HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 951 A . ORDINANCE NO . AN ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING STREET IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT NO . (L OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, WASHINGTON COUNTY, ARKANSAS . WHEREAS , parties claiming to be the owners of two thirds in assessed value of the property. located within the territory herein- after described have filed a petition praying that an improvement district be established for the purpose hereinafter set out . WHEREAS , after due notice as required by law, the City Council of the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas has heard all parties desiring to be heard and has ascertainwthat said petition was signed by two- thirds in assessed value of the owners of real property within said territory; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the City Council of the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas : Section 1 . ' There is hereby established an improvement district embracing the following property situated in the City 'of Fayetteville , Washington County, Arkansas , to-wit : A41CROFILMED_- DATE OCT 6 978 R EEL e Beginning at this Northeast " corner of Block Twenty ( 20) of the original town (now city) of Fayetteville, Arkansas and running thence South along the hest "side of School Avenue to the . Southeast 'comer of said Block Twenty ( 20) , thence South across pest Center Street to the . Northeast corner of Block TwentyThree (23) of the original town (nae City) of Fayetteville,, ' thence South along the West side of School AVauQeL One Hundred , , Forty Teo (142). feet , thence due West crossing West Avenue - , to Gregg Avenue, thence in a' Northwesterly direction across Gregg Avenue to a pointon the East •.lige of the Northeast Quarter of the .Southwest Quarter :of Section Sixteen ( 16) Township Sixteen ( 16 ) North, Range Thirty •( 30) Wast ; one hundred eighty (180) feet due South bf :the Northeast corner of said , forty (40) acre tract, thence .due West to . the Fast line of University Avenue, , thenc'e • in . a Northwesterly directior. to the Southeast corner of Lot 'fiwentyL' wo (22) , Block One (1) of Putman' s Addition to the City of :hayetteville,, Arkansas, thence * Weat along the South line of said Lot Twenty-two (22) to the Southwest corner of said Lot Twenty-two ( 22) , thence rest across a North South alley to; the Southeast corner of Lot Three ( 3) Block , One ( 1) of Putman'a 'Addition 'to the City of Fayettevilley Arkansas, thence West along the South line of said Lot Three ( 3) to the Southwest corner thereof, thence West across Hill Avenue to the Southeast corner of Lot Twenty-Two (22) Block Two ( 2) Putman ' s Addition to the City of lagetteville, Arkansas; thenee. Weet Sight -eight (88) feet along the South line of said Int Twentytwo f22) , Block Two, (2) 9 thence due North to . the North line of said Lot Twenty two ( 22) Block Two (2), thence West along the South lineL of Lot Twenty- three ( 23) of said Block Two ( 2) of ' Putaan ' s Addition to the Southwest corner thereof, thence. North along the . West sids . of Lots Twenty-three (23) and Twenty-four ( 24) of said Block Two. (2) of Putman's Addition, and along the East side of Lot Six . (6) Block Four (4) of I. We Duncan's Addition to the City of. . Fayettevjllep Arkansas, to the Northeast corner of said Lot Six (6) , Bleck. Four (4) •of said 1 . W. .. Duncan' s Addition, thence ' West along the North line of 'said ' Lot Six (6) , Block Four (4) of said I . P . Duncan ' s Addition Eighty-Six and one-half feet (86j) 33 thence North to the North line of Int Five ( 5) , -Block Four l4) " of said Is We Duncan' s Addition, thence West along the North line of said Lot Five ( 5) , Block Four (4) . of I . W. Duncan' s : Dn Addition to ncauLAveaue, thence in a Northwesterly direction across Daacpn Avenue to a point on the Hest line of Duncan Ave¢nnue One Hundred Fifty ( 150) feet South of the South line of -W*t Center Street $ thence due , West across Lot Ono (1) Block Seven ( 7) of I . W. Duncan' s Addition to the City of Fayettevilles Arkansas to the Weat line of said lot One (1) Block Seven (7) . of 'said Ie We Duncan's Addition, thence North along the West line of said Lot One ( 1 ) , Block Seven (7) of . . . said Is We Duncanls • Addition to West Center .Street , thence North `acrose -' est Center Street to the Southwest corner of Block Three ( 3) of I : We Duncan'.a Addition to the City of Fayetteville; Arkassaa, thence North along the West line of said Block Three (3) one hundred