HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 1009 a. OPDPW!CE NO. 1009 National ATI ORDIMANC= ADOPTINTO Tit: COX: OF TH7XMI=. FIRS PROTSCTIOIJ AS''OCIATIO" DESICrArm AS PAMPHLET N . F' . P .A . No . 30-L3 I14 PART, AYD Ri;LATINO TO THE ^TOSACE , f ANDLINC , and USE OF FLAL4.".ADL: LI:UIDS . tYll's?MAS, the City Council of the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas , caused a notice to be published that it had under consideration the adoption of an Ordin- ance relating to the storage , handling, and use of flamaable liquids as set forth in the code of the National Fire Protection Association designated as " Pam- phlet NFPA No . 30-L" , and IiH MAS , the requisite number of copies of said code were kept on file as provided by Act 267 of the Acts of t.rkansaa for the year 1949 , cnd there have been no protests or sue€estiann or requests for discussion , and 4. H'3REAS , the City Council of the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas , finds that it is the best interest of the City of Fayetteville . that the above code of the National Fire Protection Arsociaticn desif:nat=d as "Pamphlet VF'PA No . 30-L , be substantially adopted except for those amendments hereinafter set forth : NO4i , THEREFORE , BE IT ORDAINED BY TH"i. CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FAYETTWILM , ARKANSAS : SECTION 1 . That the code of the National Fire Protection Association, deeig- nated as Pamphlet NFPA No . 30-L, relating tothe storage , handling, and use of flamjn- g able liquids , is hereby adopted for the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas , except as hereinafter provided . t SECTIR'• 2 . That Section 104. 06 of Pamphlet NFPA No. 3C-L be and the same is hereby amended to read as follows : "104.06 . "Chief" shall moan the City Enr.ineer and shall include arpr officer, member, or imopector deputized for the pur?oses of this ordinance by the chief. The Chief of the Fire Department shall serve the chief in an advisory caps ;ity for the purposes of this ordinance . SECTION 3 . That Section 104 . 07 of Pamphlet MFH, Mo. 30-L be and the same is here- by amdnded to read as follows : "104. 07 . "City Council" shall mean the duly elected and constituted City Council of the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas . S3CThDN 4. That Section 202 . 01 of Pamphlet *'FPA No . 30-L be and the same is hereby deleted and omitted from the operation of tide ordinance . SECTION 5. That Section 1003 . Ponalti :s . of Pamphlet :•'FPA Flo. 30-L be and the same is hereby amended to read as follows : 111003 . Penalties : Any person whoshall fail to co:aply with the provisions of this ordinance or with an order of the Chief issued pursuant thereto and from which no a.apeal has been talcen, or u:ith such an order as affirmed or modified by the City Council or by a court of competent jurisdiction, within the time fixed therein, shall be fined not less than One (u1. 00 ) Dollar nor more than Twenty-Five (3225. 00 ) Dollars . The :imposition of one penalty for the violation of such order shall not excuse the violation or pe =it it to continue , and each succeedirr. day of violation of the terms MICROFILMLD DATE OCT 6 1918 REED - and provisions of this ordimince shall constitute a separate offense . sEcTion 6 . All ordinances or parts of ordioa.nces in conflict herewith are hereby repealed, and this Ordinance being necessary for the preservation of the public health, peace arc; safety, an emerpency is hereby declared to eyist, and this Ordinance shall be in full force anal effect from and after its passa€-c , approval, and publication. Passed and approved this 22 day of October, 1951 . Yowe 1 c . Rhea, AMEST: PRC ghee , City C er f NOT TO BE. REMOVED FROM CLERKIS OFFICE `. a part of Ordinance No , 1009/ I Stora ' et Handling ane Use or 1 FLAMMABLE LIQUIDS 1951 �. Second Printine a AFP t Price: 50 cents i Discount for Quantities NATIONAL FIRE PROTECTION ASSOCIATION i� International 60 Batterymarch St., Boston 10, Mau., U.S.A. J 8-721-7-81 W.A.S. Copyrl8ht, 1881 Printed In V.S.A. National Fire Protection Anociation 1951 SUGGESTED ORDINANCE for the STORAGE, HANDLING AND USE OF FLAMMABLE LIQUIDS (PREPARED FOR USE AS A MUNICIPAL ORDINANCE) Page F?reword .................................................................................................................... 4 I General Provisions .................................................................................. S IIStorage ...................................................................................................... 9 III Piping Valves and Fittings.................... ................. 19 IVBulk Plants ................................................................................................ 