HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 841 � r • �. ORDINA1ICh IJO . fiLal MIT ORDINf. NC" U SIM1kr1IT1G A LHIM C; PPP AS t: .^Y:'P.OL OF PLIMDNr�F; AU PRO- VIDIKR MO'TECTICY ; TO ;U,I ' !D PLR"OPI,S FRO:< I11JU3 UUE TO TIP.: OP;RATIM OF V3' I'CLPS 014 TM RTPC%"'TS Ol' PAYETT!, "VaTil .r BE I^t MDAI1iD T TIF, EOAIZ) OF i Li)UR'"i " Or FAY?TTE. iILL? , ARKA'"'B. ^ : 1 . A white iialkinr cava tipxd at the bottom with tt. o inches of red paint ;hall be a symbol tLt: t tiie carrier thereof is a person Y;holiy or ;artially blind. 2 . sill persons nholly or partially blind are permitted to use or carry on tic streets of Fayettcfille such a -i:h kinl- cane , 3 . A person wholly or .�artielly blind and carryi.n; a W. alkinr cane as desiPnated herein, shall have the richt-of-iaay over pedestrians and vehicles on the sideY:alks and streets of.' the City of Fatretuw'i. Ile . Drivers of vehicles when approachin.r such a ^erson ^hall brie,^: their:^ vehicles under absolute control and n:hel.l A : lIl ti.mos and under all ciramistances tyrant the right-of-v;ay to any pcdenirian wholly or partially blind and carrying the cone , as dosiriated herein . 4. i1ny person violating this ordinance shall be fined in any sum not less than :$10. 00 and not more than ,1,100 . 00. 50 That Ly reason of the fact that blind ce'rsons are in danger while using the .streets of the City of bayettoville . for lack of desitna- tion, the emergency is hereby declared to exist, and this ordinance shall take effect and be in force fran and after its passage , approval , and publication , Jan . 15, 1940 MICROFILMED DATE OCT 5 1978 REEL CITY Ur' :3't t r r'.�' � Pt vILtn LIu.. S Ct,U3 Ordinance ..ntitled ; .An OruintnCe designating a '.shite cane as a b,; '.bol of atindness ana Proviuing rrotection to Blina Persons Fro. . I:, : ary uue to the Operation of Vehicles on the Streets of Fayetteville . r be It oi• aainea b ,/ the board of M� of c e Cicy of Fayetteville , 4ar.cansas : - -. ction 1 . .1 i 'ce -.: . 1 i cane tip .ed ct the cottoi . iu., t _ o inc _ .es of re u pai._ si1all be a s ,;. .bol t'..at t:-.e caraier cner ,: of is a porson wholly or partially blina . oection 2 . ;111 persons tu;olly or partially blind e per; sittea to use or cert or: Li .0 s recta of r'U etteville sue: .al . i..� cane . erection 3 . .1 porson olly or _� rtiall •r blind aau carr -•'. ._; a •.:al in - cane , as assign: t . a i• erein , a 1 t c 11i ;- t - of-r:v1T ovor peuoctrians nd v . . . . icics o._ tai s _ a aal. _ s an.. s 'creets of the Cit;r of r' - : tc . villes ll:•iv .: rs of ver. icles _ o .i ap roachiug :: sczi a p.:rso .. s _ all bring ti .eir vel- icles under absolute co..trol r: rlu si' all t cll times anu u,.uer all circum... sr, - .tces ;;r• : r_t tr:lp 2big:1:t - of -e1r- y to c n; peaestrian olly or •crtisliy b _in .. ana carrying tile cane , as . . i . nscc. 0 -.erc :in . o :; cLion 4 . :,n;v perso., violbtinf this ordinance s : - awl o .; f•i._oa in a;y sum not more than .,,, 100 . 00 . pectic 5 . t'i:at b iecson of tn : fact trtct btinu persons are i - . dtni;er .. hile usin;; ti-.e streets of t . e, city of Fayetteville for lac , of ciesiE;iiation , an Oli46arullcy is ,ercby ueclarec. -�o exist , ana this Ur• uinance shall ta . , e effect aria oe in force from and Lfter its pe. ssage , Lprrovrl ana publication . It Ir I 1 TiS eu� doa uoj40e40ad T" eouBuIPSO i • ORI INANCR NO. 841 P,n Ordirr, nn:e Entitled : An Or- dinance designating awhile cane ,is a Symbol of Blindness and ' Providing . Protection to Blind STATE OF ARKANSAS Persons From Injury Due to the ss. Operation. of Vehleles. on ' the County of Washington Streets of Fayetteville. Be It Ordained by the Board of 1411 Jolt ;1aS m Alderan . of the City of Fayette- do solemnly swear I, _ ville.. Arkansas : I that I am manager of THE NORTHWEST ARKANSAS TIMES, a daily Section 1 , A white walking newspaper published in said county, and that I was manager on the came tipped at file bottom with dates of publicaliou nereinaftcr stated, and that said newspaper had a rive inches of red paint shall be bona fide circulation in said county on said dates, and had been regularly a symbol that the carrier thereof published in said county for a period of one month next before the date is a person wholly or partially of publication of the advertisement hereto annexed, and that said ad- blind. Section 2. All . Persons wholly .or partially blind •are permitted to vertisement was published in said newspaper-O11£---timesXM4l�kx1S use 01' carry on' the streets of Fayetteville such . a walking: cane. n Section -3. ` A persowholly or fBrXXXX.`C-'Db=B:Z'r bXMXNRJX on the following dateA partially blind and carrYin rng nalkinggaerea- Jan . 17 � �y" C\f ----- ------- ---- YLJ --4�1 m, 'shall have ;the i aght of,-way; ---------------------------- over - ------' (Signed) - of ' � ) ' "-- 140 overpedestaav!s and ren teles on , the sidewalks and streets 'of the. Si ed - ----- - --City of ; Fayetteville. Drivers " of vehicles when approaching such a . Person 'shall bring their vehicles Subscribed and sworn to before me lhis_____�_____________dny of under absolute Control and shall // at all times and under. all cir-' cumstances grant the rieht-of-II ay _ to a!iy pedestrian wholly, le par is desigly nated d h rein. ng thecarie.I U �/ as designated herein. Section 4:_ Any Person violating _________ ' this ordinance sh; 11 be fined in �}j jO any smm not less than $ 10.00 and ---------------- not more than $ 100.00. ------------------------- Section -----------------------Sec:tion 5'. That by reason of ;jig CO1rilfl!57i0i; f:XQi R'.S tic`. ; `i , i ; the . tact that blind persons aide ill danger .while using the streets of the Cit}' of Fayetteville for lack of designation, an emergency is I ereby declared to exist, and thi.> Ordinance shall take effect and )e in force from and atter its pas- :age, approval and publittatiort...n; Passed and approved this 151,11 Icy of'Jaruary. 1940. .. Approved: .A. D. -McALLISTER, �� lttest : , . . I . •Mayor. J. W. MCGEHEF., CIG'k. 17- lt,c