HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 839 •ORDINANCE NO , eFJ o3 q• AN ORDINANCE FILLING VACANCIES IN THE MEMBERSHIP OF TH3 CIVIL SERVICE COEIFISSION OF FAYETTEVILLE , ARKANSAS , AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES . BE IT ORDLINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE , ARKANSAS : SECTION 1 . That Hal Douglas , Henry A . Ritgerod and Charles P . Dodd be and they are hereby selects d,^and designated to fill the offices of Civil Service Commissioners of the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas , succeeding 5.r15MMI.h4ter , 4uh.au-P•. G4%,A Jvl 'dr- A. OwnbeY Gw"4& -moi QAC ( OSC".0 65.jitie ^respectively . SECTION 2 . "hereas , it is necessary under existing statutoes to have an active board of Civil Service Commissioners for police and Fire Departments in the City of Fayetteville , and , rhereas , under existing conditions there are no Commissioners acting as such and this ordinance being necessary :br the preservation of the public health , peace and safety , an emergency is hereby declared to exist , and this ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage , approval and publication . Mayor , i` ATTEST : _ 4f- City YCity Clerk , , 1. J ZPas ed and Approved this 26th day of December , 1939 i,UCRpFIl1<1�• 19�U 4 STATE OF ARKANSAS ss. County of Washington I, -----------Hal DQUgI - --------------- do solemnly swear that I am manager of THE NORTHWEST ARKANSAS TIMES, a daily newspaper published in said county, and that I was manager on the dates of publication hereinafter stated, and that said newspaper had a bona fide circulation in said county on said dates, and had been regularly published in said county for a period of one month next before the date { of publication of the advertisement hereto annexed, and that said ad- vertisement was published in said newspaper_RI18--times7oCWCa:7 MOW X vXXXlftdek > ZidGlfYeY3dCon the following dat9S: Dec . 27_, --------------- - . 193__9 Subscribed and sworn to before methis---------------------day of ------------------- 193---- ---------------------------------------------------- I ORUfNANCE NO. 839 SAN ORDINANCE FILLING VA f CANCIFS ;IN THE MEMBER SHIP OF THE CIVIL SERVICEi COMMISSION OF FAYETTE.' VILLC, ARKANSAS, AND FORj OTHER PURPOSES. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY:,COUNCIL OF THE CITY; OF LF.AYETTEVILLE, ARKAN- SAS . SECTION 1 . That Hal Douglas,. Homy A. Ritgerod and Cliale P. Dodd be an srcictedPP 8_ri. ierebeY lpintcd anc ig 'nald :. In fill the offices u[ CiN:'C'Sei;;Vice,' Commissioners of the City;of%flay etteville, Arkunsas,_ succeeduig B=7% F. McAllister Carlos ,Gw§nlger � acid Julian P. Ownbey rest�cc- , tivCly, 1 SECTION 2. Wbcrcas, it is occ-' essay under existing statutes tof have all active board of Civil i Service Commissioners lot. Police and Fire Departments in the City of 1'a.vetleville, and, whereas, (tilde] existing conditions there ure no Commissioners acting nsi such ;aid this o]Clinance being I necessary for the Preservation of tbe_ Public healtb, Peace and . safety, an emergency is hereby dCCI'arcd to exist, and this ordi_ nance shall. be in full force and I effect from and after its passage, i aPProval and Publication, A. D. McALLISPER, ATTEST : klayor. J. IV. McGEHEE, City Cleric. 27- It-c