HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 868 ORDINANCE N0 : 868 n i-0 O1cilll'11 .1'J;i;: TO PBOdIJE MORE SANITARY cilli) 3PPICIEIIT 1JLT:?ODS FOR DISP05iJ, Oji, GtiltP M, riTTC1iT FiCRi;1.USE , TIM Oa 1S , ilS i,RDc:J GLti>> ^t "R , �T • . , A:QU FOR O1 .t PURPOSiS : OzYiin<:alce No . £3238 bras enactFd by the City i;ouncil of the City of Fayetteville , on 15ay 2.9 , 1939 an,' was thereafter referred to the electors . at the election held Gn the first Tuesday in April, 191t0, at which election said ordinance received a major'- ty of tele votes c-.st .and was ddelared adopted, and iIl:S!i �Pt , In accordance will: te;mriir of . 'said ortli mn lice said City Council entered into said contract for carrying- out the raid terms- of the said ordinance , and ' iSiIL' ?t,] 1S , on the lbt?3 day o.: June, 1941 a nc-w . E'„ rbap'e disposal. . ordinance iras passed by said POity Jol_ncil , beim ordinance No . Sj9, 5'/l' iCh ordinance ropcaled all other ordinacues in CG •iTli.ct: triere:rith nd by its terms bo' came effective on June 17 , 19141 , and .1 ?1 ;E�'.i ^'� ' •ll oe 'tit-ion con : iininp id reigid. si"te numter Of Gilah fl0d electors v:as i'.-led. v4iti the proper offi. cials calling" fo-r ,:n election on said Ordinr::nce Pl .; . 859 , vihi-ch petition ts<s riled ori June '0 , 1 lt:L, and .iiE' ;EAS , On the 19th 2ay o£ January , 11- h2 , Ordinance .io . 8j9 was repsaled by the 'City Gouncil of the Oita; of i• uycitov_ lle , l:rltansas , and G?IEHE0A Tilare is confusion as ;o uliciz o” immee , if any, now cantrols the collection of E;arbare , ld tchen refuse , otc . , h10'i. Ill'11 - lsP08P P'' IT Oi,i)i% 1,%2D b 1 , . , . . y ale ..ity ouacii of 4, he City of Faye Utaviile ;L r1mni s ,.r, :. 1 . ThCity Council of the City o£ Fsyotte?ri9.1c, !:x•hansas: villa cGrltrset th s0 0 responsible parson, firm, or cox_Gcration to col.b ct, llaul , and d9-spose of all' c°arbal*e , kitchen rciusra , tin cans , di s-carded glass , etc . , a;li Orovide in said contract the •!Tanner in which said p,arbace , refLise , and rubbish shall >re collected, hauled, and dislosed of ; and shall xr,.lui xe that suca person, fir:a, or c:o.rporation sive bond vrith ;^:,00d anti suffic:iel.t surety in any . sum not less ths:n One Thousand. Dollars . to be approved by the ' ayor of the City of Fayetteville ; condi'ticned . t: wt soid t-arb , collector shall. pex - fonn the conditions and modrel„ents set forth in said contl'a.ct, whi^h sliall contain aprovision that the go- enate colled'tor shall be req tuired to collect all arba,�-e within tO he City of Fayet ville, vd thout cost either to the City or residents of said City . 2 . to person, firm, or corporati On shall collect any I*arba,.e , kitchen refuse , .. tin cans , '(3iscirded t-lass ; c c . , until and sinless he shall have first me de ibDlication to the . 3;1431 JolP'C..4% ]. Of thn City Of Foyettevi-110 , sett! forth tl:c, pio' "sed i- ethods Gf coll.ect:i n - , haulm;', alid disoosint of said farUa[.e and shall Hive .recoi.ved tile e; ox-ova.loi' a"id City ouncil and entered 1ntO a i:ontraCt 1'/i. t:l the le uOon such. terms and conditions as .pay DG Agreed upon, anti ha'✓il: ; ;rostec bored as reuuix-e.d in Section One of ihis' Oirdinance ; and any parson ; fit:r , yr corporation collecting; liaulinC, or a sposing -of' garba a , kitchen ref:-.., .in cans , di.sc.lyded rlass) etc MICROFILMED 1978 DATE ��— REEL ordinance 86U�-._2 s; i'li.thout first havin� received the appvoval of said •.;Jty 0ouncll and having Vn posted bond as herein re:,ui.reid sh :ul bn dee;:l":: i'thilis of :i and shall be punished by a fine of not less - titan ;x5. 