HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 941 lE ORDINANCE No . BUUK 5493 AN ORDINANCE VACATING AND ABANDONING READ AVENUE FROD4 THE NORTH LINE OF BLOCKS 3 & 6 TO THE SOUTH LINE OF SAID BLOCKS ; AND THE ALLEY SEPARATING LOTS 1 & 2 AND LOTS 9 & 10 IN BLOCK 6 EXTENDING WEST FRO14 READ AVENUE TO INTERSECT ANOTHER ALLEY , ALL IN YOUNTAIN VIEW ADDITION TO THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE , ARKANSAS . Whereas , a petition was duly filed with the City Council of the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas , on the 26th day of August , 1948 , asking the City Council to vacate and abandon all that portion of the street known as Read Avenue and the alley , as described in said petition , and designated upon the plat of Mountain View Addition to the said City , now appearing of record in Deed Record 100 at page 470 , in the office of the Recorder of Washington County , Arkansas , beginning at the North line of Blocks 3 & 6 and extending to the South line of said Blocks in said addition ; and separating lots 1 & 2 and Lots 9 & 10 in Block 6 and extending from Read Avenue in a Westerly direction to intersect another alley , all in said Addition in said City . Whereas , after due notices as required by law , the Council has , at the time and place mentioned in said notice , heard all persons desiring to be heard on the question and has ascertained that the street and alley , or the portion thereof , hereinabove described , has heretofore been dedicated to the public use as a street and alley , herein described ; has not been used by the public generally for at leasF five years subsequent to the , filing of the plat ; that all of the owners of the property abutting the portion of the street and alley to be vacated have joined in the petition and consented to such abandonment ; that the public interest and welfare will not be adversely affected by the abandonment of such street and alley . Now therefore , be it ordained by the Ctty Council of the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas : 1 . The City of Fayetteville , Arkansas , hereby releases , vacates and abandons all its rights , together with the rights of the public generally , in and to the street and alley designated as follows : Read Avenue from the North line of Blocks 3 & 6 to the South line of said Blocks ; and , the alley separating Lots 1 & 2 and Lots 9 & 10 in Block 6 , extending West from said Read Avenue to intersect another alley , all in fountain View Addition to the City of Fayetteirille , Arkansas . 2 . A copy of this ordinance duly certified by the City Clerk shall be filed in the office of the recorder of this County and recorded in the deed records of said County . Passed and Approved : This 11th day of October , 19481 ( s ) G . T . Sanders Mayor . Attest : ( s ) J . W . McGehee a City Clerk . - a? a Lnl ,p m A-< D= � O C70 Z7� TD TI cn m, No r m '° rn o m ppICROFILMED � p DATE REEL . UK 549 4LU" CERTIFICATE STATE OF ARKANSAS CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE I, GEORGE J . DAVIS , City Clerk within and for the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas , do hereby certify that the annexed and a foregoing is a true and correct copy of the therein set forth , and the same is as it appears of Record in PROCEDURE OF CITY COUNCIL RECORD , Volume _ at- Pagez9 thereof . IN WITNESS WHEREOF , I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal this " . awrunr,nre ` , [ A Yf jp p ; Y. / � 3ay of 19&. ss . 0 Y . • i 3 .1y1 '{ .. \,.� City Crl re JQPoaav 0011j&X3 'Y Pue mjalo rnono sMl leas Pue pue4 Rw abed le . . . p{o0a1 . . . . . . SIM s6 u 6 � � p . . . ur papjdoa, 6inp 6 awes 044 Pue 'ly}j �3OjoZ3'� le)'167 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 6eP.S�' a47 uo 831710 .iw ul PJo38{ iol pall; sena 3uawni3sul Du1oH Pejo; Jo paxauue a471e41 41jeo 6gara4 op 'AiunoO uo ;2ul4sem J01 JapJ00M 013410-x3 Pue Aialo 7!n3j!0 '1101Ju003W p,(o13 .q . 'ss Rlunoo uolaul4seM ` SVSNVNNV 30 31VIS Q2d0�3a ' 0 31�d� 1d112d3