HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 828 1 ORDINANCE!YN 0 . 8 -2 -8 AN -ORDINANCE TO PROVIDE 'ii0RE SANITARY AND EF? ICIEVT METHODS FOR DISQ O POSAL OF GARBAGE ,KITCHEN REFUSE , TIN CANS ,DISCARDED GLASS , 1TC . , AND FOR OTHER FUR POSES . VIHEREAS , present methods used in the collection , hauling and disju posal of garbage have proven to be unsatisfactory , and `:;TIEREAS , hauling of tin cans , discarded glass and other rubbish has been very unsatisfactory to residents of the City of Fayetteville , T.-.RIEREAS , accumulations of garbage and refuse for long periods of time create unsanitary cond. itdons within the City of Fayetteville ; 1IOL7 , THEREFORE , BE IT ORDAINED by the City Council of Vie City of Fayetteville , Arkansa : SECTION ONE . The City Council of the City of Fayetteville , Arkan- sas , sha ll contract vith some responsible person , firm or corporation to collect , haul and dispose of all garj)age , kitchen refuse , tin cans ,discarded glass , etc . , and shall provide in said contract the manner in which saild garbage , refuse and rubbish shall be collected , hauled and disposed of ; and shall require that such person , firm or corporation give bond with good and sufficient surety in any sum not less than One Thousand Dollars ($ 1 , 000 .00 ) to be approved by the T.tayor of the City of Fayet ;,eville ; conditioned that said garbage collector shall perform the conditions and requirements set forth in said contract , vilnich shall contain a provision that the garbage collector shall be required to:' Tlr garbage vithi.n the City of Fayetteville .. ,. ithout cost to the City or residents of said City . SECTION T1110 . No person , firm or corporation shall collect any garbage , kitchen refuse , tin cans , dd.scarded glass , etc . , until and unless he shall have first made application to the City Council of the City of Fay- etteville , setting forth the proposed methods of collecting , hauling and dispos - i_ ng of said garbage and shall have received the approval of said City Counctdl and entered into a contract with the City of Fayetteville , upon such terms and conditions as maIT be agreed upon , and have posted bond as required in Section One of this Ordinance ; and any person , firm or corporation collecting , hauling or disposing of garbage , kitchen refuse , tin cans , discarded glass , etc . , without first having received the apnroval of said City Council and having posted bond as herein required shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor , e.r-d shall be punished by a fine of not less than x; 5 . 00 nor more than 0,50 .00 , and each day of such collection , ,hauling and disposal shall consti- tute a sepArate offence . Provided , however , that this section shall not ap ply to any person hauling or disposing of his owh tin cans , broken glass , etc . , so lon^ asthe hauling and disposing of same by duch individual does not con- stitute a nuisance or create unsanitary conditions ; provided further that all tin -cans , broken glass , and other kitchen refuse except garbage shall be de - posited at the dumping ground provided by the City of Fayetteville . SECTION THREE . There is hereby lovied a tax or fee to be known as " Refuse Disposal Tax" to be paid by residents or businesses availing themselves of the services herein provided as follows , to-wit : For each residence . . . . . . . . . . 6 ypl . 00 per annum For each Hotel , Restaurant or Boarding House . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1j2 . 50 per annum SECTION FOUR . The tax or fee provided in Section Three hereof shall be collected by the person , firm or corporation contracting to collect the garbage , reftse etc . , ; and upon failure or refusal of any person availing bi.mself of the services herein provided , the garbage collector may refuse to collect , haul or dispose of said tin-cans and other refuse until said tax is raid . Provide further that upon failure to pay said tax or fee , the City hf of Fayetteville may , at its election , order the garbage collector to collect , haul and dispose of said refuse , and any person. , firm or corporation who shall permit refuse , tin - cans , broken glass and other rubbish to accumulate on their property except for the purpose of facilitating the collection of same by the �arbRge and refuse collector , or deposit said refuse , tin -cans , broken glass and other rubbish on any other property withib the corporate limits of the City of Fayetteville , shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and upon con- viction thereof shall be punished by a fine of not less than Five Dollars ( 15 . 00 ) nor more than Fifty Dollars ( ) 50 . 00 ) and each day said tin -cans , etc . , 1. are permitted to remain on the owners premises or each time said tin -cans , etc . , are deposited on other property within the City of Fayetteville in violation of this ordinance shall be considerdd a separate offense . M00FFl DATE OCT. REEL_ i�-; 11979 ( Page 2 , Ordinance No .828 . ) SECTION FIVE . Garbage shall be kept in a separate container from other kitchen refuse such as tin cans , discarded glass , etc . , ; the garbage container to be tightly covered , equipped with handles and kept in a place accessible and convenient to the garbage and refuse col- lector in order to facilitate handling . No glass „ metal or poisonous sub- stance shall be placed in the garbage containers . SECTION SIX . All Ordinances And. pats of Ordinances in conflict herewith are hereby repealed. SECTION SEVEN . Due to the unsatisfactory methods used in the collection , hauling , and disposal of garbage , kitchen refuse , tin cans , etc . , all of which causes inconvenience and creates a menace '- to the public health of the residents of the City of Fayetteville , and this Ordinance being necessary for the preservation of the public health , peace and safety of the residents of the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas , an emergency is hereby declared 1:ffiWaKI and this Ordinance shall be in full force and effect as soon after its passage , approval and publication as the contract herein reDM quired can be executed and operation thereunder begun . Passed and approved this 29th day of May , 1939 . Approved A . D .MeAllister Attest J .IJ .McGehee Mayor City Clerk *