HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 843 1 843 11JJ:. i TI11C AUU l,JOPTI G . . .TitIt B.:'::1, :.`STATE h" :.W I. 1 3ti TO MIJ ?i1i2T OP TIE CITY 01• Fi1Y7,rMVIf1Tr $ Fait i•.'?":,F ei''J F0I 0TH?R ?U'rPOSM@ a majority of the property ov:rers of real estate hereinafter described have petitioned the County Court of .ashinCton County , Lrkansas to be annexed to and become a part of tine Jity of Fayetteville, P.rkansas , and ifCft s , the County Jourt aforesaid entered an order a )provin; said petiLion and orderinz said annexation , rand , i'^' i' ^ , more than thirty days has expired since said order of ennexa- tion and no ')rctest or a )peal has been made or taken , and a transcript of said oroceedin;-s of the County Court, toCether .ith an accurate plat of said oro -)osed a:ddition ha.s been filed viith the City Clerk prayinf- that the City of Fayetteville ace cot said Territory as part and parcel of the City of F��yetteville , Arkansas : X102. 2 T '!;R FOR^ , 137 IT 0: 1DAI171D . Y TIM CITY Jo177TCTi, OF Ir+Y^TT". IIT, , /'•.?i • : 1 . The following described Real Estate situated in ;iashington County, Arkansas , to-vrit : "Feeinni.ne at the southeast corner of Section 8 Township 16 north , ::anf_ e 30 viest, and running thence viest along the south line of said Section 1907 . 5 feet ; thence due north 160 rods more or less , to 'the north line of the southeast quarter of sL.Id Qection 8 ; thence east to the east line of said southeast yu.a•ter; thence south to the pla.ca of beginning . Said east line being ap,-)ro:;.mately in the center of Garland Avenue and being contiguous and adjoining the viest line of the corporate limits of the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas , and containing the .follovrinE lands , to-iiit : the southeast quarter of the southeast quarter, the northeast quarter of the southeast quarter and a strip 587 . 5 feet Wido off of the east sides of the southwest quarter of . the southeast quarter and the northwest (Tlarter of the southeast quarter. Be and the sass: is hereby accepted and a:inexed as a part and parcel of the City of 1ayetteville and the corporate liraits of the City of 'r'ryettevilla are hereby extended to include said above described real estate . 2 . The above described real estate is hereby assi-Mad and is a part of i•ard Four of the City of Fayetteville , Axkn sus , and shall be kno-rrsn ad "Dates Addition1l . 3 . Because certain develolaents cannot be undertaken in the above described teridtory until and unless it is tirithin the corporate limits of the Jit/ of Fayetteville and said developments and improvements bein;: necessary for the preservation of the public health, peace , and safety ; an emergency is hereby declared to exist and this ordine.nce shall be in full force and effect from and after its pansaf.e , approval , and publics- .tion . ' . Feb. 12 , 1 .40 G�OF , � OP�� ORD INANGE' N0 8m4=3 AN ORDINANCE ACCEPTING AND ADOPTING CERTAIN REAL E911ATE AS AN ANNEX TO AND PART OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLS , ARKANSAS , AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES . WHEREAS , a majority of the property owners of real estate herein- after described have petitioned the County Court of Washington County, Arkansas to be annexed to and become a part of the City of Fayetteville ,. Arkansas , and. WHEREAS , the County Court aforesaid entered an order approving said petition and ordering said annexation , and WHEREAS . more than thirty days has expired since said prder ofXKKM annexation and no protest or appeal has been made or taken , and WHEREAS , a transcript of said proceedings of the County Court , together with an accurate Plat of said proposed addition has been filed with the City Clerk praying that the City of Fayetteville accept said Territory as part and parcel of the City of Fayetteville , `irkansas , NON ?THEREFORE BE IT ORDAINED by the City Council of the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas : SECTION I . The following described Real Estate : situate1 in Washington County , Arkansas , to-wit : Beginning at the JAIEKKI&KX Southeast corner of Section Eight (;8 ) Township Sixteen ( 16 ) , Range Thirty ( 30 ) test ,and running thence West along the South line of said Section 1907 . 5 feet ; thence due North 160 Rods more or less , to the North line of the Southeast Quarter (SEX) of said Section Eight ( 8 ) : thence East to the East line of said Southeast Quarter ( SEX) ; thence South to the ;place of beginning . Said East line being approx- imately in the Center of Garland Avenue and being contiguous and adjoining the West line of the Corporate limits of the Cdty of Fayetteville , Arkansas , and containing the following lands , to-Wit : the Southeast Quarter ( SEI) of the Southeast Quarter ( SEI) , the Norteast Quarter ( NE1) of the Southeast Quar ter ( SEI) and a grip 587 . 5 feet wide squarely off of the East sides of the KM%X" K eK"Kk e� A)3ZM"southwest Quarter ( SWX) of the Southeast Quarter ( SEX) and the Northwest Quarter ( NWI) of the Southeast Quarter (SEX) Be and the same is hereby accepted and annexed as a part and parcel of the City of Fayetteville and the Corporate limits of the City of Fayetteville are hereby extended to include said above described real estate SECTION 2 . The above described real estate is hereby assigned and is a part of Ward Four of the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas , and shall be known as " Bates Addition" SECTION 3 . Because certain developments cannot be undertaken in the above described territ &ry until and unless t1Q�[X� N348[ Xgtiliat3lYbSEXX %"XU�X�E iIIlIX it is within the Corporate limits of the City of Fayetteville and said developments and improvements being necessary for the preservation Of the public health , peace and safety ; an emergency is here - by declared to exist and this Ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage , approval and publication Passed and approved this 12th day of February , 1940 . Approved Mayor * Attest yUlerk