fifty ( 150) feet , thende due East crossing Duncan Arsnue to the Fast - line of Lot Ten (10) ; Block Two (2) of I. , Ws Duncan' s Addition to the City of Fayetteville;. Arkaneas, thence South along the East ,line of: . Lots Tight (8) , Nine ( 9) , and .Ten ( lO) , .said Block Two (2) � of said Is Wo Duncan' s Addition to the Southeast corner of " ssid Lot Bight (8) , thence East . along . the South line of Lot Sia, (6) , Block Two (2) ' of said I . We- Da:ican' e Addition to. the Southeast corner of said Lot Sia (6) , Block Two (2) , I . We Duncan' s Aodition aforesaidi. thence in. a Southeasterly direction crossing Hill Avenue to the Northwest corner of Lot Four (4) , Block one. (1) , of I . We Duncan' s Addition to the City of Fayetteville, . . " Arkensae, thence due ]Bast crossing University beaus to a point on the West line of Gregg Avenue, which is ons hundred ninety- • . six . and one-half feet (196 ,J' ) North of the Southeast corner of the Southeast Quarter (S ) of the Northwest Quarter ( NI► ) of Section Sixteen (1A) , Township sixteen ( lJ) North, Bangs Thirty ( 30) West , thence in a Southeasterly direction crossing Gregg IT I Avenue tooa ,point on tho "East line of Gregg Aeonmes . rhich •is one hundred eisty-thrco (-163) loot South .of the Ilorthvost corner ,of Block Twenty-one (21) of the Original Toon' ( Aon City) *of Fayetteville, Arkansas, - thence due East, to a point- which -.is one hundred sixty nine feet 170st of ,the cost line of,rost Avenue.. • thoneo duo North to _ the South line • of rest lloadovl6trost.. .thenco in - a Lortheasterly . •: ' direction to a ,point on .the North . lino of. Vest 1Ieadon Street one hundrod fifty (150) feet :est 'of the rest lino of :last Avenue, thence duo Porth across Block'.Eight (8) of trite original Totn ,(nov City) of, Fayetteville, Arkansas., to that South 'lino of.'Post 'SSppring Street.. thence East along , the South lino of ::est Spring - Street crossing rest Avenue to a point on the South lima _of Vast Spring Street ono hundred fifty ( 150) foot East of the Lorthnest corner of Block Zino (9) original tom (nae City) ' of FayottevilleD. . Arkansas, thane oho South across said Block Lino (9) -orossina. Vast " Eeadov Street to the Uorth line of Block Ttenty ( 20) of the" original torn (non city) of FayotteviiloD Arkansassp thenco,Eaat along the. forth lino of said Block Trebty , ( 20) .t6 the plcco of beginning, end Including that following described lots.. tracts acid parcels, 4 land and railroad 40kta of nnlr.. . to-taitz '• ORIGINAL T019 ( 110.1 CITY) . OF FAYfiTTEVILLED "AMAUSAS r: East one hundred fifty (150)- feet of Block tight n cost' one hundred fifty ( 150) foot of, Block Nine ( 9) 0, All of Block Tronty ( 20) • Tho East 169 foot "of. the 11orth 163 foot of, Block, 21 and the South half of Block •21: The Borth 142 feot .of Block 22 add 'tho .Rorth 142 feet of Block 23. " FJORTHFAST CIUARTM OF THE SOUMVWT QUARTER OF • SECTIOD " Sm= " IO::USHIP SIXTIM? 3 DOR:% R•Ft1IGE THMY VEST: , The' Porth 160 feet , betroon Gregg " Avoriuo and University Avenue. SOUTHEAST CUARM OF THE EORTMEST CUARTa OF STCUO11 SISTEIII.. TODNIMIP4SIBTF,Fd`lNORTHD RAPGE THMTY M9T. ' Tho� 'South 196 . 5 font.. betroon Block Ono (1) .. I •: :1. Duncan' s Addition and " Gregg Avenue . PUVIARIS ADDITIOU T04 -THE ;CfTY OF FA=TEVILLEa ARSAPSAS. .. Block One ' (1) .. Lots lD 2D' 3D �D 23 Ind . 2410 .. Block t` ro (2) , tate Plast half of Lot. 22rand all . of Lots 23.' and 24. I. U. DUNCM S ADDITIOA Block Ono ( 1) D Lots 4D 5s and '60 Block Tco ( 2) 9 1067s eD 9" and tho South half of tat - 10. Block Throe ( 3} .. Lots. 5s 6.. '7 and S and tho south half of Lots 4' and 9, Block :Four {4) o late h 2.. 33,1 .4 Find the Ea9t half of Lot 5. ' ,Block Seven (7) s the Borth 150 foot of Iat Ono. 1) r All, rgilroad right of ray located nithin the boundaries' hereinabove ! described which includes approximately. 375 - fact. of the main line and 365 feet of spur traekago: - for the purpose of draining, grading , paving , curbing and guttering West Center Street from School avenue to its intersection with California Boulevard, and West Avenue. £rom West Center Street to West Spring Street . Said district shall be known as Street Improvement District - - Not of the - City of Fayetteville , Washington County, Arkansas and W . H . Summers , Ivan M . Mayes and Ira L . Hammond are hereby named commissioners who shall compose the board of improvement for said district . Section 2 . This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage . Passed and approved this .,lb day of May, 1949 . ATTEST : " CIT CLERK MAYOR