HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 968 ORDINANCE N0 . AN ORDINANCE REGULATING THE CONSTRUCTION OF SIDE;IALKS , STREET CURBING AND/OR GUTTERING, THE CUTTING OF SIDEWALKS FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF DRIVES , THE CONSTRUCTION OF DRIVES ; PROVIDING FOR PERMITS , THE FIXING OF COMPENSATION FOR INSPECTION, PROVIDING FOR ENFORCEI:IENT , AND IMPOSINs PENALTIES ; REPEALING ORDINANCES OR PARTS OF ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT HER.EF7ITH . BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE , ARKANSAS : Section 1 . That hereafter no sidewalk, street curbing and/or guttering, and drives shall be constructed , or sidewalks or curbing cut for the purpose of replacing or the construction of drives unless the same shall be properly ordered by the City Council or a permit has been issued by the City Engineer of the City of Fayetteville . Section 2 . A permit may be issued for the construction of sidewalks , street curbing and/or guttering , drives, and the cutting of sidewalks or curbing for their replacing or construction of drives , by the City Engineer after a plan or clear description of the work to be done is furnished and it is determined by the City EngLneer that the proposed work meets all the requirements and/or specifications as herein stated. Any permit issued shall expire three months from the date of issue and may be renewed upon application, provided the work has been started. Section 3 . Specifications . ( a) . All sidewalks , street curbing and/or guttering, and drives shall be constructed on grades as established by the City Engineer. It shall be the responsibility of the owner to establish property lines by competent survey at his own expense . ( b) . Normally, sidewalks will begin one foot from property or street lines and extend the proper 'width toward the center of the street . Where streets are thirty feet or less in width, the sidewalk will begin at the property or street line . ( c ) . Minimum width of sidewalks , in the residential zones of the City, shall be four feet . Hinimum width of sidewalks in all other zones shall be five feet . A residential zone is defined for this ordinance as being any one side of a block in which fifty per cent or more of the frontage on that side is occupied by single or two family residences . ( d) . All sidewalks , street curbing and/or guttering , and drives shall . be constructed of a Portland cement concrete mixture . The base course shall be a mixture of sound , clean, crushed stone or gravel , clean sharp and graded MICROFILM►EQ 1910 DATE b 1978 REEL 17� } 2 • sand , and Portland Cement , in approximately the proportion of one part of cement , two parts of sand , and four parts of gravel or stone , which will produce a concrete of a compressive strength of 3 ,000 pounds per square inch after a twenty-eight day set under standard laboratory methods . The surface or wearing course shall consist of one part of Portland Cement to two parts of clean, sharp, graded sand . The City Engineer shall approve all materials and methods used . ( e ) . Minimum thickness for sidewalks shall be a total of five inches , which thickness shall include the wearing course . Mini-mum thickness for drives shall be a total of six inches , which thickness shall include the wearing surface . ( f ) . Sidewalk surfaces shall slope one-fourth inch in each foot hori- zontally toward the center of the street . Surfaces of drives shall slope with a rise of two inches in the first foot from the flow line of the gutter and one inch or less in each foot thereafter toward the property line . ( g) . All sidewalks , curbing ancY or guttering and drives shall be finished to a smooth , trowel finish , lined and edged into squares as directed by the City Engineer and then given a brush finish . Vertical surfaces of curbs or steps shall be finished in a like manner . A smooth float finish may be used if conditions warrant . (h ) . Suitable approved expansion joints shall be provided at not greater intervals than fifty feet in all sidewalks , curbing and/or guttering and drives . An expansion joint shall be constructed in drives on a line parallel to the sidewalk and in line with the property line edge of the sidewalk . ( i ) . Widths of drives from curb to curb for single residential drives shall . not be greater than fifteen feet and shall begin at least two feet from . the avners side property line . Widths of jointly owned residential drives from curb to curb shall not exceed tr:enty-five feet . Widths of business or commercial drives shall not exceed fifty feet from curb to curb and begin at least four feet each direction from the side property lines and block intersections . One fifth or more of the frontage on each street must be constructed into sidewalks . No section of sidewalk so constructed shall be less than ten feet in length measured parallel to the street , 3. ( j ) . Curbing and/or guttering shall be constructed in accordance with plans submitted and approved by the City Engineer . Curbing shall have a minimum height of six inches above the flow line of the gutter . All guttering must have a total minimum thickness of six inches . ( k) . All other requirements shall meet current accepted practices , Section 4. Providing that nothing contained in this ordinance shall apply to sidewalks , curbing and /or guttering , and drives constructed and paid for by any improvement district if the plans and specifications for the said improvement district work are generally in accordance with the speci- fications contained in this ordinance . Section 5 . Inspection . The City Engineer shall make all necessary inspections before , during and after the construction of all sidev;all•_s , curb- ing and/or guttering to insure the work being done in accordance with the plans and specifications . In the event any or part of any work is not done in a satisfactory manner or not in conformity with the plans and specifications , the City Engineer shall notify the contractor and owner in writing of his non- acceptance of the work . All such rejected work shall be removed and replaced within thirty days of this notification . Two days advance notification must be given the City Engineer for these inspections . Section 6 . Permit and Inspection Fees . For each permit issued by the City Engineer, the applicant shall pay a fee of one dollar to the City of Fayetteville . An inspection fee of two cents per square foot for sidewalks , three cents per square foot of drive surface , and five cents per lineal foot of curbing and/or guttering shall be paid in advance at the time of issuance of the permit to the City of Fayetteville . The inspection fee is in addition to the permit fee . Minimum inspection fee shall be Three 03 . 00 ) Dollars , regardless of the quantity of work involved . All fees shall. be oaid at time permit is issued . Section 7 . Any person, persons , party, firm or corporation violating any of sections One to Six of this ordinance shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof , shall be punished by a fine of not less than Ten ($10 . 00) Dollars and not more than Fifty (750 . 00) Dollars for each offense , and that each day of such violation shall constitute a separate offense. 4 . Section 8 . All ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith shall be and the same are hereby repealed, and that this ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after . its passage and approval and publication . / PASSED AND APPROVED this 24Z day of " , 1950 . CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS ATTEST : �A! By —� City Clerk Mayor