrl term- inalp includini private donostic aet,aea troat�er-t and die- pooal. systezo sn:1 the alteration. of C37 such systas, drain or waste ;lip^, except Ldnor repairs to faucots , valves , Aipos, appliancoo and renovi:•C of €toppa; cs . MiCROFI. N6 GATE flbT 6 \ REEL� � �7B c: The gator sorvfco piping; frog a poi _1 vithin thruo to five That outside of tho fasndation vallo of any buildi � ,_� to the gator .Teter or other cater utility property or otaer tordnal and the conn- octln� of dlm�eutic hot cater utorap tanks, water softenoro, aftd rrator heaters caitli the rater auaply syute:a. d. `:&tar pressssre oystmo othor than public utility c . A plunbin� t aryl drainarp s,ysten so deairred ani vont pipin^ so Listel.lod, osr to Ircp tho car within tho cys- taa in fmo circulat',m ane movawttt , cmi to provant rith a marri- . of safety unequal air prcacurco of such force so zi_i.t bloom, siphon or affect trop seals or rotard the dls- char;e from plumbing fixtures , or per Lt cswaar air to oc- cap3 into the buildin,,, . SSCTIO 3o . . That :'action 2 .1.2 shall be added to the Arkansas Stato YMiL nr- Code erj adopted by the City of loayattevillo as follons : Sac . 2.1. 2 Impaction and nuoervicion. a. There is hor'Oby created the positton of PlimbinC Inspector uho :hall to appointed by tho �: yar , subject to the confir:.ation of the City Council . - b. The Pluabin; Inspector aholl receive as full coz- pensation for his services a;tch •salary as tho Jity Council: eLy airect. c . The Plumbin,r; Irapoctor chell htve oxrmrience in tho businoss of ,plumbing to tin oxt:nt that enables him to know rbon p11a-i;sin is installed in accorrlanc3 with the proviaiona • of tp Codo . Be shall not to connected in any ray with any parson, fina or cor oration directly or in- dircetly onZapcd in the bucir.-sc of p1mbir_-, or. -lunbin^ supplies : d- It shall Lo ;UM &sty of Liho i'lun�inT_nspoctor to 3n- force all nroviriona of thio oldi-:an^o rm i the rVlu^biz^ Inspector is izcroby mrmtod tho authority to enter all buildinra in tha City of iayottovinc, int` : porformnc3 of his duties botW en . the hoarc of 9su,3 a.m. and. 5so ) g-n- . daily. Tho Plu fbin7 Inspector c:cell issue nor lts for plw-abinr %ork as hereir provided crd shall prepare suit- ably for_•s for applications, peraits ;nd other- roportc.. o . It shall be the duty of tho Inspector to inspect €nd test all plurioine ror_; for. co.rslianoe with tho Codo. SrCTICW' ls- That . ^eetion 2 . 1 . 3 shall be added to the Arkarsas Itato Plumbin^ Coao�c cdoptokl by, the City of i•riyottoVIlle as follozic : sac - 2 . 1. 3 fpplications, Pomits . ' a. • &;fora barp=in�; any plumbing, rrork in the City of Fayyuttevillo, tho poroon inntnllir.,, s= shall apply to tho Plwabin . Inc:actor, or oth3r & i ; matcc offi- cial and obtain a par..it to do mach wor&. •.•lnly those prcors; a;ztnoriccd to do pluzfuin; uay bo i .^.owd nsrrdt.^. . A por.At nay bo ioarrc? to a prolrarty w.rcr to i stall plug •An; • in a oin:�lo fa:..