HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 904 ORDII•IAhTCE ?0 . O AIS? ORDI .'ANCE ACC'3PTI :?G ALL THAT ^ART OF THS ". ;:. ST HALF OF TKr. :. ?RTE2A5P QUA,`IT'1R ( N u) OF SECTICTY T771-: TY-01ID ( 21 ) , TC'I:ISHIP SIXTH I'. ( 16 ) 2:OlTH , IA:IG3 THIRTY ( 30 ) " : ST LYI:' C RST OF UNIT " D STAT : : FiIGF :AY I?0 . 71. I :7CLUDING ' HGS LAI?DS HEFETOFOR:3 PLATT M AS A PART OF FZ3GUSOII ' S ADDITIOI: TO T FIL CITY OF FAY:]TTDVIL: L , ARRA SAS ; A.. D TS : A `_'T. HALF OF '.TC�RTH : : ST QUARTi:3 ( I?' :3 ) OF S':CTICY T ., ZTTY-CITE ( 21 ) TO.::?SHIP 5IrElEnT ( 16 ) :'CRTH RA:.. GZ THIRTY ( 30 ) '. . . 'T , AS ^ART OF THE CITY OF FAY]ITTZVILLE ; AS3IG:? I :IG "Ha T .:R'IITORY ACC :rTZD TO ' ARDS I ^T mF:7r CITY OF FAYEMWILLE , ARKAITSAS +: D FOR OTHDR ^ ; . OSS . HER AS the County Court of "ashington County , Arkansas entered an order on August 13 , 1946 , snnexing the `est Half of + he :Iortheaet ;uarter ( EE-14) of Section T ^ enty-One ( : 1 ) , Township Gixteen ( 18 ) Korth , Range Thirds ( 30 ) Fest lyinS . cet of United _tetes Hi `. h7zir :' o . 71 including those lands her :tofore platted . s a part of Ferruson ' s Addition to the City of Fayetteville , Arl:aneas ; and the Last Half of the I:orthuest � ua.rter ( iLi1 ) of Section Trenty-One ( 21 ) Tonnship Sixteen ( 16 ) forth Range Thirty ( 30 ) est , ase=t--a — e pit ; + + , to 'Afti! tis the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas , and HE 'AS more than thirty days has expired from the date of the order of the Countv Court and no appeals have been taken from said order and the County Clerk ofWashington County , Arkansas , has certified said proceedings to the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas s. s provided by law , THZRZFORL , IT ORDAII?FD by the City Council of the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas : S3CTION I . That all that part of the '.: est half of the Xorther. st quarter of Section trenty-one , Tonnship Sixteen 7orth , Range Thirty ,. est 11ring '. , est of United States Hiahvay Yo71 including those hnds heretofore platted as a part of Ferguson ' s Addition to the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas ; and the Zast half of the Yorthrest Quarter of Section Tr.• _ nty-one Township Sixteen Yorth Range Thirty '.;est , be and the same is hereby accepted as a part of the City of Fayette- ville , Arkansas . AWC :OFIUhIED DATE OCT S =CTIONT II . The above described lands are hereby assigned trdEL�95� and ;rade a part of '.: ard One of the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas . S"CTIOIT III . All ordinances or parte of ordinances in conflict hererith are hereby repealed and it apnea.ring that certain munici1al activities arc necessary for the preservation of the public health , nea.ce , and safety , both of the -) eople of the City of Fa.yet ',. eville cnd of the residents of the territory herein annexed ; an e,aebgency is v : ere ! P�eclac6 to exist snd this ordinance scall be in full force roc. effect frnn7 ••.nr. after ite - rssage and a)) . roval . nnS : D Ai'. D AT- PROVES' this 1i, a?r of 1940 . Al G. 1 So Y, 1: ayor 0 ATTsST : ,, ljl, raaG6hee City Clerk . e