HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 859 r ORDINANCE NO. _.f.SL? AN ORDINANCE TO PROVIDE FOR THE DISPOSAL OF WASTE MATTER OF ALL KINDS AND TO PROVIDE FOR THE KEEPING CLEAN OF THE STREETS AND AIIEYS OF THE CITY. 'BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS: .. _ . Section 1': For the purposes of this ordinance waste matter shall be divided into two classes as follows: Class l: Edible matter such as table wastes, peelings , rinds , etc':`, commonly called garbage' Class 2 Non- edible matter; including tin cans , ;; glass , ashes , scrap lumbers; leaves, wase paper; tree and shrub cuttings; floor sweepings; discarded containers; coffee grounds , etc . Section Zol Administration of this ordinance shall be under the general supervision of the mayor', who shall make such rules and regulations Jift � '�-r^-- ' as may be deemed necessary from time to time for the proper and efficient administration of this ordinance; and which may be changed from time to time to meet changing conditions as circumstances may arise;` and which when adopted by resolution of the eouneil4 shall have the f6rce and effect of law. Section 3e' Fees for the waste disposal service shall be fixed by the mayor upon an equitable basis, shall be effective upon approval by the council and shall be payable in advance to the collecting officer designated; provided' that fees shall in no event exceed $7150 per annum for residential service', or $60°:00 per annum for business service It is expressly declared to be the intent of this ordinance that only such fees shall be assessed and collected as will provide funds for the administration of th& s ordinance , and that all revenues arising hereunder shall be used exclusively for waste disposal; street and alley cleaning , and weed cutting:' - MICROFILM( DATE REEL 978 j ft �y i It •��,flp'-��, aa'"q'�1!fYf"•ttied'� IFe.-1+�,,,.�'i." I' e ff�aldfta 1i In the case of enterprises engaged in canning, ( processing or manufacturing, or of any public school", ( college or university or other tax supported enterprise•, special agreements for waste disposal may be made without regard to the limitations on fees as set out herein; whish special agreements shall become effective apon approval by the council: Section 4o-All waste rpaterials collected shall E be disposed of under the direction of the mayor or I' supervisor according to the best interests of the city . Subject to approval by the council; waste in class 1 may be disposed of by contract for collection under terms and conditions set forth by the city ; it may be collected by I� the city and sold ; or otherwise disposed of: Waste in class 2 shall be disposed of at the city dump; peovided that any which may have a dunk value may be salvaged and sold under rules to be set forth by the council . ,i Section 5 . The placing of leaves; ashes or other l substance in gutters or in any other place where they will or might be washed into a public drain or sewerr ' or so obstruct the flow of water as to dam it up or divert it into . the streets or alley; is hereby declared to be a misdemeanor and punishable by a fine not to exceed $ 25OC1 The keeping or creation of unsanitary or unsightly exterior premises or portion thereof is hereby declared to be a misdemeanor and punishable by a fine of one dollar`; and in addition the offender shall be required to pay the fee for public collection of waste matter: It is hereby declared to be a misdemeanor for any person not authorized by the city to molest or sciLtter or carry away any of the waste materials from any container �j i Ij specified under this ordinance and same shall be punish- able by a fine not to exceed . $ 5000'0 !� It is hereby declared to be a misdemeanor for any !� person to burn trash or papers or other matter within j fifty feet of any building used for business purposes Any !� person violating this section of the ordinance shall be subject to a fine not to exceed $ 50:000 It is hereby declared to be a misdemeanor for any person to leave food scraps; rinds or peelings on the public streets of the City of Fayetteville and any person found guilty of doing so will be subject to a fine in any amount not to exceed $ 50: 00: it shall be unlawful for any person, owner or occupant of property to dump or permit to be dumped anywhere within the limits of the 81ty of Fayetteville any waste material or matter to be used as fill , provided that this shall not apply to dirt or stone: Any person so • violating this ?r ovision of the ordinance shall be guilty of a I1 misdemeanor and may be punisged by a fine not to exceed $ 50: 00':' j; Nothing in this ordinance shall be construed to prevent any persons from hauling off waste matter in their �? own conveyance provided some suitable means is used to i !� prevent scattering or loss by wind from the conveyance: Any r I' ' person may sell or give away waste containers if the terms ! and conditions of this ordinance are otherwise complied with: Section 6 All ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith are hereby repealed, and it appearing that the failure to properly collect waste materials in the I` City of Fayetteville is a menace to the public health, peace and safety to the residents • of the City of Fayette- ville , an emergency is hereby declared to exist and this ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after the 1 day of 1941: i Mayor Atte t : ! City Clerk: i� � � � _ � , . e �i y