20 VService Stations ...............................--..................................................... 23 VI Commercial and Industrial Establishments............. ---................... 25 VIIProcessing Plants .................................................................................... 29 VIII Storage and Use of Flammable Liquids as Fuel for Heating and PowerDevices ................................................................................ 31 IX Refineries and Other Plants Storing and Handling Crude ., Petroleum .............:............................................................................ 32 X Modification, Appeals, Penalties, etc............._................ ...... .......... . 33 APPENDIXES A. Rooms, Cabinets and Outside Houses for the Storage of Flam- mableLiquids ..........--.................................................................... 34 B. Protection of Tanks Containing Flammable Liquids in Loca- tions That May Be Flooded.......................................................... 40 i G Recommended Procedure for the Abandonment or Removal of Service Station Underground Tanks........................----..... 44 List of Published Standards Included in the Ordinance...................... 46 l .. National Fire Protection Association The National Fire Protection Association was organised in 1896 to jersects the science and improve the methods of lire protection and prsosntion, to obtain and circulate information on these subjects and to secure the cooperation of its members in establishing proper safeguards against lose of life and property by fire. This pamphlet is one of a large numbs: of publications on fire Safety issued by the Association. NFPA COMhIITTEE ON FLAMMABLE LIQUIDS. H. L. Mixga. Chairman, 4287 Osage Ave., Philadelphia 4, Pa. H. E. NHwxlq Secretary, National Board of Fire Underwriters, 86 John Street, New York, N. Y. STANLer EAma, Flammable Liquids Engineer, National Fire Protection Association, 60 Batterymarch St., Boston 10, Mase. W. J. BAHmt, A. J. KaAssam, Conference of Special Risk Under- U. S. Bureau of Mines. writers. W. S. MARSH, Hsmoscr R. BoOAsous, Factory Mutual Engineering Div. Fire Insurance Rating Organization of F. J. MCCLAtN, New Jersey. Factory Insurance Association. C. H. BUNN, JR, W. G. MCKENNA, American Petroleum Institute Bureau of Explosives, Association of S. L. BURCHER, American Railroads. New England Fire Insurance Rating C. D. Nomas, Association. American Petroleum Institute. HAnow CROUCH, H. Nmmis Pre, Eastman Kodak Co. South-Eastern Underwriters Aeon. H. P. Dixey, ARNOLD C. RENNER, Rating and Fire Prevention Bureau. NFPA Fire Marshals' Section. W. H. DOYLH, FRANK SLUZE, Factory Insurance Association. National Petroleum Association. EDWARD W. HALL, ALLAN R. SMITH, NFPA Fire Marshals' Section. Steel Tank Institute, PetroleuN, D. V. STROUT, R. T. American Petroleum Institute. Ohio Petroleum Marketers Asan. E. F. TAstss, JAmsa E. HILL, Underwriters' Laboratories of Canada. Western Oil and Gas Asan. Faro A. TuAsx, O. W. JOHNSON, Oil Insurance Association. American Petroleum Institute J. H. WrrrH, D. F. JONM' Underwritem' Laboratories, Inc. Institute of Cooking and Heating Ap- J. MILTON WRIGHT. pliance Manufacturers. Associated Reciprocal Exchanges. G. T. KAUFMAN, T. H, WmCH'T, Oil-Heat Institute of America Ohio Inspection Bureau. CONFERENCE COMMITTER ON ORDINANCE. C. H. BUNN, JR„ Chairman, Standard Oil Development Company. S. L. Buacngs, W. K. McCoy, New England Fire Insurance Rating Gulf Oil Company. Association. W. H. Doym E. J. Mayan, Factory Insurance Association. Manufacturing Chemists Association. J. E HILL. H. E. NEWELL, Union Oil Company. National Board of Fire Underwriters. E. E. HOMMAN, Fa® A. TRASH, National Paint, Varnish and Lacquer OB Insurance Amociation. Association. W. S. MARSH, FRANK G. Wnsox, Factory Mutual Engineering Div. American Petroleum Institute. F. R. MCLgAx, W. N. YOUNG, socony-Vacuum OB Co. Shell Oil Company. NFPA COMMITTEE ON LAWS AND ORDINANCES. LEON A. WATSON, Chairman, The Fire Insurance Rating Organization of New Jersey, Newark. GwaGH W. CwuoH, F. T. Moses, NFPA Fire Marshals' Section. Firemen'a Mut. Inc. Co. Lawes A. VlxcaNT C. E. RIDLEy, National Board of Fire Underwriters. International City Managers Ame, FOREWORD. This, the 1951 edition of the NFPA Suggested Ordinance on Flammable Liquids adopted May 11, 1951, supersedes all previous editions. Drafted by the Conference Committee listed on page two, reviewed, amended and submitted to the Association by the Committee on Flammable Liquids, further amended in detail of legal form on the recommendation of the NFPA Committee on Laws and Ordinances, it represents the National Fire Protection Association's official recommendations for municipal regulation of the storage