HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 893 ORDIT11iINC71 wo . 893 ATJ 07")I TMIC`: P110VIOP110 10.11 T1. 1". D7 -'OA`31T hl!D AD! !"P'T1U':YI01' OT' 17"iiD`� MUZI -D FRO" Til; r!A , OF S''1711RiiVis`lU T ITY') AUT! 'ORIZZD PY OIUT.. "rnnrr�" a0 . f 92 OF T7 CI?" OP `! Y3TT!S'/IL?,E , '.:P,i•.' :"G ,AE " P CTT. M 9 OF (R )PT.0T^37 892 AT TD FO". BE IT OPJ)I: In`i7 BY T' ln CITY .1O!1°?CIT, OF T7,C,T-T. 0�' � F 1zA7v"'ICT?Jli ,i , , iv ,.-i: r• 1 . Section 9 of Ordinance Nbl 892 of the 1ity of Fayetteville , Pxkansas is hereby aaended to read as follows : "After the bonds have been executed as herein _provided, they shall be delivered - to t# e 1L. Stephens Investiaent Company of Little Rock , ixlcc; nFlas upon the payment in cash of the purchase ;)rice of ;x127 , 37$ . 00 ::nd accrued interest to date of delivery to the City Treasurer for the account of the City . Said funds shall be deposited as provided by recti .n 5 of Ordinance No . 92 ; th;> t is to say, in a lawfully desiCna.Led de^ository, in the name of the i:ity and desiFnr-:ted, "Sevier Construction fund') , in trust , secured ss its other trust funds are secured , and disbursed solely in payment of the cost of said additions , extensions , and improvements , including engineering and other expenses inci- dent to the construction , but only on v:arrants or vouchers sir-ned by the chairman of the Sevier Coivaittee and by the City Tre .:surer briefly specifyin the purpose of the expenditure , accompanied by a certifice-te silmed by the consulting engineer for such constriction that an obligation in a stated amount has been incurred on account of the cost of the construction and to 1,hom such obli, e:tion is ov+ed , except that no such certificz.te shall be re .,uired before payment of the enrineerinr foes . L:ny unexpended bal. nce . re;aaininc shall ix ;add to the City 'Treasurer for the account of the City and de )ositod i: : him in the :fewer Revenue :fond Lund hereinbefor= defined. „hen the funds are so de ?osited, the Trea.surcr shell take from the Penk, or Banks , an E reement to apply the same as orovided in t .is Section . " 2 . It a )pearinf that the proceeds of sale of the Revenue -)onds autho- rized I;y Ordinanco No . 892 of the City of layetteville , f:rIcEnsPB should be available a.nd ready for deposit shortly � fter A )ril 5 , 19469 and t: :at said proceeds should Le deposited in accord; nee with tho orovisions of this ordinc:.nce ; on emerrency is hereb., declared to exist and this ozdin nce shawl be in full force and effect fron and after it:)ril 5, 1, )46. April 1 , 1946 MICROFILMED DATE OCT 6 1978 REEL