HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 873 AN Olt )JT'di:riC ;1 ;;;: OR SS FOR t 'Pili I >UPa ; 1; „ ?','rL)S rn, r, r to ` Y TIT,,; I17 OF FJ Yf TT 'JIi, • ! 1 V n., Ol 1FT: Av 'UI` 1 �'. .� : "�: I' I i? r?;? rr�r'-;�� r' r CON S1 i TJG : ,,ND . uli" ;TT 0� t; .iLYII", iT �. r �Y, L"^)i) TRE OR I : PU�m .; ITtIIN OR t;ITHOUT TFP's O.. i O. ,t 1 ,; L.t.:.ia , : 01 1 .I . CITY is!IJ t ^ JYi?tr; ., TO i .! 1 117 VI ' EITi's;'4, By ordillarce duly passed on the 2rch de' of Jul 1 '42 there ?IaS subaiittedto fixe gi :il:i.fied electors of the _'ia of F' Y, W question rvh th?; _. ,, should issue W100, 000 cf bOc,ds at a rate lof ilnterest9roorle 0 to exceed 'koros:^pe•r cent, but convertible 'to -s lor;er rate of interOst on such teras that the C.Uy should pad and receiv substanti 11y lite sane mount of money as upon a three per bond issue , for the purpose Of the acquisition of the land necessary, and the construction s:nc: equipment of a flying field oi' ai.rpOrt within or without the corporato lim_i.'ts of the City ; and 1';1m R1ij:1S , due notice of the election was gi.ven as required by lair, Md .est ,:>.•rld election 406 vole- s v-ere cast in favor Of said "bond issue , cast aaiand 308 votes were nst it, and 1711M10 , after due advertisement for the ti.rtr and in the. manner required by lay, duly published in a newspaper having a bona fide circulation in the city of 1'ayetteV1e , said bonds Isere offered for sale at public auction , atthe . office Of its Mayor at 3 : 00 o ' clock p . m. on the 22nd ' day of September, 1942 , and at said sale a syndicate composed of hill. , Cratrford, Lanford , Inc . , Southern Seeuri't .es Company, Cherry-Villareal L Company, and !. allory :;illia:ns Co,apany, all. Of Uttle Rock, Arkans. .s, bid and offered the price of 105 .$6 cents On the dollar and accrued interest to date of delivery, and this being the best bid, said bonds were sold to said purchasers at that price ; and , s,'IICRSASi tile Sa:i.d purchasers have elected to cos vert said bonds into the issue of , 109,500 o.f bonds , more fully described hereinafter, on which the council finds tilat 'the City trill receive and ;gay substantially the same sur.' as upon ].00, 000 of three per cent bonds a:t t:;a price bid, said conversion beim according to tile _ Universal Bond value T hies . PrOr; , TIE'T2iso.is, BE IT OEWI???ii) BY T:IC CIT'=" C0!7i4"CII. OF' F .YT-1MVILLC , i:illfi•.rrSli : 1 . The T3ayor and City clerk are hercloyu ,horized and dire execute the bonds of flus ! itycted to t, daed September 1 , 1942 , their numbers, denominations , brd maturities to be as set out : .{.Oa , but callable as hereinafter Nos , of Bonda Denominations 1 „Taturity 2-6 inclusive 1000 5000 ept 1 , 1945 7 5001945 8-12 , inclusive 500 1946 �3 lobo 5000 1946 500 500 1947 14-18 , iz?elusive 1000 5000 19 1000 1947. Woo 1948 20-241 iiic].usiva lDUO 6000 25-30, 1-1 1000 6000 1948 31-36, lobo 1949 37-lt2, JI 500 .6500 MICROFILMED 19781950 OCT 6 DATE 1951 REEL)� +J-1-t3",'- -nC1nG1Ve 1000 bi.r. D Sept. �1. 1952 ` �_. _ . . 49 500 1953 50-55 , inclusive 1000 6;; r-' 1953 56 500 1954 57-62 , inclusive 1000 69✓o 1954 63 500 1955 64-69, inclusive 1000 £ 0 1956 70 500 500 19.56 71-76, inclusive . 1000 6000 1957 77 500 500 1.957 70-03 , inclusive 1000 6000 1958 84-90, it 1000 7000 1959 91-97 " 1.000 7000 1960 98-104 ° 1000 7000 1961 105-111 " 1000 70-JO 1962 112-114 " 1000 3000 Bonds numbers 1-69, inclusive , naturinC on Seutenbor 1 each of the years 1,045 to 1955 , inclusive , shall Bear interost fron ueotember 1 , 1942 , at the rate of tyro per cent per annum until m. turity, and bonds nonbers 70 to 114, inclusive , naturinF on 3eptembor 1 of each of the years 1956 to 1962 , inclusive , shall bear interest from >eotember 11 3.942 , et the rate of tivo and one-fourth per cent per annum until rmeturity . 2 . Said bonds shall be in substantially the following form : ( Pago , 565 , Council Dook D ) 3. If default is made for thirty day^ in the payment of any interest coupon, and the holder of the "bond to which it is att:x:hed may declare the sane imaediately due and payable , " 4. The 14:yor and Gity Clerk are hereby authorized and directed, vhen they have executed said bonds , to turn * hem over to th:= purchasers , upon receipt of the purchase price. of ;,105, 060 and accrued interest in cash, and the proceeds of said bonds shall be used for no purpose except for the pur- pose of the acquisition of the land neccssa: iy , and the construction and equipment of a flying; field or airport rithin or v,ithout the corporate limits of the Qity, and the expenses of issuance ; provided , hovever, that for the purpose of providing for the interest that :,ill becone due on said bonds on ::larch 1 , 1943, being- before the first instalL:,ent of the "tax herein levied will be collected and available , t1-1e1 : shall to and there 5.s hereby set aside out of the proceeds the Olin of .x1 , 150 , and. the City 'Treasurer is hereby s�st �s ' a � clax rL;�>dnxt zzsaxzw � c, directed to depositsaid sum witl ` the Union ?lational Dani: of Little i?o:k , :lrlta:ns ,s , and the said deposit shall be preserved by said bank and applied and used solely for tho purposes for v+hick the appro.-)nation is hereby made , such deposit to l;e at the sole risk of the City and not to oper. te as e payment of the interest until so applied . The conotructi.on fund shall be reimbursed fron the bond fund to the extent of said :;'1, 150 Then sufficient tares over and above the amount necessary -t.o pay the next ma.turinlr interest sh; il hi=ve been collectc*d • " 5 • In order to pay the bonds es they mature , vi.th interest thereon, there is hereby levied upon all. real and personal property within the City PASSED AND APPROVED THIS 30th DAY OF SEPTEMBER , 1942