HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 914 0!2DTi,L*` 110 . 9).�k TO j:: ..,' D 0!iilSbL HOIi P'U . 913 , DEOLMUNG lit.( t�?.f:RGTP'CY r "D FOR DTI IT Oi Ili I.,i) DY T,C3 CITY CO'1r'CIL Ol' FhY3TMVILT,7, , 1 . Suction 3. of Ordinance P1o . 913, passed on the 23th day- of xnril 1947 is horeby amended to read e: s follv..rs : ' °Ln Sl.::ction is horeby c al.lod to be held :t tine usual pollinf- places in the L'ity of lFayetteville on the 17th day of June 19117 for the purpose, of determi.ni.nf- tisl,cthier the City of layctteville shr•11 issue the followiriF nel_otiable bonds : 375 , 000 . 00 for the purpose of construction additions to and reiaodelinf: the City iiospitni. , and ^50, 000. 00 for the ourpose of purchasing fire fif{htinE, apparatus ar:d purchasing a site for and construct. in[- buildinf-s for houri.nE of firs fiplitirip apparatus . Said bonds shall be payable as hereinafter set forth , bear interest at the rate of 2''$ per annum and be dated Sept'. 12 19117 , but convertible to alovier rate of interest on such teras th:.t the City shall pay and receive substantially the same aiaount of :coney as upon a 2 % bond issue . Said "bonds shall be secured by a levy not to exceed 2 raills upon all real and personal property in the City of A'ayotteville , xrkansas for each year of the years 191x7 to 1931, inclusive : 2 . It is ascertained and declared that hospital and fire fifhting fe.cilities in this ';i_ ty are inadequate to protect the health and safety of tine citi ;.rons of the :ity and that LiurovinE and addinE,. to the hospital and fire fighting facilities is essenticl to the health and safety of its citi— ;.ens . It is, therefore , declared that an emergency exists , e.nd that this ordinance is necessary for the ira:acdiate preservation of the public peace , hoalth , and safety and that chis Ordinance sha11 take effect and be in force from and after its passafe . "ay 3, 11x7 MICROFILMED SATE OCT1 REEL97E��