HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 983 07�aINANCE N0 , 983 AN ORDINANCE TO AID THE OPERATION OF THE SE!'1AGE SYSTE14 OF THE CITY OF F�.YETTEVILLE AND TO REGULATE SANITARY CONDITIONS OF ALL COM ERCIP.L ESTPBLISHMENTS OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE. ARKANSAS , BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE) ARKANSrS : Section 1 . That hereafter all commercial establishments in the City of Fayetteville shall keep and maintain their prert.ses in a sanitary condition as set forth in this Ordinance and as the health and safety of the citizens of the City of Fayetteville may demand . Section 2 . Disposal of ",tastes : A . Liquid wastes : Proper facilities riust be provided for the collection and disposal of all liquid wastes including floor washings aid other materials . These waste's shall not be discharged on the surface of the ground nor into a flowing stream or body of water that may endanger a public or private water supply or create a nuisance or a menace to the public health. Section 3 . No commercial establishment , firm, corporation, or governmental agency in gayetteville , Arkansas shall deposit , permit , or allow any person or persons in their employ or under their control, management , or direction to deposit or allow any waste containing caustic toda or other chcrrecdl_ or deleterious substance or sub- stances , liable to affect the proper functicning or operation of the sewage dis- posal plant , or the health of persons , fish or livestock, to enter into any sewer of the Fayetteville sewer system. Section 4 . Liquid waste shall have all objectionable solids removed therefrom before bieng discharged into the sewer system of the City of Fayetteville , By the term 'to>rjectionable solids " is meant substances which tend to create stoppages in the sewer conduits and/or outfall sewers or which cannot be properly digested, or which materially interfere tid.th the digestion processes of the sewage disposal plant , or which tend to clog or stop the normal flow of sewage at any point or place in the sewage system either in mains , laterals , outfalls or at the disposal plant . To the end that this section may be made effective ; all commercial estab...ish- ments having objectionable solids as a waste product which are liable to be dim - . charged in the sewage disposal system, shall, before discharging such liquid waste into said system, install proper removal units as prescribed b*r the City Engineer and see that such units are functioning properly at all times . If any commercial establishments are at present discharging objectionable solids as herein defined into the sewage system, such establishment shall have a reasonable time after the effective date of this ordinance in which to provide suitable means of removal as required by the City Engineer . Failure to install such units as herein provided shall be a violation of this ordinance and punishable as hereinafter provided; and in addition thereto , such failure shall be full authority for disconnecting from the sewage system until such time as the required units are installed . Section 5 . Solid ?tastes : All solid wastes in the City of Fayetteville must be removed from the premises within forty-eight hours and shall be disposed of out- side the City, Limits . Such material shall not be deposited at any place where it is liable to become a menance to the public health . Section 6 . The provisions of the ordinance are severable , and if any part or pro- vision hereof shall be held void, the remaining parts of t }�SR8r n,,5nce shall not be affected or impaired . DATE OCT b 1978 REE�_ > _sem•' ORDINANCE 983 ( Cont . ) Section 7 . This ordinaice is cumulative to all other ordinances dealing with the subject matter herein contained and shall not be construed as repealing other ord- inances on the same subject . Section 8. Every person, firm, corporation, or governmental agency, operating a commercial establishment in the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas , who shall be found guilty of violating this ordinance , or who shall fail to comply with any of the provisions thereof, shall , upon conviction, be punished by a fine not less than $25 . 00 nor more than $ 100 . 00, and each day ' s violation of this Ordinance shall constitute a separate offense . Section 9 . This ordinance being necessary for bhe immediate preservation of the public peace, health , and safety, an emergency is hereby declared, and this ord- inance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage , approval, and publication . PASSED AND APPROVED this 30th day of October, 1950 . ATTEST : APPROVED : ( a ) J .14. McGehee ( s ) P. M. Rhea J .1-T. MCGEHEE, CITY CLERK P . M. RHEA, MAYOR