HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 870 1 ORDINANCE N0 . AN ORDINANCE-FIXING THE. TIME WITHIN WHICH A PETITION SEEKING A REFERENDUM ON A MUNICIPAL ORDINANCE MUST BE FILED . WHEREAS ,, it is deemedadvisable that-- in order-.t.o . know definitely when a municipal ordinance. is final , a period should . be fixed limiting the time •within . *hich to . file a petition to refer an ordinance of the city council ; NOW , THEREFORE , BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE , -, ARKANSAS : Section . l : That . on . and : after the date of the passage : of this ordinance , any petition' - to secure a . referendum election- on any measure passed by_ the City Council of the City of Fayette- ville , in order to be effective , ,must be filed within thirty-one days after the passage of such measure . Section 26 All ordinances and parts aW ordinances in conflict herewith are hereby repealed. Section 3 . It is . hereby 'aacertained and declared that becauee of the . imperative need for a definite , time limit beyond which municipal ordinances cannot be attacked , _ and due to .the fact that there are pending ordinances, affecting the health and safety of the City , an emergency is declared , and this ordinance being necessary for the preservation of the public .peace , health and safety , shall take effect Immediately .on . and after its passagep , P ed : f - 2 1942 . 00 Approved : ��ee ' y ' �✓ MaSror ATTEST;: � • City Clerk r Q � MICROFILMED• Vt DATE REEL �