� moid3nco providod th^ prop orty o:mer doco tho wort hLu elf rnd tho buildinr- is 0",a c: ; occuoicd by such cr.wr no Uo haa: ,ureriexd, ha:� r, that ouch �_orL ±mut 1;�N. co :nlrtc3 3L`iin ^trict ca plltnco i.it'i tl:e r:quixe::cnte ;f VU0 coulee be laic: plan in ret 3x11 ICquiiG a fe3 ptlVabl3 to tl•^ City. of Fr.yattovillla , cow utad as follrua : Y•irot Mztnzv 2.00, n37.t fiva €i.sturoa '2'1. CC cacti , all addi- tional fisturoc 500 oceh. Plu=binr por. d'o or esrvice obrnoctioa _par Ato shall bo opted only to a liconsod mentor -ol=bcr or hi:i cuthori^.od mProrantativo ; ond3pt as provided aboio in V As ordinance. KCTIO" 5. That Section 2 .1.4 is hereby edd^d to th3 Ar':anao "tato Auubir4 Cs1e ani alopt3d by the .City of :'syottcvillo an folloro : a. hoc. 2 .1*4 An Pxsaining :oard is hereby created to cat on all p_p3licati. ns for licans3 , oxaaination for lie- ones and other rolutod caution as reraircd by Ltato Lan am; the Plumbik JOJe of tho City of i7eyottovillo . Said 3orrd shall be cxapacod of four (!t ombors ao folimm : (1) A licensed %;rotor ftu:;bcr, ( 2 ) L, it liemcad Joarnoy man Plugber, ( 3 ) .'e roprccontntivo of tho adninistrativo authority of tete City and (4) A licanecd Ccc-Fitter. :^ barn of tiro Eoanl shall be appoontod for c =riot of t`i.o years by tin Layov of tho City of royettovillo , cith the raco ,i.onzatlono of the PluZxro l:csociation of :a;jDtta- villo, ,Ivcn due coTisiOration. b. Tho 'lty of 'r'a,^ttcvillo oliall =c= =coocorq ocuip- a=t and cux)n cc vc rcquircd l%y t%3 rocrd fro-i th^ r - ceipts collectod ❑iti: applicatior_n for oaaminationo. Tao surplus thor^,of ct dl ba dicnoscrl of as tro Ecari shall unanimourly si roct. he ctovu =jntionc 1. aaiplicd and cquip- zont .shal.l be in cl=Co of t10 City ;n^ln^or of tam .City of Tayottevil o . Boarl ao:.;o3rs f:rocont shall rccoivo per c iaQ in tAc cmount of _;2.103 por hour, v.ith vouchor payable to tlm 3ccrotar7-Troacuror of tho 2oard. SEC;IM 6. That Scction 2 . 1. 5 is horoby add=d to the J)r,mnsas State ?lu. ftn,l U 3 off—Mooted by tho City of Ynyottevil.le co follo,:o : a. pec . 2.1.5 Paquiremnto for a City Lieonao stall to sa follo:;e: ' 1. P.old a Stato Licanao for tic currcrt year ar'1 2 . Proof to Lhe ora:Anirc- Loarc; that tao applicant has half. City licence proviounly, or arren,o with tba zoutrr of the Board ropres .:ntin 'e tin City for Wu: &nation for tiro liccnoa doaircd. Me ro. S2CTIO1,d 8. That Section 2 . 5.1 of the i:rkansas "tate Plumbin7 Code shall EF'=" an=d and adopted to read as follars : Sec . 2 .5 • l ;xistin F.uildiT�s . In existir buildints or premiss in v.:aicn pluubin_ installations arc to be cltsred, re- paired, renovated, or nave locati . n chan£ed; said ,z r" shall be carried out it accordance cath all the requirec:.:nts of t:3s code . CiT1071 y. That Section 2 . 21 . 1 of the ..r.cansas State rlunbinr- :ado wall be a , ended ena adopted by the City of Layettovillc to real as follows : .,lien a public . sewer is not available for are 11- thin 3CO feet of the property desiring to be served, peaa; e ani drairiago oipint aay be cosseted LO an. iv7dividral sec^ap dispo:al system prorl,icd the lot arca is a'c least 7000 squara feat and th3 unit s_h Ll be of propsr constr :ctlon cnd installs- tion co reco.L4s"idod by the xi: ns ,io tate Board of P3alth in ^o . ;', and last ia.vc tho i? vcpccti4n =4 approval of tlm�, adxd. lietrativs c__t;aority. SXT10" 10. That Section 7 . 