HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 891 • 0?UTId:: IiCr h a9ySq I A11 0RDIPUa.?I ; r%II 0 IUMES O SE TO SL :ijTwI!IE3'?fa i y i'f[;:; aI�V 1'.i.S alil: TILE CITY OF I Ei , ;,,ti.. .".A 1'i 'T REAS, the City of Fayetteville , ; rkansa3 has deter i ±red to construct addition , extenSlOnS , and 1mprUVcaiC nt tU tI'C present Sevier system of the City so as to ,rive the city a comolete and modern sewer system, and to finance the construction of .^,ame from the proceeds of the sa] c of its 2,125, 000 of tiro . percent ( 2 per cent ) Sevier Revenue 3onds but converted Ito i an issue of :5133, 000 of one and one—half percent ( 11 per cent ) Soraer ievenue Bonds payablefrom the rnvennes pf tih8 oeh7er Sysll;i7, a.>eC. ].t 15 ?reCOSSdaf fel' ::he Cowncil to e3tab_1Sh ndr-imuni =IV,ti t0 IY3 Cil.?.rfr d for ' service by s id Sevier System ; ` • i NOW, .NFREFOI? , LE IT Oi..DsJUED by the City Cou-hcil of the City of Fayetteville , iirka-rsas : Sectiof 1 . Brat tile: follohting fixed for rates to to charged for sa;rer service by the Server Systaa:l of tare :;it-,r so extended and im^roved vrrich the Council finds ' are xvasonable and necessarya ; a* rates to be c : _ $;cd : 'Q-50 per :lonth for each residence or duplex connected viith and served by t1C Syste::. 31. 00 per month for each thrne—family unit dnflling douse connected vrith . and served by the Systems. l $1.50 per month for each cipa.rt,scrt ho _3e hi'.vi-ne: n0 ;', mbre them £Cllr faziLtly units, connected with and served by the System. X0.50 per month for each family unit in an apartaaont house: in excess of four units, conircted uith . and served 'Ly the System* a. 50 per morph for each boarding hou3e or rooming douse connected pith and served by the System. ;12 . 00 per month for each fraternity hvaso or scrori.ty house connected with and served b"y the Systom . $1 . 00 per month for each single story busihress house, havi;li_; no basement, connected with and served Ivy the System. °x0. 50 per month for each basement and each floor of a Lusi.n4,^s house in exce::s of one floor connected with and served by tlhe Systom. w2 . 00 per month for the Scott Hotel , if coralectad with and served by tre Systemo x,7 . 50 per month for :the Mountain Inn Hotel if corulected with and served by the System. =;7 .50 per month for the Washington Hotel if connected vt th mid served by the System* w5 . 00 der month for the Fayetteville City Ilos-�i.t.L if conncctcci with and served by thf, Systr_mv r10. 00per month for the U . S . Veteran ' s iIosp_tal if connected with and served by the System, 4D25. 00per vuuntl for the University of Arlcanscia i:' connected kith and served by the System. Section 2. Said rates shall never be reduced ix>low an amount sufficient to provide for the operation and maintenance of said Sevier system and payment of principal tmd interest on the bonds to be i.:;sued to finance the said con— s true ti on. t i' MICROFII MED DATE OCT 6 1979 OPIP I .action 3 • NO free laciliti e1;e es Or ._ r x' dJstcc . ercc •t v ices Snail 'Je r'. o. 1 �o c}:oels rrusheci by ti �- - oil t'1tC;i. J. w , ]C i (l;ashi ? $on .:0; t✓ r ` : 8 cvil2c .5cilool. �g dr', rnsae; ) ,� ,.. tea ,, riot 00rvad by the Sys'ce:n. ' ' c:. r i city—ape* „ted buil n s I :=ectior. 1t . '!ha 111Va11d:itC 2T?f Fp: anrvxt S't.iti ty o1. y par.t. GOf tiliOlznc0Otilr e 1•;12 not Or1, uCi?', C12L1Se , U}irase Or :'lor& SCCti 'W? j. l is aSeort"irlCd and C}eG'1c;rC i L:1:�'(; the 1a(;': Of dl�sp+' 3=.17 ;�lll' r;,j StalcnCiaT GT;tepC t; oi' sufficient sel;ElrO lrl V:1C vl VO£CSLC .y Of said Cit - 1 tile }i'0alth and safety of t41 intlabs. tant0 U" that ts, present di pos,11 units have beer, 'bound uy the .:tT)Cciv !i_'ilr� :)m. tYi?.^>1 7!C;;pec-Couniv �=+- ::)ti:i84 '' � an:} ].)1 nc;eC� UP X'f:7:'..7.r 1'Sld �+YL 9 "J �:: illi?icuiittf.• 9 O!':