HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 1010 ORDINANCE N0 . 1010 AN 01DLNA.113C 'WIZIARIMC CERTAIN PROP-RTY . ITIIIN TII". CIIof OF FAY3IMRIIUT, -TO DE A MJISA`�!: , PROM-). MC FOR THE R'i'OVAL, AND IOR OTHER PU3POSrS , E5 IT ORDA .RLiD BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF F'AYSTT311ILL1i2 ARKANSAS : SECTIOiI 1 , That, whereas , the owners of the following described property, to-rrit : Part of the STM; TEl- of Section 21-16-30, described as beginning at a point Tft ch is 303 feet North of the ' S7 corner of said 40-acre tract, thence .',eat 26 rods , thence North 250 feet, thence East 26 rods , thence South 250 feet to the point of boCinninC. Lots 6 and 7 . Block 17 , Ferguson ' s Addition to the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas . Lot 8 , Block 6, Ferguson ' s Addition to the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas . Lot 82 in H. C . wins Subdivision of Blocks 3 and 4 in Oakland Place Addi - tion to Fayetteville, Arkansas . Part of the SGE Sirs Section 10-16-30 described as beLinning at the North- east corner of said 40-acre tract, running thence ;'rest 180 feet, thence South 155 feet, thence a little North of `oast 180 feet, thence North 142 . 11 feet to the point of be €i.nning, also knov.n as Lot 1 , in Block 1 , Ambroso Addition to the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas . N h".:4, Lot 1, Block 42 , Original `foV.n of F yettcville . Lot 8 , Block 42, City of Fayetteville , : rkansas . have allowed certain buildings located on sa,-me to deteriorate to the extent that said buildings have been found, by the Fire arri Sanitation Committee of Fayetteville City Council to be dilapidated, unsanitary, unsafe and hazardous in that they and each of them constitute a fire hazard, and, in addition, are dangerous to the life and limb of the public ; and same and each of them are hereby declared to be nuisances . And the Chief of the Fire Department is herebl authorized and instructed to serve the owners of each of said pieces of property with a copy of this ordinance and notify said owner- or owners that the respective pieces of property must either be torn do-om and removed or remodeled within thi : ty ( 30 ) days f•zom, the date hereof. S?CTIM 2 . In the event the o:ner or ovmers of any of sari pro;merty cannot be located , the Chief of the Fire Department is instructed to serve said notice by posting a copy of this ordinance on the front doorrof each of said buildinr.-s and by mailing- a true copy of same by registered mail to said owner or rnrners last knov;n address and report such action to the Fire Committee of the City Council . SECTION 3. Any ormer or owners of any of the within described property failing or refusirL to conform to the provisions of this ordinance shall be deemed guilty of misdemeanor and upon conviction thereof', in the Fayetteville Municipal Court, shall be fined in any sum not .less than TWenty-five dollars (125 . 00 ) , nor more tian Three ffundrad Dollar: (:3300. 00 ) . SECTION 4 . The City Attorney is hereby authorized and instructed to proceed to take ,.,�C,:OFILNi�. 191a DAiE � REEL all necessary court action in order to secure the removal of the property hp-" Ln declared to be a nuisance if save is not removed or remodeled tivithin thirty days ( 30) of the date thereof. SECTION 5 . Because the parcel of property heretofore described causes a constant fire hazard and menace to the public peace , health and safety; and because this hazard and the condition of the nuisance created by such properties should be re- moved and abated at once, an emergency is hereby declared to exist, and this ord- inanCe is found to be necessary for the preservation of the public peace , health and safety, and the sane shall be in full force and effect from and after the passa;e . Passed and approved this 19th' day of November, 1951 . Powell M . [thea, 2ayor ATTEST : McGehee , City r