and handling of gasoline and other flammable liquids in the interest of public safety. It is only a recommendation as far as the NFPA is concerned, but like its successive predecessor editions dating back to the first edition issued December 1, 1913, is offered as a guide to reasonable municipal legislation. While drafted for adoption by a city, it can be used by states or other jurisdictions with appropriate changes in wording. In any case, the text should be checked by legal counsel for its suitability for any individual city ; the present text while drafted for general use, may require minor changes to meet special constitutional and legislative require- ments in some jurisdictions. The Fire Department is indicated as the enforcing agency in this text, which is consistent with the present practice in the majority of American cities. However, with minor changes in wording, it may be equally well used by the Building Department, Fire Marshal Department, or other regulatory agency. This ordinance makes reference to other standards for various matters which it is not practicable to cover in detail in this ordinance. A list of such references is printed on pages 46 and 47. To avoid legal criticism on the ground of improper delegation of legislative power, these references are to specifically identified editions, the latest current at the time of this NFPA printing. However, to keep up to date, this text should be amended periodically to make reference to the current editions of such reference standards, all of which are subject to amendment from time to time. It is highly desirable, where legally permissible, to make appropriate provision for automatic utilization of new editions of reference publications as issued. The NFPA office will at any time on request provide information on the current status of such reference standards. A full history of NFPA action on this and previous editions of the Flammable Liquids Ordinance will be found in the published NFPA Proceedings and Advance Reports for the various years. A condensed history will be found in the National Fire Codes, Vol. !, Flammable Liquids, Gases, Chemicals and Explosives, in which this ordinance also appears. The present 1951 edition is the result of intensive committee work over a period of several years, printing and circulation of several successive drafts, and full consideration of all suggestions received from every source. In addition to the committees listed, the NFPA is indebted to Mr. Charles S. Rhyne, General Council, National Institute of Municipal Law Officers, Washington, D. C., for his assistance in clarifying the legal terminology in several sections of this ordinance. 4 SUGGESTED ORDINANCE FOR THE STORAGE, HANDLING AND USE OF FLAMMABLE LIQUIDS. (No. 30-L) CHAPTER I. GENERAL PROVISIONS. 101. Title: This ordinance shall be known as "an ordinance regulating the storage, handling, and use of flammable liquids in the city and may be referred to as "The Flammable Liquids Ordinance."* 102. Application : This ordinance shall apply to all persons, firms, corpora- tions, copartnerships, governmental agencies except Federal, and voluntary associations storing, handling or using flammable liquids, and to the owner or lessee of any building, premises, or equipment in or on which flammable liquids are stored, handled, or used. 103. Scope: This ordinance shall apply to flammable liquids as hereinafter defined ; except that it shall not apply to the transportation of flammable liquids in bulk** or to transportation when in conformity with Interstate Commerce Commission regulations, or regulations lawfully on 'file with and approved by the Interstate Commerce Commission. 104. Definitions: 104.01 "AIRCRAFT SERVICE STATION shall mean that portion of an airport where flammable liquids used as aircraft fuel are stored or dispensed from fixed equipment and shall include all facilities essential thereto. 104.02 "APPROVED' signifies acceptance, by the chief, of design, equip- ment, installation, or intended use as required by this ordinance. 104.03 "AUTOMOTIVE SERVICE STATION" Shall mean that portion of a property where flammable liquids used as motor fuels are stored and dispensed from fixed equipment into the fuel tanks of motor vehicles. 104.04 'BARREL" shall mean a volume of 42 U. S. gallons. 104.05 "BULK PLANT" shall mean that portion of a property where flammable liquids are received by tank vessel, pipe lines, tank car, or tank vehicle, and are stored or blended in bulk for the purpose of distributing such liquids by tank vessel, pipe line, tank car, tank vehicle, or container. 