20. 3 is horcby added to the 1r::a=ac Stato Pla:bing 0oane adopted b)r the City of -,�yett�^vi. 11e as follo'ss : Sec . 7 . 20. 3 Automatic Jlotasr ..a3'Anrt Lachims oluill be provided ^.its a 2-inch drat-a and tra02 :rut 1 ; inch v3ut. S5 I'IO , Jim Tzat Sceticn 11 .1. 2 of the ',rkarsas - tate lr n; :,owe shall be arca c an: cdosto29 by the J7ty of' rayattevllle to r„a.d as follows : coca 11 . 1 . 2 Lbovo Croand .. Esta Pi.pin,> ..ithin Euiliin�s . Soil and viasts piping for II ralnano eystsa in buildin7s , shall ho Cast Iron cr l 1,�ad pipe. for x l 1rr:ans ; with th3 follo:.iaf. csceptions : Lrancaari�s , Galvanized or copper Pipe , 30 inches or under in lenr;th ars Nansi.ttcd on top fixture of each separate vent stack of cast iron or lead ; closets r4all be ^ct on lead c.ix+d on bapass ferrulo ; . tubs shall have V , b;r 'd" lzad drum traps and wiped joints . All joints bet: een lca4 and lean and brass shall be -dpea . Other fiataroc rith 1L' traps or less may be anaed-off not core than 30" provi4od the £ixtuzes ',.astir do-3s not interf'ore c.ith the vontizr of other fixtures , and rr;iore ihcro are no ot'.:sr fix- tures above it. " S:MrI0.: 12 • That, flection 11 .1 . 3 of the i,r_cansas State elu:rbir.-, Cofe shall be ar:;ended a ado-Aed by the ;,its* oz' cyatteville any havirthe roncs : "Type ' T copacr tubing" omitted. =I077. 13, Tiiat f3zcticn 11 . 1. 71 of the Ar,tanaao State nu -bin- Oodc shall be ausn d adopted by the Oity of =r.settoville to read as follows : Sec . 11. 1. 4 cYttin s . Nittirfs on drainare systems shall be of an approvod drainafp pattern and shall conform to th3 type of oipin; used. sults of said ext, ination shall ?m tis aim~ ,m or above that required by the em=inin� Loard to catirfy thic re(rAre- cont for eliCibility. 3. 3vary ;pastor ?lu2ber d3in;T bust iooc in the Uty of iryetteville shall o=zute ant do- liver to ti. city a bond •xith a caroty bond- inL co pmy in th3 suci of ; 1,000. 0 ? to. in- de=ii'y the Jit, or any citizen for any da:;- a.,e causz:Q by the fcilurc of ouch P:dstor Pl%L: iUcr to co::i.Ay strictly cath the provisions of taic or:dm nce . I:a rluzbinr, gor._it shall be 1Ecued 'to any l:sot3r :'lurabor unioeo thic bond has been delivered to the City and is in full force L--zl effect. 11. P4&milt in advance of tI-D follo::inj lioonco and exuAration fees to thq City ox' Payette- villa as folloru• : C?:soil:. �L• Uc7 L7U . .Xa irutlon . con initial ^enowal :etcr . :'Ings c ^as ;; 50.00 ' 25.co ' i'itteT:l '_ Astor Cao ritLerc 25. x.' Journeymn Yluabers 17 . E 5. 00 Jou-rno3_on C" Uttors MCC 5. 4D b. Mould the tn. pUcant elect to furnia': his oirn. zLt^rir1 sc raysi=J for W, c c.Tri d lation, ;'1;3.01 =Y, ',i deducted fro• the sGheuulc of foan p_i.von in f zragr cp:i 4 of ; ea . 2. 1.5 abo'Jo . - c . % eO on 2. 