HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 842 OICU�1' 1t4CE. 10 RA^ � A\ ORDINANCE ESTABLISH- ING - AA :MIU- COURT STATE OF ARKANSAS IN ` THE CI1Y OL' FAY$T,TI:-60 ss. ! � - VILLL:, ,�?ARI�ANSAS} UNDPR County of Washington °. iPIIE PROVISIONS 01 ACTLT OI THEt, ACTS.'.:OP 1927 AS HpZ I)Olicla5 ___ _____ ______, do solemnly swear r1MENDED AND : FOP. OTHER I, PURPOSES that I am manager of THE NORTHWEST ARKANSAS TIMES, a daily B1✓ IT ORDAINED by the City ;, newspaper pubbshed to said county, and that I was manager on the Council- bf the . Cit} of Fayette,. ' dates of publication hereinafter stated, and that said newspaper had a t tile, ..Arkansas i bona fide circulation in said county on said dates, and had been regularly SECTION 1 Utidet the provt- published in said county for a period of one month next before the date sions. of`Act 60 of•the Acts of the of publication of the advertisement hereto annexed, and that said ad- Gencral Assembly ; of 1927 and Acts ainendatory--ttiet cto --there, is I - . established in vertisement was published in said newspaper___Cmetime.Tr9MQra week licreby .cre:vted and tile City of Fayetteville Arkansas, it corpoi atton coui•ti to be Styled .'.'The TyfumctpalI_ Court.. of -Fayette- Yn-EX %" l`Ks�CCDYt42r21 on the following date: villc Arkansas '' Which court' shall -Q be conducted it, all tespects in Jari 2 ------------------------ _ _-. 19 - compliance Nt tth all of `the provi- - J- _ � stmts of smd Act and the amend- �Q mentstlieteto• (Signed) _ _ ----------- - - --------- SECTION 2 'Thesalary of the _ Judge's op the MUmclpal' - Court holl be Two Thousand Four Subscribed and sworn to before me ,this ----------------day of M SECTIONNo3c. TireJge of d the j shall `` L_ ,P�s�_ auhua, .pay m tn able equal" onthlyi Officio Clerk of - the Municipal � _--- .- --- --- Caut t,'. aud the. Baht S, bercin pco- \ Ivtded ' for the Municipal Judge sliellinclude his services as Clerk17 ---------=�- ---- -- of Said Court. - I . . , ` SECTION 4'. , At the next reg- .. i!' i ¢!i"S V -i. i _, j�:3 J. ular city -clectiou after the passage and apptoval of this ordinance, land at each,-regular city election t cry fou seers henceforth, there Shall be elected a Municipal -ludge. whose tcun of officc shall .be dour years, - and until his suc.. 'essot is elected and .aualifted as such , SECTIONI5. .Whereas thesd- t•ininistration of justice -HI ,both civil :and ,ri;imlripl , cases lindc ciisting tribunals is . inefficient, ?tid:\vhereas; `tlic same will be es- �dby ±he:establishment of n ( Municipal Court, in ergency , is Iheregv declaredl 'and this ordinance beng' necessary for thepreserw,t- tiori of the- publie peace; health and • safety,- the. same shall be in - fitll' force and. ,effect oil . acid after its; liassngq approval andpublics-, ' Appi ovecl A D: : Mc ALLIST FR.'.,.:: iAitc'st " Id Mayor. J -W ARGEHPE • , q lt_c City- Clerk. I � 01DIMn'; IJ[, '4.0. 32 AM U1iUIi i.idC� ';�TAihI :iI ''.'0 1i 'J?:tICI ?/:L COURT IN TII!' CITY OP, r1l7 :TT 7vIT LE1 itai;lt '�^!," , UNDER TIE 2R'DII>IO!!5 Oh ACT 60 OF' 'tnllrtt ::CT.' OT' 1921 /'�!' i_: ?;t !D1iU� 1.?iD FON, OTIE" i'UR:0S''jc . B2 IT ORD .T. 'rll DY TILT: CITY 3WNCIL Oc ti Y7TT'. 111' LL:? Lr ;t . c ; 1 . Under the provisions of Act 60 of the Acts of the Coned Assembly of 1927 and facts a4aendator,; therto, there i o hereby crcated and s.^, tablishcd in the City of 17ayettettrille , Arkanscs , a corpor<;tiun court to be styled "The 19unicipal Court of Yoyettcville , Jrkensas " , Which court shall 1)n con- ducted in all respects in coupliance r;i.th all Of tho orovi.si.ons of said ?act and the amendments thereto . 2 . The salary of the Jud;e of the 1. unici ial Jourt shall. be ^231400 . 00 per anntm;, payable in equal monthly installr.;ents . 3• The judF:e of the Municipal. Court shall be the &x-officio clerk of the L?unicipal Court, rnd the salary herein :provided for the 'Lunicinal Jud?xe shall. include his services as clerk of said court. 14 . At the next regular City election after tho sassaCe and a •)groval of this ordinance , and at each regular city election every four years henceforth, there shall be elected a :::unicipal Judhe :;hose teras of office shell be four years rnd until his successor is elected and qualified as such . 5 • l. il ' K,, , the acLainistration of justice in both civil and criay. nal cases under e; i.stin[ tribunals is inefficient, and nhereas , t1ne s;.me 4•rill be expedited by the establishment of V. iruni cipal '.Jourt, an e,aerlrency is hereby declared and this ovdinance being necessary for the preserve.tion of the public peace , health , and safety, the sarac shall 1k. in full force and effect on and after pass;.;e , approval, and ;mblicarion. Jan. 22 , 19140 MICROFILMED DATE�- 1978