HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 831 0 R D I N A 1. 7 E N 0 . Al! ORDIITI:T.CE PROHIBITUG THE PARKIITG OF VEHICLES 07 CIEST ?11F1YET^E S1i2--T HE!11 !7711 THE ' ?EST LUTE OF ':LEST STREET AIM THE ^i ST LL•TE OF GREGG ST13= s i'I""SCHI3n1G PEi• ALTIES A11D FOR OTHER PURPOSES . BE IT OxDA INED by the City Council ofXFKgMKt tl% PUCR1#&Ci XXXX of the City of Fayetteville , Arkanas : S CTI (T Oi2E : It shall be unlaeiful for any person , firm or corporation to park any vehicle on the paired portion of '. lest Lafayette Street bettileen the •.' est #line of i'.orth t+est treet and the East Line of Greg." Street r: ithin the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas . 3130TION T'30 : Any person , firm or corporation violating the terms of this Ordinance , shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and punishable by a fine of not less than ( ;1 .00 nor more than t�1O . 0O . SECTION THRE3 : All Ordinances or parts of Ordinances in conflict iiere'71tn are 'iereby repealed and it apvearing that a nev overpass over the Frisco J3ailroad has just been completed , parked vehicles uiil block traffic and endanger the safety of pedestrians and motor vehicle operators , an emer - r*,ency is hereby* declared to exist and this Ordinance shall be in full force and efl lect from and after its passage , approval and publication . Passed and approved this Liday of July , 1939 . ATTEST -� ? APPROVED . err � t y Mayor . h.' i 17 � 57 CD j a O CD N• C . - G 't C H (D ~ T N cl • CD :J H N• C ct S 7 r p G: rt O r • CD r STATE OF ARKANSAS as. ' County of Washington / I -----------------, do solemnly swear that I am manager of THE NORTHWEST ARKANSAS TIMES, a daily newspaper published in said county, and that I was manager on the dates of publication nereinafter stated, and that said newspaper had a bona fide circulation in said county on said dates, and had been regularly oublished in said county for a period of one month next before the date of publication of the advertisement hereto annexed, and that said ad- vertisement was published in said newspaper-()Ila timeX i ;SSSS eTY Yo�Y3L;, f ya,v,a.Tcws�uua.+� on the following date . (Signed) -- --- --- ---- --- Subscribed and sworn to before me this------ -----------day of ------------ --------------' i ------ -- --------------t-- --------- --------------------------------------- My Commission Expiresires Oc p ORDINANCE' No 831 ! AN ORDINANCE. PROHIBITING THE-.PARKING OF; VEHICLES. (SN' WEgU` tAF.A'YETTE' .` STREET BETWEEN:TRE_WEST JN& OF; WEST, STREET AND THE. EAST` LINE 'OF:! GREGG STREET, 'PRESCRI$ING PEN- ALTIES '. AND ENALTIES- -'.AND ' 6TH' ER� hPURPOSES :;. " y. BE IT ORDAINED by the Cdy� Council •of-;the City.'.of Fayette- i+ille Arkansas > `SECTION'.ONE It shall.be .un-' lawful for any, persargp irm or corporation to park any Vehicle; ' on the paved porflori' ryof, West, ( Lafayette Street between tt�Q�West Line of Noi th Westj'w§ f` I" d�� the East thLide of Gre'g°gStreet withrn thet�.�, , of Fattev}lle; Arkansas ';ay�, " .•r '. SECTION -%TWO* Ariy pFerson,' rr ;firm or 1 corporation_- violatrrl�„the';( terms of this Ordinance' S�all bei deemed guilty of a mi§'de ° andrl agd punishable by a finer less than '.$1 00 ¢cor mo tan-I $1000 <_SECTION ,THREE•}z•AII ,,,Ord "fiances or;parts of Orilfriances -.in; conflict. :herew}th arf�"' hereby repealed -and ,it.,appearing that a npw . overpass . , over, - .the 'Frisco' Railroad has just ,beefi.completed; :parked- vehicles` will- dblock•araffic' and endanger thesafetyof pedes trians -and motor vehicle operators: 'aif .emergency is Sereby idedared. to--exist and this Ordinance sha114 be �in ,full.'force sand l effect from' "and after its passage; approval and: publication. ' Passed . and approved this ,loth day of July, 1939 . Approved ”" A. D MCALLi : Attest: : - Mayor: °7.:.W,.MCGEHEE,. City Clerk. 12-1t-c l