HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 825 ORDINANCE NO . �� S✓ AN ORDINANCE TO PROVIDE. FOR THE EMPLOYMENT , SUSPENSION AND DISCHARGE OF MEMBERS OF THE POLICE DEPARTMENT AND FIRE DEPARTMENT OF THE CITY OF FAYEPTEVILLE , REPEALING ALL LAWS OR ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT HEREWITH AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES . WHEREAS , under the terms of Act 28 of the Acts of the General Assembly of the State of Arkansas for the year 1933 , a so- called civil service was set up for the Police and Fire Departments of cities of the First Class , and WHEREAS , under Section 18 of said act the question of whether or not any city shall operate under said act , may be submitted to the electors of such city for approval or rejection , and WHEREAS , under the holding of the Supreme Court of Arkansas in the case of Stockburger vs . Cruse , 191 Ark , page 822 , that Court said that Section 18 of said Act was, in recognition of the rights of municipalities to regulate their own affairs under Amendment No . 7 to the 0041stitution of the State of Arkansas , and i?HEREAS, under the authority of said Section 18 , the question of whether or not said act should apply to the Police and Fire Department of the City of Fayetteville , was submitted to the electors of the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas , at the annual election held in April , 1934 , at which election said Act was approved by a majority of those voting on the question and by said approval became effective as to the Police and Fire Departments of the City of Fayetteville , and WHEREAS , the approval of said Act 28 by the voters of Fayetteville was such an approval as is contemplated by Amendment No . 7 to the Constitution of the State of Arkansas , and 7HEREAS , Amendment No . 7 contains among other provisions , the following : " Amendment and Repeal- -No measure approved by a vote of the people shall be amended or repealed by * * * any City Council , except upon a yea and nay vote on roll call of two- thirds of all /vi!C„OFILMEp members elected to * * * the City Council , * * * . �� and RATE OCT EEL ??HEREAS , under the procedure followed in the City of Fayetteville , an approval by the voters was necessary before said Act could become effective ; and that said Act , depending upon the approval by the voters , became subject to repeal by a two- thirds majority of the members _elected 0 2 . to the City Council ; and WHEREAS , the City of Fayetteville has tried for five years to operate under the terms of Act 28 aforesaid , and _ has found that said Act cannot be satisfactorily adapted to conditions as they exist in the City of Fayetteville ; NOW, THEREFORE , BE IT ORDAINED by the City Council of the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas : SECTION I . The mayor shall supervise the conduct of all members of the Police and Fire Departments of the City of Fayetteville and shall choose and appoint the Chief of the Police Department and the Chief of the Fire Department who shall hold their offices until the following election for mayor , and until their successors are appointed by the incoming mayor , unless sooner removed for cause ; provided this Section shall not prohibit the mayor from choosing and appointing a Chief of Police and a Chief of the Fire Department for a period less than the term for which the mayor is elected . SECTION II . The mayor shall have the right to suspend for inefficiency , misconduct , or neglect of duty , the Chief of the Police Department and Chief of the Fire Department until the next regular , or adjourned, or special meeting of the City Council ; at which meeting he shall lay the matter before the City Council ; and unless his action be approved and the chief be removed from office at such meeting within five days trhereafter , by a vote of a majority of the council elect , the suspension shall cease ; provided , no officer shall twice be suspended for the same cause . SECTION III . The Chiefs of Police and Fire Department may suspend for inefficiency or misconduct any subordinate in their departments , and it shall be their duty to forthwith report their action to the mayor with reasons for suspensions , with recommendations , and the mayor shall have power on recommendation alone of the Chiefs of the Police and Fire Department to remove any subordinate member of the police and fire departments . SECTION IV . This ordinance is hereby declared to be severable , and if any part , section , paragraph , sentence , clause or phrase of this ordinance is held to be unconstitutional or in violation of any 3 . state law, if applicable , the remaining parts of this ordinance shall not be affected thereby , SECTION V . All laws , parts of laws , ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith are hereby repealed and especially Act 28 of the Acts of the General Assembly for the year 1933 , approved by the voters of Fayetteville at the general election held on April 3 , 1934 ; and it appearing that there is much confusion in the Police and Fire Departments of the City of Fayetteville , because the present system of operating the Police and Fire Departments are not designed for , and adaptable to conditions within the City of Fayetteville and much dissention and justifiable criticism has arisen by reason of the short - comings of Act 28 , approved by the voters ; and this ordinance being necessary for the preservation of the public peace , health and safety , an emergency is hereby declared to exist and this ordinance shall take effect and be in full force from and after its passage , approval and publication . Passed and approved Mayor . Attest : City Clerk . Published in Northwest Arkansas Times _ day of l 1939 . Y41w r r