HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 830 1 ' ORDINANCE No . 830 . AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR THE PAYMENT OF LICENSES ON CERTAIN GASOLINE SERVICE BUMPS AND FOR (ETHER PURPOSES . ' BE IT ORDAINED by the City Council of the City of Fayetteville , Arkanas : SECTION ONE : All gasoline pumps located on private property which are capable of , or adapted to the servicing of motor vehicles while parked either on the public walkways or sddewalks , shall be li- censed in the manner and for the amounts now or hereafter provided by Ordinance for Gasoline Curb Pumps . SECTION MIO : This Ordinance shall not be construed as permitting the extension of gasoline pump hose across any sidewalk within the City of Fayetteville , thereby obstructing the Public Sidewalks , SECTION THREE : XXZXO. aXMXMN Any person , firm or corporation violating the terms of this ordinanceri or failing to pay the license , herein WXMidXprescribed shall be guilty of a misdemeanor ' and punisR- able by a fine of not less than .x,`10 . 00 nor more than y�50 . 00 . SECTION FOUR : All Ordinances or parts of Ordinances in conflict herewith are hereby repealed , and it appearing that many persona , firms and corporations are using Gasoline Pumps for the servicing of motor vehicles in the same manner as Curb Pumps , and are not paying the license required Of Curb Pumpli Operators , and this Ordinance being necessary for _ the preservation of the public health , peace and safety , an emergency is hereby decaared to exist and this Ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage , approval and publication . Passed and a�lppeoved this 26th day of June , 1939 . Attest y� Approved A/� d• � y—`leric aye- - Dr\TL__ OCT o U �- m w m r U D C y � � �-I U Oan1t�ANCE 10. 830 - AN. ' Oif JAN.CE : PROVIDING ,FOR,: rtE PAYMENT . OF, ^LI- ,CENSES..ON.CERTAIN GASO-] ( LINE SERVICE PUMPS AND' STATE OF ARKANSAS FOR OTHER PUR1E5 as. tBE IT ORDAINED he Cit y County of Washington Council of the City heyette- - � vtlle; Arka�sasi: SECTION ONE All �t gasoline. I -----------H%1__D_0Ug1%_8 _____________• do solemnly swear �pumpsllocatgd.-,on pnvateproperty. � that I am manager of THE NORTHWEST ARKANSAS TIMES, a daily wfiich are capable of or adapted' newspaper published in said county, and that I was manager on the 11 to the servtctng of motor behmles_ dates of publication nereinafter stated, and that said newspaper had a while parked either on the public:i bona fide circulation in said county on said dates, and had been regularly .tyalk'waYa : J1 oublished in said county for a period of one month next before the date licensed in .the manner 'andffory of publication of the advertisement hereto annexed, and that said ad- the-ethqunts now or hares{Qer,+lpro ill ed by Ordinance for Gia Une-1 Curb Pumpa.. �fl )3fe ,�' .= vertisement was published in said newspaper_.0II8__time9C0tXXX=ek + SFCTSQN TWO Thtl ance .l slialI nod be =.eonstrpev s p i v7lttib the extenston+to_, gasoline. y=_K*X_XXgek3C%M%iX*Xon the following dates: primp hole ddjae;oSs 8nyI ewalk: wtthiw the City of Fayettevhle I th&bbY obstructing thgl Publi"illc` �Une 27 � ----- _ __-- ------------------.............. L939 SidQwalks - . _r SECfI01 xF313 }1nY,Pers6n fieig'. qt' porpbratto>? vtLlatth'g the: (Signed) _ _ _ _ __ �� �GI�.� ______ ._ tefrrl� of, thl9 .ordm"ance, >or dp11 .' ingi pi3y ^!]Ie•licrose'`cheEtnpee : /D sCctbd 'Shall�tiet 8tli].;:Yi of is m#s Subscribed and sworn to before me .this___1 ________day of deme�rtor end'; p¢nishe6le bYira'� fine=.` of` nob less than�+310 00 nor' ,j/� more than $50.00 ------ -�-�'-=1��{y--------- . 0{ SECTION FOUR All Ordt=1 - ' nances or parts of Ordinances }n -, conflict herewith 'are hereby re- ! ----- -- ------- --------------------------------- ',pealed,;' .and it appearing . than many. persons, firms and corrpor- ahotu are using. Gasoline Pumps ------------------- ------------ --=------------ ;for the servicigg of motor vehicles in the same manner as Curb ii'i}' C^ai n ssion E:<pires Oct. 15, 194 .Pumps, _and are not - paying , the 'license- required of: Curb Pump -- - �Operators and this Ordinance be- ing necessary for the preserva - tion of the public health, . peace and safety, - an - emergency ^ is hereby declared tol exist and this Ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after - its passage, approval and publication: Passed and _approved this 26th day of Jidne, 1939. - 'Approved : . . A. D. . McALLISTER, Attest: : I Mayor. ' . J. W. McGEHEE,, City Clerk. 27-1t-c