HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 908 if ORDINANCE N0. p AN ORDINANCE APPROVING AND ACCEPTING THE ANNEXATION OF CERTAIN LANDS DESCRIBED HEREIN INTO THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE , ARKANSAS. WHEREAS , there was filed in the office of the County Clerk of Washington County , Arkansas , a petition of more than eight resident property owners of the herein described lands , together with a plat of the said property to be annexed with its description , on October 8 , 1946 , and And whereas on November 12 , 1946 , a proper order of the county court was entered approving the said annexation , and whereas more than thrit"y days have elapsed since the date of said order and no court action has been instituted to prevent the said annexation , NOW THEREFORE BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FAYEPTEVILLE , ARKANSAS , Sec . 1 . That the Southv^ est Quarter of th'e� Northeast Quarter and the Northwest Quarter of the Southeast Quarter of Section Nine ( 9 ) , Township Sixteen ( 16 ) , - Range Thirty ( 30 ) West , be accepted as a part of the City of Fayetteville , said area to be assigned to and become a part of Ward Two of the said City . Sec . 2 . This ordinance being necessary for the peace , health and safety of the public , an emerggncy is hereby declared to exist and this ordinance shall be in force and take effect immediately upon its passage , approval and publication . Passed an approved this y3 v day of AAAA W.� 19 /� 6�_ . G. T . Sanders , Yvor Attest : J . W. McGehee , City Clerk . MICROFILM®' 1918 DATE REEL + 1 y .{ IN. TIS . -COUNTY ., 000HT � ' r WASHINGTON COUNTY , ARKANSAS . ` IN THE •MATTER - OF THE, ANNEXATIONOF THE Southwest qguarter of the Northeast quarter "( SAY NEt¢ and the Northwest quarter of the ' t,,: Southeast quarter ( NW. 'J, SE ` ) of Section r . Nilne ( 9 ) , Townshl' Sixteen ( 16 ). North , Range y • .Thirty ( 30 ) West , TO THE CITY' OF t' FaYETTEVILLE% AA1 NSAS . ECJ v 0 'R DL R NowIon this 12th 'day • of N6vember , ' 1946 , �this cause comes, on to be heard . , The petitioners being present in ferson, and by their. . attorney and announcing ready for- hearing , . , but -there being no protests or objections filed ; this causo is submitted ,upon the . petition 'of petitioners and the oral and documentary evidence adduced at the hearing , `-from 'all of which the Court finds : Th t the petition in t=hin cause Pas filed on October 8 , 1946s and .that- this ,Court. fiked - ieovember 12 ; 1946 ; as the date of - the hearing of this cause ; , , That , a full 30 days ' ' notice of - said hearing was given for .the • timme , and in the 'm6nner- required by law , the, .Oodf of publication of . said' notice being on file , herein . �r That an accurate pldt, or • map of ' the ares proposed to be annexed• has been filed herein ; showing the .location of the land 'with respect to the - present :corporate liinits of the City' of . payetteville .9 4 Arkansas . That the petition herein was signed , by. , a, maforitywof 'the owners of ,t )W lands .$ereihafter dese' ribed '. and by. a majority of the owners of said lands who reside within this county . . That at --.least. six qualiflad 'voters ; own .property in and,.actually . :reside in the .territory % proposed to annexed ,' and a - majority ' of,\such resident 16ndowners , bignbd said petition . That \the lands . proppsed to b_quannexed to the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas , in this ;cause -are described .as follows ; to -wits Th® Southwest quarter, of the. Northeast quarter NE `) sand. the Northwest. quarter. of the Southeast quarter (MV4j SE 4 ) . of Section - Vine ( 9 ). , l'ownship Sixteen { 16 ) North , . Range Thirty . ( 30j i"Jost.. LI That the area - is not . unreasonably large. and that ` it is contiguous and adjoining the present corporate . limits of ,the• City of Fayotteville , Arkansas , end . is peculiarly adapted , for ,urban . purposes , and that . said territory should ,be annexed to and made a part of the . Citykof Fayetteville , Arkansas . . THEREFORE , it is considered , ordered and adjudged by the Court " that . ttie following doscribed real estate : situated -1n Washington County ; Arka'nsas ;' to-mitt The Southwest quarter of 'the Northeast quarter ( SW to NE and the\fiorthwest quarter ' of :the. Southeast quarter ( NW . , SE it of Section Nine ; ( 9 ) t rownship _ Sixteen (�16 ) No'rth , nange Thirty ( 30 / Vie 8to ' be . and.' the 'same` ,is 'Hereby annexed ,to. , made ar part of the City ' of Fayetteville , Washing t o n , ' Arkansas . . , un y • udgee Certificate of County and Pi `obate Court , ; STATE OF ARKANSASjSS. COUNTY OF WASHINGTON I, ROY A. SCOTT, County and Probate Clerk . ,within and for the County and State aforesaid, do hereby certify that the annexed and foregoing is a true and correct copy of the---__--_-___--..-_______- • t---_ ------------ therein/set forth, and the same is as appears of Record in Connt"_ostzt____Record, Volume----__B-1-----------_---- at Page---------- 274---------------thereof. IN WITNESS WHERE qV, I �have hereunto set y hand and affixed my official seal on this / .---day County and Probate Clerk.