104.06 "CHIEF" shall mean the chief of the fire department (or other authorized person or body) and shall include any officer, member, or inspector deputized for the purposes of this ordinance by the chief. •The title should conform with local law and practice. *•NFPA No. 886, Regulatory Standard for Tank Vehicles for Flammable Liquids (1848) available from National Fire Protection Association, 60 Batterymarck SL Boston 10, Maas. 5 6 FLAMMABLE LIQUIDS ORDINANCE o„tay a tcc�cci 0i 41 e," „C ( >� 104.07 "CITY COUNCIL" shall mean the Fire—Commission-,er-,other. d-o"= steer Board-of-Supervisors,-etc,). city VfFayette ✓r'I/e, 4.- , 104.08 "CLOSED CONTAINER" shall mean a container as herein defined, so sealed by means of a lid or other device that neither liquid nor vapor will escape from it at ordinary temperatures. 104.09 "COMMERCIAL OR INDUSTRIAL ESTABLISHMENT" shall mean a place wherein the storage, handling, or use of flammable liquids is incidental to but not the principal business or process. 104.10 "CONTAINER" shall mean any can, bucket, barrel, drum, or port- able tank, except stationary tanks, tank vehicles, and tank cars. 104.11 "CRUDE PETROLEUM" shall mean hydrocarbon mixtures that have a flash point below 150° F. and which have not been processed in a refinery. 104.12 "FLAMMABLE LIQUID" shall mean any liquid having a flash point below 200° F. and having a vapor pressure not exceeding 40 pounds per square inch (absolute). Flammable liquids shall be divided into three classes as follows : CLASS I shall include those having flash points at or below 20° F. CLASS II shall include those having flash points above 20° F. but at or below 70° F. CLASS III shall include those having flash points above 70° F. The volatility of flammable liquids is increased when artificially heated to temperatures equal to or higher than their flash points. When so heated Class II and III liquids shall be subject to the applicable requirements for Class I or II liquids. This ordinance may also be applied to high flash point liquids which otherwise would be outside of its scope when they are so heated. 104.13 "FLASH POINT' shall mean the minimum temperature in degrees Fahrenheit at which a flammable liquid will give off flammable vapor as determined by appropriate test procedure and apparatus as specified below.* The flash point of flammable liquids having a flash point below 175° F. (79° C.) shall be determined in accordance with the Standard Method of Test for Flash Point by Means of the Tag Closed Tester (A.S.T.M. D56-36) as published in the book of American Society for Testing Materials Stand- ards ( 1949) !• This method is also the Standard of the National Fire Pro- tection Association (National Fire Codes Vol. 1, 1948) ,1 the Standard of the American Petroleum Institute (A.P.I. No. 509-36) , and the Standard of the American Standards Association (ASA Z11.24-1936) . $This section should conform to local law and practice with respect to adoption by "reference" or where conformity with a published standard is deemed to be prima facie evidence of compliance with the ordinance. **Available from American Society for Testing Materials, 1916 Race St., Phila. 8, Pa. tAvailable from National Fire Protection Association, 60 Batterymarch St., Roston GENERAL PROVISIONS 7 The flash point of flammable liquids having a flash point of 700 F. or below shall be determined by the apparatus and procedure called for in Sections 7 and 8 of this A.S.T.M. Method D56-36. The flash point of flammable liquids having a flash point of 1750 F. or higher shall be determined in accordance with the Standard Method of Test for Flash Point by Means of the Pensky-Martens Closed Tester (A.S.T.M. D93-46) as published in the Book of American Society for Test- ing Materials Standards ( 1949) ! This method is also the Standard of the National Fire Protection Association (National Fire Codes Vol. I, 1948) !* that Standard of the American Petroleum Institute (A.P.I. No. 510-46) , the Standard of the American Association .State Highway Officials (A.A.S.H.O.T:73-46) , and Standard of the American Standards Association (ASA Z11.7-1947) . 104.14 "MARINE SERVICE STATION" shall mean that portion of a prop- erty where flammable liquids used as motor fuels are stored and dispensed from fixed equipment on shore, piers, wharves, or barges into the fuel tanks of floating craft, and shall include all facilities used in connection therewith. 104.15 "PROCESSING PLANT" shall mean that portion of a property in which flammable liquids are mixed, heated, separated or otherwise processed as principal business, but shall not include plants defined herein as refineries. 104.16 "REFINERY" shall mean a plant in which flammable liquids are produced on a commercial scale from crude petroleum, natural gasoline, or other hydrocarbon sources. 104.17 "SAFETY CAN" shall mean an approved container, of not over 5 gallons capacity, having a spring-closing lid and spout cover. 