HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 1008 OHDIITAIICE N0 : p O All 0RD1111::CE IMAFFIIEiMIG AM) ADOP2nvG BY RTSm?] i:CE THEIIL°PO ZO:lr:G 04".DIIIAITCE Me 10022 Ai'PiLOVD SEPTMZER 10, 19511 AS x=DED BY OI1ilIHAIICE I10, 1005, APPHOJLD O^,103;_A 8, 1951, TOGEE= 'LITH ALL :11PS, PLAT33 CHARTS, AIM RELATM DOCU:MITS VMEREAS, the City Council of the City of Rayetteville' Arkansas, caused notice to be published that three (3 ) copies of Zoning Ordinance LIo. 1002, as amonded by O:dirnnce Ilo. 1005' to„ether with three (3 ) copies of all mpa, plate, charts, and rolated documents were on file in the office of the City Clerk of the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas, for inspection and view by tho public, and there havo boon no protcats or auWostions or requests for diseussicnn and 1'.HWXAS, the City Council of tho City of Fhyettoville, Arkansas, finds it is to the boat interest of tho City of Ihyottevillo that the above mentioned zoning ordinanccs bo roaffirmcd and adopted by rofcrenco thoroto. NO'T$ THERWORE, BE IT O:MAMED BY T:f.'� CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS SECTION 1. That ZoninC Ordinance IIo. 1002, ontitledt AIT 001111110E R1ATI116 TO AMID REGULATEZ PLAI'MI1:3 AIID ZO:MiJ 'J1THLi THE CITY OF FAMTL7I1LE0 AP MIISAS, REGULWn4'G AIM RLS 1ZICTIIIG THE USE Oi' LA1TD AIM LOCATI0:1 OF BUILDTIGS DESIG:I19 FOR SPECIAL USES; RMULATIIIG AND RESTRICTlaa THL LOCATION OF TRADES AILD IIIDUSTRIES; REGUI.A'TEIR AIM LE1113IIG THE HEIGHT AND BULLS OF BUILDINGS; ItEGUTATII:G AI9 DL'TE77 nlG TH- E AIM OF YARDS, COURTS AIM OTHER OPER SPACES; RLGULATIIlO AI1D LIZZTL7G IHE DF-'SITY OF POPUTATION1 DIVIDIIIG THE CI'T'Y 31FPO DISTRICTS AMID ESTABLISHLLIG BY F0=ICE A Z02MG 11P, SETTEE FORTH THE BOUiMARIES OF SAID DISTRICTS FOR S61ID PURPOSES; CREAT- LLIG A BOARD OF ADJUSY'LU.' T A:II) DE?11,III:0 TZ3 PO.TsRS AIM DUTIES A1M 1=470 ifIE TMM OF 07FICE OP THE :=BERS i.I=vI PROVIDII:G FM, THE 311TOWR iTATIOIT AILD ElFORCE: 41T Q" TRIS Oi,DIHA:;CE A:]D PRLSCRIDl;1G PEI:ALTTIE5 FOR VIOIATIOUS TIIEREOF; PZOVIDIIIG FOR PLIU- 'S A:M CERIIFICATIS OF OCCURIUCY ALID PROVIDIITG ZiAT IF ALR CLAUSES GE0TMTCE, SECTION, PARAGRAPH OR PART OF THIS ORDII)AHCE SHALL BE HELD IINALID, THAT SUCH n4- VALIDITY SHALL NOT INVALIDATE 7HEa 11ELTAIIIDER OF THIS ORDIIIANCE, as amended by Oram. nano IIo. 1005, toGothor erith all mpoe plats, charts, and rolatcd doeun^r;ts neer on file in tho office of the City Clerk of tho City of Fhyottevillo, Arkansas, be and the sumo is hereby reaffirmed and adopted by the City of Flayetteville. SECTION 2 . That certified copies of this Ordinance, Ordinance IIo. 1002, as amended by Ordinance No. 1005, toaother with Daps, plats, charta, and related doour L; menu, all duly certified by tho City Clerk, shall be filed in the office of the Recorder of Tashi.n;ton County, and recorded in the Deed records of said County. SECTION 3 . It Appearing that the reaffirming and adopting of zoning rules and re„•nilations are necessary for tho protection of tho public health, 8eace' and fnfety, an mor(;oncy is hereby declared Co dist' and thio Ordinaneo shall bo -in full forco arra effect frmi ml after its paacago and approval. dI Faaacd and anprovcd this day of Octobor* 19519 Mim w. wMas YAyor STMT s J. l7. Lcueheas City Clark