HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 913 44 -ikqi3 AN O:.D Iif'.:TC`S CfOLI.IDG ii kJ ' _'1'2.:"'r, 1 E . 1.4 , _i#�Ft "f 11 G11i OT FKIFJI1G^ VILLE SHALL ISSUE BOiIDS FOR 'lair F(! R.'OS" 01P G0N,3TRU3T13G ADDITIONS TO AND RELRODEI.- ING THE CITY Hv`;F-T��• ; ? °ID ? T:E PUjv'Orr. C�' i=�?PC'.i_ ,I`1G • TRr P"rCHTT '7G APPARATUS ATS P'JRCHASIN(I A SIT:. FOR AkD CO"iQSiJ!'.CTTF'^,- BUILDII ?GS PLR T;ir HOI'SI ar OF FIRE APPARATUS . 133 IT ORDAIIM BY. THEE CITY COUITCTL OF Tl_ G'I '.:3' OF F.Vn,4Ti3'r1T.L7 . ARKAATHSX9 : Section 1 . An election is hereby called to 'ba hald it th, usual polling plsces in the City of Fayetteville on the 17t;r day of :Tuns , 1947 , for Ilia purpclas of detorm- ining r.hather the City of Fayett3v_ ll.e shall issue the £oll=-Jnr nogot able bons : $75,,000 for tha purpose of corstr:cting additions to and rzzodeling tlr Ci•hy Hos. vital , and ,$50;,000 for tha r=upose of n �rchLaiiig fire fightira sppa:a ia are ; v ' chasing a site for and constructing buildings for the housing of fira Fig41ting app^-:=,-- tus . Said bonds shall be. payable asOhereinafter set forth, bear intarsst at the rata of tyro and one-half per cent ( 2-21% ) per annum and dated September 1 , 191s7 , but convert- ible to a loner rate of interest on such terms that t119 City shall pay arrd. recoiso substantially the same amount of moray as upon a two and, or-e -half per cent ( 2�) bond issue , .Section 2. If the vote is favorable to both issues , thsy vrill be corabined in one issize . maturing serially on Septaamiisr I in the amounts andyears ad follozm : 33000 in each of the years 1.950 to 195•j inclusive ; x$3500 in 'each of the years 1958 to 1962 inclusive ; ,$4000 in each of the years 1963 to 1970 inclusive 11500 in each of the years 1971 to 194j inclusive 5000 in .each of the yea s 1975 to 1979 r- nolusives $5500 in 1980 x+3000 in 1981 If only ona issue is approved., the boanis will have the same maturities thougSt for proportionately less amoiu:te . Boj�.ds m•aY bs mads subject to call for redemption be- fore maturity at the option of the City . Section 3 . Said election. shall. be eo?rbc ttid and the v,tr,s. thc%r7.1ab canvaeaed and tin results declared under the la:., and i.n th,-, *manner ncrj provided for municipal elections , and notice of said elactior zhall be given by the Mayo - by advertisement meekly -for at least four (4) times in some nee;spsper published in the City of Fayetteville and having a bona fide circulation tharoin , the last publication to be not less than ten (10) days prior to the date of said election . The ballots for s oid election shall be marked : "For Bond Issue of $75, 000 for the purpose of constructing additi -•ns to the and remodeling the City Hospital . " "Against Bond Issue of $75 ,000 for the purpose of constructing additions to and Remodeling the City Hospital . " "For Bond issue of $50,000 for -tile purpose of purchasing fire fighting apparatus and for purchasing a site for and constructing buildings for the housing of firs fighting apparatus . " MiCROFILMED DATE OCT ,S ' REEL T _ _ _ �Y�l n0V .074 �•'..� 171^ DP �i .. _ �,•. �1 �,�... _ fith[ in; apparatus and for purchasing a site for and constructing buildings for the housing of fire fighting apparatus . " At said election only qualified voters of the City of Fayetteville gill have the right to vote • . The. result of said election shall be pro- claimed by the mayor by publication in some newspaper published in said City of Fayetteville , the proclamation shall advise the citizens and property o.vners of said City that the result as proclaimed will be con- clusive unless attacked in the courts within thirty ( 30) days after the date of such problamation. ' Soctia•i . tis ascertained and declared that the hospital and .fire fighting facilities in. this City are inadequatss to, protect the health and safety of the citizens of the city and that improving and adding to the hospital and fire fighting facilities is essential to tix health and safety of its citizens . It is , : therefore , declared that an energancy wd-sts , that this Ordinance is nec- essary for the immediate . preserration of the public peace , health, and safety and that this Ordinance shall take effect and be in . foroe, from and after its passage . Passed April 28 , 1947 .