104.18 "VAPOR PRESSURE' shall mean the pressure, measured in pounds per square inch (absolute) exerted by a volatile liquid as determined by the Standard Method of Test for Vapor Pressure of Petroleum Products (Reid Method) ," (A.S.T.M.D. 323-49) as published in the Book of American Society for Testing Materials Standards ( 1949) ! This method is also the standard of the American Standards Association (A.S.A. Zll.44-1949) .1 105.[ Retroactivity : The chief shall issue a permit for the continued use of an existing plant, stare, equipment, building, structure, and installation for the storage, handling, or use of flammable liquids which is not in strict com- pliance with the terms of this ordinance in all cases in which such continued use will no[ constitute a distinct hazard to life or adjoining property. In all rases where such permit is denied the chief shall notify the applicant and specify the reasons for denial in writing. *Available from American Society for Testing Materials, 1916 Race St.. Phila. S. Pa. "Available from National Fire Protection Association, 60 Batterymarch St., Boston 10, Mass. tThis section should conform to local law and practice with respect to adoption by "reference" or where conformity with a published standard is deemed to be prima facie evidence of compliance with this ordinance. S FLAMMABLE LIQUIDS ORDINANCE 106. Permits: A permit issued pursuant to this ordinance shall be obtained from the Chief for any of the following : r . 106.01 Storage, handling, or use of Class I or Class II flammable liquids in excess of 1 gallon in a dwelling or other place of human habitation ; or in excess of 6 gallons in any other building or other occupancy ; or in excess of 10 gallons outside of any building ; except that no permit shall be required for the following : 106.01-1 For the storage or use of flammable liquids in the fuel tank of a motor vehicle, aircraft, motorboat, mobile power plant, or mobile heating plant. - 106.01-2 For the storage or use of paints, oils, varnishes, or similar flammable mixtures when such liquids are stored for maintenance, painting, or similar purposes for a period of not more than 30 days. 106.02 Storage, handling, or use of - Class III flammable liquids in excess of 25 gallons in a building ; or in excess of 60 gallons outside of a building. 106.03 For the manufacture, processing, blending, or refining of flam- mable liquids. 106.04 For the storage of flammable liquids in stationary tanks. 107. Inspection and Approval. 107.01 Application for a permit to construct or erect facilities for the storage, handling or use of flammable liquids as herein required shall be made in writing to the Chief. The Chief shall then muse to be made an inspection of the premises and equipment proposed to be used. If they are found to be in compliance with this ordinance, a statement to that effect shall be noted on the application and the application signed by the person making the inspection The Chief shall thereupon issue a permit as applied for. 107.02 Before operating any equipment or storing any flammable liquid, or covering the underground portions of any such equipment for which a permit is required, notification shall be given to the Chief and he shall, within two working days thereof, cause such premises or equipment to be inspected. 107.03 The Chief may at any reasonable time inspect premises, build- ings, installations, or equipment for the storage, handling, or use of flammable liquids. If a violation of this ordinance is found to exist, he shall file with the owner, occupant, or operator a notice citing the violation and ordering its correction. If such order is not complied with, the Chief may suspend the permit issued for such facility. 107.04 Containers, tanks, equipment and apparatus meeting the stand- ards of nationally recognized inspection or test laboratories shall be con- sidered as meeting the requirements of this section. CHAPTER II. STORAGE I CHAPTER II. STORAGE. Part OneStorageAboveground (Outside of Buildings). 201. Restricted Locations : The storage of , Class I and II flammable liquids in aboveground tanks outside of buildings is prohibited within the following limits : ( Note : These limits to be specified. They should include the mercantile and other congested districts.) 