HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 866 r ORDIUAI'C_ I1. 04 Ai: ORDI ; :AiTCL L_t'YIaG A FRI7IL-:G3 TAX OR LIC .-.79-Rul UFO!! FC - ITLiT. �i T�LL _ 'S FHA2_."CLCGISTS , :.: I " D 4 ,AL.JRS , Ai: D SI:' ILAR OCCUPATIONS ; AI'D FOR CTR R 'SCS - 3 : An occun:.ti or of Fortrne '." r llin7 , ; : ind 3e ^ din; , Prinistry , FY'.re ^ olo�y , or C : rstrl Ge. zi_ng , en2 --he ro . .cing of the r , qt or future t i;j ^hc tever � e4ne is hereby deck red to be z nrivi- lere , rnd nu -oeTson , fin' , or co _ - or;• tion deeirin to en<< Pe in My of the ^ bove occvn • tions , ^ 61ess of the nt -' e r -) -) lied to the ^ ethos , is hrrebv ruJ) ject to -- he folloy. ing t - ,.es , t o-• . it : One hrncred doll^.rs ( . 100 ) for the - ri ^ ilere of oner� tinr; for one lr` rr or : n.r f", ction •- 1 %-) • Tt of ye - r . CTIC" II . Any rcrcon , = irrn , or co-� - orrtio � n7-- r_ ins_ in e.ny of the bo � occurs ; tins T'iti. out first rvin ' . the nrivilcr -e t z f-r '. n Citir Cler': of Cit « of 1 Ctteville ehLll be seemed ^uil` Tr o ynnrliedemernor , Md + unon conviction thereof shell be fines ;. n rnjr ^ LTM1 not le se ihn.t Te _i eollrrs ( 10 ) nor r.ore Lhlr.n Tro hundred e.ollnrs ( !.".0 .^. ) , . n,' erch dty of such o .-, err, tion sh.2.1P, constitute a. Curr ^ te offence . S ;CTICI. III . All Or6i rncee in conflict hcreT-. _ th exe hereby rener4ed , #- nd it r.-ope ^rinr" th ,- t thict Ordinance is necessr.rr for the nre e ^ v^ tion of the public --)ence , hcr. lth , r.nd srfety , en en. er- r ency i ^ :erehv eeclrTee to a :riot , :1nd this OT ^ inr.nce ehnll to in full force r.nd effect fror� -� nrR .• f` er its 7)cr. Ssnr•e , r -onrow n.nd nu '_lic, tion . FA , ; 1 . ,j rD ?OT' ll 'AFI S y _ L`;aY JF 1942 . ror hilCROfIl, ViM DATE_ 6__is7C