HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 933 ORJT-1T: - 'o ^:0 . 533 iU' 0?L )IA4•.i!C ADiODWII!MO A PORTIO" OI . : - ,IT ^TR']Z JTS 'RTL;D AS RUN,iTITTr A'03'PI{ LT1J SOU'P'. I A!iD B TA!0 701 ';:ID" B":T. ;i';'i LOTS 1 , 2 , and 3 IT! BLOCK 4 Lr',0 LOTS 11 2 , and 3 Ir! BLOCY. 3 IA! 1'.0 ILROVS r.i)JIIIO" TO Tn', CITY OF F: Y=i%Ir ' " , ^ :,IJ "JJTTIO" i3-"r'(, IN ;,';i'Lr' T OIC LOTS 2 and 3 OF PLOCfr 11 01' :.`.,"^0'•rIC kDDIIIO?1 TJ TIS'.; CITY OP ':T'is '✓Tl, ( , A'Z?il P. nirn: T? i '7;) 07 11IL " I! r VE OPTIC;] OF Tn; CIRCUIT CL',:1`; AUD Lri-O11'-YT •CIO :J-X039:°R OF br." i{IN 101 COUNTY , :-?6i:'•.SL II It::nS , a petition was daily filed .,ith the City Council of the 'City of i• :.yetteville , rcrlcansas on the 10th day of 1''ebruary, 1)48 , asking- the Ci tj :;ouncil to vacate and abandon all that portion of '0'jyL:ut Street desciibed as running north and south and being 701 Vide bett.een lots 19 2 , and 3 in Block 4 and Lots 1 . 2 and 3 in SlcIlroy ' s r;ddition to the City of 1t'L�yetteville , said addition being a replat of Lots 2 and 3 of Block 11 of :Aasonic Addition to the City of 1''ayetteville , rxicLnsas as shoran and on file in the office of the Circuit Clerk and .rx-Officio Recorder of :. ashinc- ton County, :xlcannas , and ¢after due notices as required by law , the Council has , at the tirre and place mentioned in the notice , heard all persons desiring to be heard on the gaestion and has ascertained that the street or the portion thereof, hereinabove descril.ed, hL:: been dedicated to the public use as a street herein described ; has not been actually used by the public genecatly for a period of at lee.st five years subsequent to the f'ilinr of the plat ; th"- t all -the oi.ners of the property abuttinU upon the portion of the street to be vacated hove filed with the City Council their written consent to such abandonment ; and that public int0ZC!A and welfare will not be adversely affected by the abandonment of such street . MQ;r 1'!.7:H" :FOaC ; B3. IT O ?JAI ,7;) BY T [ !'': CTT': 301?11211. Or Pil'TT', JTijI : 1 . The City of Nayettevil.le , Arkansas hereby releases , vacate ^ , and abandons e,11 its ri ,zhts , to, rother wi, t?i tae rights of thy: oui:lic imnera_lly in and to the street desiCnr: ted as folloi.s : That portion of Swrrrat Street described as running- north and south end being; seventy feet aide betwoon Lots 1 , 2 and 3 in Uloc;c h., and Lots 1 2 and 3 in Block 3 in 2cIlroyrs Addition to thi: City of zcyetteviLlo , said addition being a replat of Lots 2 and 3 in Block 11 of a.ascnic r:ddition to the di.ty of 11ayetteville , Lrlcansas as shorn and on file in taro office of the .:i.rcuit Clerk and Ex-officio recorder of washin; ton Jour.ty, Arkansas . 2 . A copy of the ordinance duly certified by the City Cleric shall be filed in the office of the recorder of the County and recorded in the weed rocords of the County. 3 . This ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passaC.c and approval . May 3, 1943 DATE ocr 4D