202. Location with Respect to Property Lines : Location of an above- ground tank for storage of flammable liquids with respect to distance from the nearest line of adjoining property which may be built upon, shall be such that the distance between any part of the tank and the line shall be not less than that set forth in the following : MINIMUM DISTANCE OF OUTSIDE ABOVEGROUND TANKS FOR FLAMMABLE LIQUIDS OTHER THAN CRUDE PETROLEUM To LINE OF ADJOINING PROPERTY WHICH MAY BE BUILT UPON. Class or Flammable Capacity of Tank Liquid Minimum Distaaw 0 to 275 gals. III 0 feet 276 to 750 gals. III 5 feet 0 to 750 gals. I and II 10 feet 751 to 12,000 gals. III 10 feet 751 to 12,000 gals. I and II 15 feet 12,001 to 24,000 gals. I, II, and 1II 15 feet 24,001 to 30,000 gals. I, II, and III 20 feet 30,001 to 50,000 gals. I, II, and III 25 feet Tanks with capacities in excess of 50,000 gallons and all tanks for storage of crude petroleum shall be located in accordance with the following provisions : GROUP A TANKS. Any all-steel, gas-tight tank constructed incom- pliance with these or equivalent standards and equipped either with ( 1 ) an approved permanently attached extinguishing system or (2) an approved floating roof, which is to be used only for the storage of refined petroleum products or other flammable liquids not subject to boil-over, shall be so located that the distance from the line of adjoining property which may be built upon shall be not less than the greatest dimension of diameter or height of the tank, except that such distance need not exceed 120 feet. GROUP B TANKS. Any all-steel, gas-tight tank constructed in com- pliance with these or equivalent standards but not equipped either with. ( 1 ) an approved permanently attached extinguishing system or (2) an approved floating roof, which is to be used only for the storage of refined petroleum products or other flammable liquids not subject to boil-over, shall be , so 10 FLAMMABLE LIQUIDS ORDINANCE located that the distance from the line of adjoining property which may be built upon shall be not less than 1% times the greatest dimension of diameter or height of the tank, except that such distance need not exceed 175 feet. GROUP C TANKS. Any all-steel, gas-tight tank constructed in com- pliance with these or equivalent standards and equipped either with ( 1) an approved permanently attached extinguishing system or (2) an approved floating roof, which is to be used for the storage of crude petroleum,* shall be so located that the distance from the line of adjoining property which may be built upon shall be not less than twice the greatest dimension of diameter or height of the tank except that such distance shall be not less than 20 feet and need not exceed 175 feet. GROUP D TANKS. Any all-steel, gas-tight tank constructed in com- pliance with these or equivalent standards and not equipped either with ( 1 ) an approved permanently attached extinguishing system or (2) an approved floating roof, which is to be used for the storage of crude petroleum,* shall be so located that the distance from the line of adjoining property which may be built upon shall be not less than three times the greatest dimension of diameter or height of the tank except that such distance shall not be less than 20 feet and need not exceed 350 feet. NOTE: The term "approved permanently attached extinguishing syste t" as used in the foregoing description may be interpreted to apply to a fixed foam or other recognized extinguishing system embodying a supply of the extinguishing medium, or a system employing a pipe line for conveying foam from a point outside the dike to the tank, subject to the approval of the enforcing authority. Where reliance is placed upon such a pipe for conveying foam, the pipe tine should be so installed and attached as to be an integral part of the tank. Approved portable foam generating equipment of sufficient capacity should be available on the property, by response of a municipal fire department or otherwise readily available, and there should be on hand or readily available a sufficient supply of foam-producing materials as specified in the NFPA Standards for Foom Extinguishing Systems." 202.01 In particular installations these provisions may be altered at the discretion of the Chief after consideration of the special features such as topographical conditions ; nature of occupancy and proximity to buildings on adjoining property and height and character of construction of such buildings ; capacity and construction of proposed tanks and character of liquids to be stored ; degree of private fire protection to be provided, and facilities of the fire department to cope with flammable liquid fires. 203. Spacing Between Tanks. 203.01 The location of a tank for the storage of any flammable liquid with respect to any such other tank shall be such that the distance between them shall be not less than 3 ft. 'Certain products. not petroleum products, handled in special proems and chemical plants may have boil-over characteristics somewhat like those of crude petroleum. "Standard No. 11 ( 1951 ) published in National Fire Codes Vol. IV and in separate Pamphlet form : available from National Fire Protection Association, 60 Battary- march St., Boston 10, Mass.