HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 906 a 0RDin/ 09nrcc No , fFo rp i Ah (/•.d'nNII [ C leeq., /a 'Inq %TaZIc 4z4 ndy of Faye ler. ///e / t•✓he/re 'vrovioin�j PPn4/ ri es- fe . vio/o-{ie .. S �/iera o /. . . WHEREAS , the City 'of Fayetteville , Arkansas , is experiencing a considerable traffic problem , and itHEREAS : The Gity �; ouneil of the city of Fayetteville , has authorized the placement of electrically controlled traffic signals , and i WHEREAS , because of possible future changing of traffic habits in the city , ne£ essitating changing of location of the electrically controlled signals , and WHEREAS , in order to make effective the use of the said signal lights an ordinance is necessary , NOW THEREFORE : BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CPFY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEgILLE , ,ARKANSAS : Section 1 , it shall be unlawful for any person , either as a pedestrian or as the driver or operator of any type of vehicle whatsoever to move against the red signal light of the said electric signals , but such pedestrian , driver or operator , shall immediately stop and proceed only when the green signal light is facing him . erection 2 . Any person violating the terms of this ordinance shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor , and upon conviction , shall be fined in any sum not less than two dollars , nor more than ten dollars for each offense . section 3 . This ordinance being necessary for the peace , health and safety of the public , an emergency is hereby declared to exist and this ordinance shall be in fall force and effect immediately upon its passage , approval and publication , rassed and approved this day of 1946 . Mayor Attest : nn�, k. McUehee , City clerk . hAfGROF11J+1EIX 1976 i jr 'A TRAFFIC 4EGULATINi TRAFFI - AT`PUINTS " IN THE CITY OF FAYE T:T EV I L L E ; WHERE SIGNAL LIGHTS ARE ! INSTALLED AND .PROVIDINGf PENALTIES:FOR VIOLATIONS THEREOF. WHEREAS, the- City of;Flayette- Ville, Arkansas, is experiencing a considerable traffic .problern; and WHEREAS, The City. Council;of the City , of Fayetteville, has au- thorized :the, placement of elec- trically .controlled' traffic -. signals, and ` WHEREAS because . of possible_ ' future changing of traffic habits :im this city;' necessrtating.'changiiig. of-aocationo£ the electrically. con- trolled signals,' and WHEREAS, in order --to make ' effective the use 'of'the-said signal lights an ordinanceI is'. nece'ssacv, '"� NOW THEREFORE::-- �. RE IT, ORDAINED . BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE.CITjr OF' FAYETTEVILLE, 'ARKANSAS : � . Section 1. It shall be!unisivfullh for any person, I I either as8a p¢de^ 'trian or ,�',t'fie drroer or,:nperato,F. 1 of any type, vehicle whatsoever to move.against the red,signal light of the:"said• :,electric-:signals, but such pedestrian, driver:or,operator, shall- .immediately , stop arid' pro- ceed -only. when "the:: green ';signal. light is facing him:- - f Section 2. Any person-violating the terms of this ,.ordinance :shall be.' ' deemed•j_guilty 'of ' a misde- meanor,-and upon-conviction, shall be� finsd 'inrany •sum .noUess-than two.. dollars, -.nor more , than ten dollar's.for:each offense. ' ; Section &." Thisordinancetieing . necessary for, the- peace., health. and safetyyof :,the public;' an_ emerr kency'Ai,hereby ,decla,r to exist and this-ordinance, shalh tie -in full. force and-effect=immediately upon its .passage,-;approval. and-publica= .tion Passed arid:_approved-: 'this ,28th day of 96tober 1948 - ::G T SANDERS; Attest Mayor, J. W. McGEHEE, City Clerk. rc '•tr 329 It-C - 8 c.