1. Oi is hsrcoy ridded to the Arernsac •sate Au:bin_ gale anil cdopt3d by tho City of Feysttovillo as £oleo s : No liconsc c'za31 bo iesz.�d for loh€er tPan one year and all licenscc shall oxpirn on !eaziWr thirty- first is ecch year r=-_i r=h licence 4,y be ronewed upon avplication gado- cmI ithin Lhirty ::a precedin,: or follow- inP the state of o:rziration. ibc }Soar.! Aey re-not. lie CM3c ugoa a!;nlicat'_on ❑cds after IoLriery first if it . i� saticiie .i t::cr th armliccnt h= spod causo Yor not aa' in ". +liention :'.itlLin tho cnonV�r of .k ca' k r or Jcntuuy, e'-Td upon ?ay:mt- of tha ronvacl and a&:iitlnnal . fcao proscribed. 7. ;.iat r-octlon 2. 11. 11 Is hir-Ly &idol to theZe n . - T in�eaa 'o� a&3ptcd by the Jity of r6yotteville an: follows : Qac . 2 .11.4 M3 use of foal Nips in resLrictod to tits 113hort Zratc'.ies , " u31^ _�s. oUmr;leo opaciii_do !bort. Hranc;tes of L3 ed nage rhall have wiped ,lointc . "i1C '. 11a. .c';l t irxt? n 11. 2 . 1 of Ll= i.r:rar±3cc StatC PluYzU" .O c o;lall b-; t :: t:2 of 'Pyktt4willa by lin tri, e ti: :. crdvj : "co-lex 4^ sc;:ar pip. " omitted. `l".3�T�v lj. 'i'1::t �^c:tiU': ll . l. � i^ .r„a' r :;c1:.- t� t::c :r;;r•�cra "tr..� c.:o; t.Cl Yf the :?.t;; of , .;�ottcvllic Ca foll7us : :cc@ ll.l.fo l .ry in�a h + Ci_-_it 1. 11ch coot iron irt_itri.ni C_._3 coot iron -:tufa -:_j. t'n clor3t ncn-o , 17% C.cuor3C.elca :_ith ?^Ctioa 3. 2 . 5 : ay w cd _iL r ; rink Cro oncacnl in conc=tA) . >iOiIC, 16 . rlbnt ";ctlon 11. 2.5 I " huraby addod to th^ : r*:cnrlr r- atr mac?^ ar.' , cioptr_ri by tho City of layrttavillo cs follo:a : ^oo . 11 . 2. 5 Ol% r-nouto ,nu•!t 'Le) rutin• ' dhow too I-raivat! at a YK{n.t a uinim-= dict•Anco ui 3 feat iron t_ln ican•?VV} — or bw 13int• lino . SiC'iIG:: 17 . 5octian 2. 7 .4 stroll to added tj thz .'_r:ansa. States rlijubin• L;OaC .^nd aaontLid by itao 0ity of i- c;*ottovill:; r- G •� v oc . 2. 7.4 $trc3t Opanin,-s 1 �~ a. All v.ator crul s^_ ..cr ccrvicu li :^ a will L b: b:roul ' t to tha .� ':ro,:rt7 lila of l)rox;rt, d^sirin;t rorvicc , by the rtr.^nctivo c:naart_untc of i' : .;ity of ALI twvi.11.o . U6 -l: cnz-vc % icza c.i ll ` ^ 3c a oz n::y`- nt to tic ^it , of Al f'cc , c.. -h^21 to eatEbl". :hal frc=, ti_� to ti: '� by the it,r Cc:x°t^,jl • e . + : ^uzcic: cher; : aFrc11 Lo ca'.pnt i; rn a 40-ft. avorar3 - c::cava3ion Cz3 ro"3cir. On snrvico lir�• c of Croctor than FO foot, ` a band r±a^?1 1.10 rc vircd ao cot by thn Oucorintcndort of tho a diffor:�nL :IU :: Lon_t stall uc 1�=-& to o1/ t;:a cost of ccid ce;v'_:au lir.3 , cn:; t:lo roiAnlnr ch:11 b. rctWrnc9 to tl::. ' bond Mhnr* ^i' _CiT.C:' 13 . nalti n . Iisny ?rr..nn , firm, or eornoraii )n found Guilt-;- of violnti^^ Crdl �3i ' .,o prof fond of tair orii�c res chall be suLJ3ct .to c finen of ^.?t ? ;SC V i�'n ton -sllcro (;1 M) nor .;.om than ono hunlrc:u (,ll^) . CO) , to ; ogler rith uio cxita of such irozoe , ttonp or by imoriao.=,n6 . Mch dcy durl ': vhicla viola- ui:,n contirs.:s u.trlli 'a a co •avrato offence . is:TTS' : 19• Car1f2SCtiln vYu1 n :03 1W au1Ca. Jul orifi ^anoc' Or „i fit? OY Oriin- u*cs � conSliotsnr; :1t1 r�4 of :3 proviaiom of t.lo orlircnco ora h=by rop`alod. S"3:-1 .' 