HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 903 ORDI -'A;'CE IFO , A" ORDI 'AI'. CE ACC74`IDTI :G " F '2 -EST HALF OF TFE :?^RTF "'EST QUART3R OF S'!XTICY :FI:' .( 9 ) 7 Ii' TC'":iT3VI7 SIX'" =:::' ( 16 ) "CATH , RA"GE THIRTY ( 30 ) '_' : ST , '. :ASHIIFGTOi'. C ^L:iTY , ARXAIFSAS , AS PART OF THE CITY OF FAYIM MLLE ; A1SIGP. I"G TY : T 'I RITC74Y ACC2nTZD TO ":,ARDS I TE:: CITY OF FAY.UTT :VILLE , ARXAb.TSAS AID F^ R OTHM DURPOS1S. .. HLREAS the County Court of '^ashington County , Arkansas entered an order on August 13 , 1946 , annexing the rest Half of the iiorthrest Quarter of Section Nine ( 9 ) , in Tornshin Sixteen ( 13 ) North , 3ange Thirty ( 30 ) ' est , to the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas , and '.:HER�AS more than thirty days has expired from the date of the order of the County Court and no appeals have been taken from said order . and the County Cleric of '. :ashington County , Arka.neas , has certified said proceedings to the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas , as rrovided by lacy . ITIT '0:; , THEREFORE , BE IT ORDAINED by the City Council of the City of Fayetteville , Arkanaas : SECTION I . That the '::est Half of the 2Forthrest Qur rter of Section ine ( 9 ) , in Tornshin Sixteen ( 16 ) North , Range Thirty ( 30 ) "est , be and the same is hereby accented as a part of the City of vA yetteville , Arkansas . SECTIO:' II . The above described lands are hereby assip-ned to and made a part of card Fouiv , of the City of Favetteville , Ark- ansas . SECTION III . All ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herevitth are hereby revealed and it appearing that certain municipal activities are necessary for the preservation of the public health , peace , and safety , both of the people of the City ^f Fa.vette- ville and of the residents of the territory herein annexed ; an emergency is hereby declared to exist and this ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage and a.p_ nroval . PASSi:D AITD APPROVED this _day of , 1946 . Mayor , ATTEST : Citir Clerk , CR0F1UvAED DATE pr y .. 197o ;:EEA ..........