HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 910 f r ORDIMATCE 110. 910 AN ORDINANCE REGMAT'I ' G AND FIXI '. G FARES 03 TARIi,FS TO Its: CHARGED BY PUBLIC PASSENGER CARRIER INTtr's CITY OF FAYETTEVIIS , ARKANSAS, PRESCRIBING PENALTIES AND FOR OTt'M, ' PURPOSES MIEREAS, all persorim ,. firms . and .corporations operating publ-ic .passengor, carrier including taxicabs and bus lines$ in the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas , have agreed and . consented that fares or ,tarriffs for. their , services may be fixed as hereinafter set forth ; and have waived public hearinghereon, and WIEREAS, the City Council of the .City of Fayetteville has made a .careful study of rates. . and fares to . be •. charged by ' taxicabs .and bus :lines' .in the City of _Fayetteville.. Arkansas , and finds, that: the :rates and tariffs hereafter 'set forth will give the public reasonable fares with a fair return to the bus and taxicab. operators : . 14071 THEREFORE BE IT ORDAINED BY TIL CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS : Section 1. The taxicab. fare perperson shall be twenty-five ( 25¢) cents from any point to any other point within an area bounded as follocrs : Beginning at the intersection of Garland Avenue and North Street and running thence East alon� North Street to the Southwest corner of the Southeast quarter (SE .) of the Northeast, quarter Section Nine (9) , Township Sixteen (16) Range Thirty ( 30 ) West, being the intersection of North Street with Woolsey Avenue , . thence . north along i`ioolsey Avenue 1/4 mile ; .thence East to the East side of the right-of�aay. of U . S . Highway No . 71, thence in a southerly direction with the said East side of said right-of-way, to North Street; thence East along North Street and North Street produced to the Northwest corner of the Northeast quarter (NEI. ) of the Southaeat quarter (Sfl4) of Secti n 10, thence South one and ons-half (1j) miles to the Southeast corner of the Southeast quarter (SEa) of the South- wast quarter (S'i;,T ) of Section Fifteen (15) thence West to the East si de _ of the right-of-way of U.S .Highway Pdo . 71 , thence in a southerly direction with the east side of said right-of tray 4 mile , being the_ interesection of Higtmsy No . 71 and Seventh Street ; thence .lest across said Highway No. 71 to the West side of the right-of--way of said Highway No . 71; thence along the West side of the said right-of- way in a northerly direction to Fourth Street, thence ',',est to the South- vast corner of Southwest quarter ( SW4) of the Southwest quarter (SWQ) of Section Sixteen (16) , thence North to the intersection of Garland Avenue and 'Maple Street; thence Rest along Haple Street to the Sowthwast � comer of the Southeast quarter (SE4) of the Southeast quarter (SE,}) of Sedtion Eight (0) , Township Sixteen (16) , Range Thirty (30) West ; thence North to Cleveland Street; thence East along Cleveland Street to Garland Avenue ; thence North to the place of beginning, all in T'otivnship Sixteen (16) North, Range Thirty (30) West. Tare fare fixed in this section shall be known as the base taxicab fare and the above described area as the base area. Section 2. In addition to ,the base taxicab fare as fixed in Section 1 of the Ordinance , an additional fare of ten cents (100 ) per cab for each quarter UA) mile actually traveled outside of the base area, is hereby found to be a reasonable compensation which shall be charged as set forth in Secti m 3 of this ordinance . MICROFILM® DATE OCT 6 1918 REEL `L- r \ Section 3. " The schedule of taxicab fares for the numbers of persons shosm . are hereby fixed as follows : FARE S CRCDULE - TAXICABS Total fare per cab Persons Base Area 1/4 mile 1/2 mile 3/4 mile 1 mile 1/1-4 mile l . 25 935 .45 . 55 . 65 . 75 2 .54 050 . 50 . 6o .70 - . 80 3 175 •75 .75 .75 . 75 . 95 4 1 . 00 . 1.00 1.00 1.00 1000 1 .00 5 1. 25 1925 1. 25 1925 1.25 1. 25 Section 4• Taxicabs shall transport passengers over the best route directly to their destination without detouring to pick up or discharge other passengers ; provided that it shall not be a violation of this section if other passengers can be picked up or discharged without substantial detours or undue delay. But if additional passengers are picked up and discharged as provided in this section the fares shall be determined on the basis of the total passengers carried on said trip as if all passengers had been at the sane point of call and had had . the. same destination. Section 5. But fares shall be ten cents (10¢ ) per person from any one point to arW other point on any of the routes in operation wit1i no charge for transfers from one bus to another. Books good for fifteen (15) fares may be sold for one dollar (81. 00 ) under such conditions as may be approved by resoltuion or 'motion of the City Council of the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas . Section 6. The above fares shall be for one:way trips . Round Trip fares shall be double the amount of one-way fares. No books or tickets shall be sold at re- duced rates, except by bus lines as provided in rection 5 hereof; and if any un- used books or .tickets are outstanding at the time this 0&�di•nance becomes effect- ive they shall .not entitle. the holder to passage in ark. taxicabs , but shall be redeemed by the issuing company foie Waunused portion pro rata. Section 7 . Any person, firm or corporation violating the te=s of any section . or part of section of this ordinance shall be. deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and upon convicti n thereof shall be fined in any sun not less than ten dollars (10.00 raze more than one hundred dollars ($100.00 and each violation shall be deemed a separate offense. Section 8. If any person, firm or corporation now operating under a certificate or under Grandfather flights in lieu of a certificate , issued or waived by the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas , as the case may be, shall knowingly permit any employee . to violate the terms of this Ordinance ; such operator whall be guilty of . a misdemeanor and shall bepunished. by a fine of not less than fifty dollars ($50. 00) nor more than five hundred dollars ($500.00) and each violation of an employee of which the employer knows shell be a seperate offense ; and in addition thereto the Ciy City Council of the City of Rayetteville , may revoke the permit under .which such passenger carrier is operating and may take such steps as necessary to prohibit further operations . Section 9 . All ordinances or parts of Ordinances in conflict here- with are hereby repealed ; and it appearing that the fixing of fares is immed- iately required , and emergency is hereby declared to exist and this ordinance shall be in full. force and effect from and after its passage and approval . Passed and approved this 31st day of March , 1947