HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 829 ORDINANCE N 0 . & 2 9 . ii P? ORDIRA :CE TO ALIEND SECTION ONE OF ORDMANCE N0 . 7 4 6 . OF THE CITY OF FAYLTTEVILLE , ARKANSAS & 41 BE IT ORDAINED, �y$N the City Council of the City of Fayetteville , XiOUCA Arkansas : SECTION ONE : Section One of Ordinance No . 7 4 6 . is hereby amended to read as iollons : " That hereafter buildings of frame construction , veneer- ed outside with brick, stone orother non-combustible material , and to be used as residences or apartments or apartment houses ,may be erected on lots within the first fire zone , provided they are not locatedlyNhe main business dis%3'M tricts , or in such location as to prevent any likely expansion of said main business district or districts of the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas : and also provided that the buildings are constructed in compliance v ith the rules regulations and other requirements desc ribed hereinafter in this ordinance `: SECTION TUO : All ordinances and parts of ordinances in conflict here - with are hereby repealed , and confusdon giving arisen as to the construction of Section One of Ordinance No . 7 4 6 and this Ordinance being necessary for the preservation of the pub rc peace , health and safety , an emergency is hereby declared to exist and this ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage , approval and publication . Passed and approved this 5th day of June , 1939 , ATTEST J . CJ . LcGehee . APPROVED A . DoUcAllister i y ler L:a , or & I 3 ct 0 O ey ct m d a ti a a z t� !- R• N to w CA N ch CD li ' • .• ,. .ORDINANCE NO. $29 LAI r;QRDINANGE TO AMEND �$CTION� ONE . OF ;. ORijI- 1 NANf NO 746 ' OF7 THE ;CITY OF FAYETTEFILLE ARICAN- STATE OF ARKANSAS ss. SAS: ` •' - County of Washington BE ,IT ORDAIN);D,$y the.; City Councilof the City of Fayette. ivrlle .;Arkansas ? ' • :., ; I, $al _ Dgaglasdo solemnly swear • SECTION ONE`. Section-;Qne!of that I am manager of THE NORTHWEST ARKANSAS TIMES, a daily Ordinance No,.; 746-' -is - : h eyreby newspaper published in said county, and that I was manager on the amended to ,read as ff0119ws: dates of publication nereinafter stated, and that said newspaper had a ' Th at hereafter'buildmgs ,f f{i$' ins bona fide circulation in said county on said dates, and had been regularly construction, veneered �hulide., published in said county for a period of one month next before the date with ;brink, atong .; or Qth, "' 'non=, of publication of the advertisement hereto annexed, and that said ad- with I 1, m1 . aterial 4a '��be . ' used as- residences or p tments or apartment houses ay be vertisement was published in said newspaper Orie__timA4(n a erected • on lots with! �2irst , fue zone provided the or cot , ,�•� XXvWh "t�sAcut'ARA the following dat : ]orated �rh. the. marc bI' nn ,'des- �t trots G.or in suck ]o'eaE> ag •to I prevent: any likely expaniionr of Jure 7 'said main business- drstnctor dis --- --- --------- ---- 3-9 -- --- -- ---- 19 tricts•.of the Citv' .of Fayettewdle; , Arkapse¢ and also provided ;that /J -ahe .;:buildimg§ aee : constructed .Ir. (Signed) -- ---w -f'- ---- ----- - ---------- Com hap P S rk fi .._. a with >the rules re u- Ialiohs`and th2 other re 9 utre ents described her€in�fter h this or- Subscr'bed and sworn to before me ,this------ --------------day of durance:' i p SCTYON TWO. AII ordinincea yK --------- 1 snd atts" of , ordinanees m 'con fleet herewith are hereby,; re peaked;' ands confusion hawing -__ —----------------------- ------ --- - arisen 8s 1 ttae ' onstruction of ----- SeCtwn,:Qne'of Ord1. nance Nor 746 aqd this Ordinance being peces- -----------------------A ----------- say SOrL.thP! ,preservation of`, the i Q , peace hearth and , safcty, My Commission Expires Oct. I ,,, rl,il an eM9rget�ey a; hereb,Y declared• . . p c I to es:i's'f' and ytiSiS';;o;dinapoo-'SHad1' be Ji -ttill force., and effect from atYd . ;atter 7its , passage , aliproval and Piil;hcatiton �,, � ; .: Passed 'and approved this ;-5th day of ,JupNI . Approved A D McALLI�'S'ER � � ' Attest. ?J. ,.W. .M�ri fiid;,- City Clerk2 •, ' . . :. '.7-li.=c.. i I CITY WATER PLANT FAYETTEVILLE. ARKANSAS 3, � D.tLCtr�-a•,,. w � Q � �