HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 835 r ORDINANCE P.TO , A17% % ORDINANCE PRESCRIBING CZRTAIX HEALTH IXTSP`CTION F:� S A1. D FOR OTHER PURPOS ._S . S: CTION 1 . BE IT ORDAINED by the City Council of the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas , that the license. or inspection fee to be charged restaurants shall be the sum of ` a — payable in the manner and at the time now prescribed by the Ordinances of the City of Fayetteville . . S. Ci ION 2 . ^here two trades requiring inspection fees are operated by the same individual , firm or corporation in the same place of business , the inspection fee to be charged for both of said businesses shall be the saiiie as would otherwise be charged for tho business bearing the greater inspection fee , it being the intention of this section to make only one charge for inspection under the circumstances outlined herein . S ,CTION 3 . All ordinances and part of ordinances in conflict herewith are hereby repealed , but this ordinance shall not be construed as repealing any requirements for licenses or inspection fees on any businesses or trades not herein specifically mentioned , and it appearing that the present ordinances governing licenses and inspection fee under the circumstances outlined in this ordinance are a.rbitr4ry and. unreasonable and this ordinance being necessary for the _-)reservation of the public health , peace and safety of the residents os' the City of Fayetteville , an emergency is hereby declared to exist , V.nd this ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage , approval and publication . PASSED and APPROVT D this g day of October , 1939 , Mayor , AT,- .ST : C/ City 49r�/e� Clerk . Mlcp DATE of " ) ;976 2EEi�— � C • % f 1 N ;a Ct � n " N �3 U 7 O ct ID I :D ca 1 STATE OF ARKANSAS as. County of Washington I l j* is I, ----EA.1__aoul -rl—--------------------- do solemnly swear that I am manager of THE NORTHWEST ARKANSAS TIMES, a daily »' newspaper published in said county, and that I was manager on the dates of publication nereinafter stated, and that said newspaper had a bona fide circulation in said county on said dates, and had been regularly published in said county for a period of one month next before the date of publication of the advertisement hereto annexed, and that said ad- vertisement was published in said newspaper___Q1le_timesX&fiX 'aYA ekX NhiZX=XYXi'e] kbY19Q=09Con the following date= ----��t 2 }+ - ------------ `------------------ . 3B_ (Signed)--- �- :: ��-- --K-�- \ Subscribed and sworn to before me this---------------------day of \`1 1AA _____________________________________________________ J ORDINANCE M111935 c t,.7 bRDINANCE PRE$CIIIBING QST TNSAS IM CERTAIN HEALTII ,;aUJSPEC-'' TION FEES AND FOR btll'ER PURPOSES.- ^ and it appearing that the present ' SECTION 1. BE IT ORDAINED ofdurance goveini ig licenses and by the City _Council of the City., inspection fee wider the cireuru of Fayetteville, " Arkansas, that'' stances outlined in' thu ordinance' the license, or inspection. fee Sao are arbitrary and', unreasonable be charged, 'restaurants shallbe ! and this ordinance- 6e�ng-necessary the sum ' of ' $15.00 payable in thc � for the preservation necessary manner and at the time now. pre- ' - health, peace And safety ' of. the scribed by the Ordinances of the residents of `the: City : of' Fayette- City of Fayetteville. Ville, . an. emergency: as hereby Ae- SECTION 2. Where two trades ' clared..to exist andithis Ordinance requiring inspection fees are oper- ,hall.:be infull force and. '"effect;) ated by the sameindividual, firm Brom and after ' its- passage; ap- or corporation in the same place 1 prOval and publical in of business; they inspection fee to A , PASSED ND _APPROVED'. this be charged for both of said busy ! I23rd day of October 1939. nesses shall be the same as would A D , McALLISTER, otherwise be charged . for the buss- ; , Attest: . Mayor." ness bearing the greater inspection J. W. MCGEHEE,' fee, it being the intention of this City. Clerk section to make only one charge mullyi - 24-It-c for inspection under ' the circum stances outlined herein. SECTION 3. All ordinances and part : of ordinances. . in conflict. herewith are hereby, repealed; _brit' this ordinance shall not be con- strued as repealing any ' require- ments for licenses or inspection fees on any businesses or 'trades not herein specifically mentioned,