HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 864 ORDINANCE NO . —L. P AN ORDINANCE CREATING THE OFFICE OF INSPECTOR OF LIQUIFIED GAS DISTRIBUTION SYSTEMS , INSTALLATIONS AND APPLIANCES WITHIN THE CORPORATE LIMITS OF THE CITY OF FAYETT.EVILLE , ARKANSAS , PROVIDING CERTAIN REGULATIONS IN CONNECTION WITH THE INSTALLATION AND SERVICING OF SUCH SYSTEMS AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES , BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE , ARKANSAS : SECTION 1 . The office of City Inspector of Liquified Petroleum Gas Installations , Equipment and Appliances is hereby created , and the City Building Inspector is hereby designated as the Liquified Petroleum Gas Inspector with full power and authority to do and perform all acts hereinafter set forth . SECTION 2 . Any person , firm or corporation desiring to install ligdified petroleum gas systems on any premises within the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas , shall first file with the City Clerk a sworn statement that be is a duly bonded menu. facturer , jobber or retailer , selling and installing liquified gas containers and appliances in accordance with Act 276 of 1941 , and the Rules and Regulations prescribed by the Boiler Inspection Department . Before making any installation , such dealer shall pay to the City Clerk an inspection fee of $10 . 00 for each installation and shall make application to the liquified petroleum gas inspector for a permit to install such system , and the inspector after ascertaining that said inspection fee has been paid shall issue a permit to install said liquified petroleum gas system . Before said system may be placed in operation , a final certificate of inspection must be issued by the City Inspector after inspection is complete , but before the system is charged with gas . SECTION 3 . No installations of liquified petroleum gas containers , appliances or systems shall be made except by plumbers or gas fitters who have been regularly licensed by the MICROFILMED DATE OCT 6 tela REEL 2 . City of Fayetteville , after they have secured from the City Inspector a certificate of qualification in the handling of liquified petroleum gases ; nor shall any person operate any vehicle containing a tank for liquified petroleum gases , of p r act as helper on such vehicle , without first having secured a certificate of qualification in the handling of liquified petroleum gases from city Inspector , provided that nothing in this section shall apply to liquified petroleum gas transports passing through the City of Fayetteville and not stopping for local service or installation of containers , appliances , or systems . SECTION 4 . In making installations of liquified petroleum gas systems the Inspector shall be guided by the rules and regulations promulgated by the State Boiler Division of the Department of Labor applicable to liquified petroleum gas instal- lation and equipment and failure to comply with such rules and regulations will be full justification for the Inspector refusing to issue a final certificate to the applicant ; provided , however , that whenever the Inspector shall deem it advisable or necessary he may make inspections of any liquified petroleum gas tanks and systems within the corporate limits of the City of Fayette- ville and if said system is not being maintained or constructed in conformity with the rules and regulations hereinabove ment- ioned pe may revAe the final certificate and such system shall r not be put in use until the requirements of the Inspector shall have been met . SECTION 5 . It shall be unlawful for any person , firm of corporation , their agents , servants or employees conducting a liquified petroleum gas business to permit to remain in the city limits any trucks or tanks charged with liquified petroleum gas longer than is necessary to service customers residing inside the City of Fayetteville and under no circumstances shall any tank trucks be permitted to remain within the City of Fayetteville except for the purpose of going to or returning from the cust- omerts premises . SECTION 6 . It shall be unlawful to bring in , install or transport over the streets of the City of Fayetteville any 3 . homemade tank or container built for the use of liquified petro- leum gas , and all tanks or containers used for liquified petro- leum gas shall be approved by the Inspector before they may be used in connection with any liquified petroleum gas distribution system or unit . SECTION 7 . All tanks used for liquified petroleum gas shall be buried at least two feet below the surface of the ground and shall not be nearer than ten feet to any building or structure within the corporate limits of the City of Fayetteville ; pro- vided , however , that said tanks may be located closer than two feet to the surface of the ground if the Pules and regulations of the State Boiler Division of the Department of Labor of the State of Arkansas are complied with . SECTION 8 . It is hereby made the duty of every person in the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas , upon discovering that liquified petroleum gas is escaping into the atmosphere from any tank or container , stationary or otherwise , at any point within the City of Fayetteville to immediately notify the Fire Department of the City of Fayetteville . SECTION 9 . It shall be unlawful to store within the cor- porate limits of the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas , any liqui- fied petroleum gas tank or container . SECTION 10 . Violation of any of the Rules and Regulations of the Boiler Inspection Department regarding the transportation , storage , servicing , handling , installation , or repair of liqui- fied petroleum gas containers , appliances , products , or systems shall be deemed a violation of this ordinance , SECTION 11 . Any person , firm or corporation violating any of the terms of any of the sections of this ordinance shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction thereof shall be fined in any sum not more than X500 . SECTION 12 . All ordinances or parts of ordinances in oon- flict herewith are hereby repealed , and it appearing that unless this ordinance becomes immediately effective the public health , peace and safety of the residents of the City of Fayetteville shall remain in jeopardy , an emergency is hereby declared to 4 . exist and this ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage , approval and publication . Passed and approved this day of /I«. , , 19419 Mayor ATTEST : City Clerk . d '�? , _ . . . r. , . _ . b �Q