00 nor no:-e '::imn ?50 . 00 Gnd D each day of such collection, .h�-ulint , c. ui:, - osal :;hall. constitute a separate offense , provided, ho,vever, that t'ihi.s sectirnz shall not E..pply to any person hauling or di::oos'int- of his o .n •tin c ns , b* ocen :lass , etc . , z except Erarba,e , so lon. as the haulm_: and disposi n(' of ''=Y',smm by such individual does not constitute a nuisance or create unsanitary condi 'tlonsj 1�, provided further that all tin cans , broken :lass and other kitchen refuse except garba,_.e shall be deposited at the dumpi.n( I;round provided by the City of Fayetteville . 3 . There is hereby levied a ta;c or fee to be knolvm ns " Refuse Disposal Tal: to be paid by residents or businesses - availtnl , thzmiseives of the servic^s herein provided as follows , to-exit : For each residence : 151 . 00 per annum Igor each hotel , restaurant , or boarding house : ,p2 . 50 per .mniva 4. The tax or fee provided in Section 3 hereof shall be collected by the arson , fina , or corpore:tion contracting to collect the garbage , refuse , etc . , and upon iailure or refusal of any person avai.li.ng. Y- mself of the services herein provided, the garbage collector may refuse to collect , haul. , or dispose of said t:in cans , and other refuse , except garbage , until said tax is paid, provided further that upon failure to pay said tax or fee , 'the City of Fayetteville may , at its election, order the garbage collector to collect, haul, and dispose of .raid refuse , and any person , firm , or coroora- tion -%-.,ho shall permit refuse , tin ans , broken glass and other rubbish to accimulatc on their. Orin pro .aerty except for the purpose of facilitatlnr the collection of same by the rrarbace and refuse collocco. or deposit said Defuse , tin cans , broken Gass , and ot:,or rubbish on on! other property within tho corporate limits of thaCity of Fnyo ttet:'illc shall be deemed guilt.j 'of a misdemn..onor and uPon comHwO i.on t;hereo.f shall be punished by a fine of not less ':than •; 5 . 00 nor more than "50 . 00 and each day said tin pens , etc . , ar:: permitted t0 1'e:aaln Oil the 'Oi'lnE:r ' s p?"<:;71 Se .^ , or i?aCil time ua:!d tin . cans etc . , are deposited on oth:, r pro,,<;rt/ v:'Lthin tac oity of Fayetteville in violation of this ordinance shall con idtute a separate offense . 5 . Garbaf•e shall be kept in a separate container from other Idtchen refuse such as tin cans , discarded gl2ss , , etc „ the ;ra caFe cont< iner to be ti.htly covered , equipped idth handles aryl kept in a place accessible and convenient to the garbage and refuse collector in order to facilitate handl- ing . No ;;lass , metal , or ;hoisonois subst�mce . shall be placed. in the raroage containers . 6 . kll orcUnances and oarts of ordinances in c.-inflict herci;i.th are hereby repealed . ; 7 . Due to the unsatisfactory methods used in the collection, hauling, and disposing of Barba,-e , kitchen refuse ' tin cans , etc . , all of hchich causes inconvenience and creates a menace to the public health of the resi- dents of the Jity of Fayette. ,Alle , and this ordinance being necessary for the preservation of the Public Health , peace , and safety of the residents of the �ity •of Fayetteville , hrk. 3/9/42