2J• iac ;it; „o,.acll ir_roL•y find: . tuff; Vio public iiao L c: l C.nd -sill ba Cron t. res, :-h i1p� cmr pll�: .in ' C.nd �roper co r: tvvcticn of c3-.a cm_ drain pi7;�r, cnd tUat this o tii';vmo 3,.k nticcsoary for '.`:n Lslblic 73rath- aryl cafoty, arfi an carte ncy is <z :znbf d3olcr:d to =int t:n:i tiic or31r�rca c:011 b3 in fall for...^, Cnl ofi'cct faG;, 4nl or pc^ ap'�rovul. 3 ty rh _-nyor MOB 4. :khat fiaation 11 . 2.1 of the Arkansas. State Plumbing, Coda shall s a ,.'Hraf'Hraf adopted by . the. City of Fayetteville by having the iaords s aconorete. ser pipe ; 8147G.TION 15. That Section 11 . 1. 5 is' : h6mby added to the Arkansas Stats ntm . ng Lode and adopted ky the fQlty of Fayetteville as follows : Sec . ll.IX Four inch by eight inch cost iron drumtraps. and cast iron. stubs .with closet flange , in accordance with Section 3. 2f5 'M4v be used whams pipesare enoase3 in doncreste . SE CTION 16 That fiction 11 . 2 . 5 is hereby added to the Arkansas State n� ode rad tidopted by the City of Fayetteville as follows : Ucs 11.:2 . 5 Cleanonts must be protruding Above the ground -at a point1 . a minimum- distance of: 3 Seet from. th.e fcsur4ation sr: buildin line. B�(12I©S 17' Section 2&7 * 4 shal.l -b© added to the . Ariensas state piiuAY rg adopted by the City of Fayetteville as follows : Sec. 2 . 7 .4. Street 0penings a All water and aeRer service lines will be brought to the property line of property desiring "service, by the, iespective deonrtieents of the City of Fayetteville . ( b. Said connections shall bemade upon naynwnt to the City of J a set fee, as shall to established. from time to time by the Jity Council . c . Said service charge shall be computed on a - 40ft. average ( � run for concrete paving, asphalt paving and gravel street . excavation and repair. On service linesof greater, than 60 feet, a bond shall be regaired as sat by the Superintendent of :the different departments . Said. bond shall be used 0 nay the cost of said service; :lime , and the remainder shall be raturnexl to the ef bund maker. . $'&QTION 18. i?eAaltiesa Agy :per on ,, firm. or: oorperation found guilty, of rvi'dutin*g ptsy o g preivi�''`aion jai tbis" ordinaice ®Ysa11 be aiiti�mrat to : a fin®- tsfs flet ,Ja�sm than tan elollars (310,00 ) nor sociis than one hundred . . ($l00. 00 ) , to gether with Us costs of such prosecution, or by imprisonment . ,each day during whioh� viola-, tion continues shall be a separate offense . SEC`f'IGN 19, Conflicting Ordinances . Rape aled. All ordinancesor. parts_ of ordin� enees' con is 3nbr ME any &rthe provisions of this ordinance are hereby repealed. SECTION 20 . The City Council hereby finds that the public has 'been and will be injured rough iwproper plumbiig and improper construction of sewage. and drain pipes and that this ordinance is necessary for the public health anti safety, and an emergency is hereby declared to exist anal this ordinance shall be in full force and effect fmar, arul ajter t passage an 'i approval.. Attests cam' pr^Jved : �4ity :, ierk Mayor