HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 820 , 1 � 1 ORDINANCE NO �,10 AN ORDINANCE DECLARING CERTAIN PROPERTY WITHIN THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE , ARKANSAS , TO BE A NUISANCE AND MFNACE TO PUBLIC HEALTH AND SAFETY ; ORDERING ITS REMOVAL AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES . WHEREAS , the owner of the following described property to-wit : A part of Lot Fifteen ( 15 ) , Block Six ( 6 ) , County Court Add - ition to the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas , described as be - ginning at a point which is 145 feet South and 132 feet West of the Northeast Corner of said Lot Fifteen ( 15 ); and running thence South to the South line of said Lot Fifteen ( 15 ) ; thence West along ft South line of said Lot Fifteen ( 15 ) , sixty feet ; the�o*e North to the South line of Scott Street ; thence East 60^rfiore or less to the place of beginning • has allowed a frame warehouse building located on said property to become dilapidated , unsightly , unsafe , unsanitary , obnoxious , and detrimental to the public welfare and WHEREAS , said property is dangerous to the life and limb of the public and WHEREAS , said property constitutes a fire hazard and for the reasons stated above said building should immediately be removed , NOW, THEREFORE , BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL of the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas : SECTION 1 . That said frame warehouse building located on the above described property be removed within fifteen ( 15 ) days from the date of the passage , approval , and publication of this ordinance . SECTION 2 . The Chief of Police is hereby instructed to serve the owner of said piece of property with a copy of this ordinance and notify said owner that said frame warehouse building located on the above described property must be razed and removed within fifteen days from the effective date of this ordinance . SECTION 3 . That if the ownek of the above described property fails or refuses to remove said property within the time herein provided , he shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction thereof shall be fined in any sum not less than Twenty- five Dollars MICROFILMED DATE-C L�f7�G s �' REEL—k4 ay ' � P * 2 . ( $25 . 00 ) nor more than Three Hundred Dollars ( $300 . 00 ) and each day said building shall remain on said property after the expiration of the time herein provided shall constitute a separate offense . {k. -dw Daw'KM SECTION 4 . That if said building i4"s riot removed^ ithin the time herein provided � that the City may at its option remove said building and the cost of removal . shall be a lien upon the above described real estate . SECTION 5 . Due to the constant fire hazard' and the danger that the above property presents to the public safety , an emergency is hereby declared to exist and this ordinance being necessary for the immediate preservation of the public peace , ' health , and safety , the same shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage , approval , and publication PASSED and APPROVED this 7 day of November , 1938 , Mayor . ATTEST , City Clerk . Ma Ar �� l no 0 H o 0 o m Co m q F Cd O m ri z ,0 w c 4� � w F 43 H m W A b � H �w • f ay1 ORDINANCE NO* , AN ORDINANCE DECLARING CERTAIN PROPSM WITHIN THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE ARKANSAS TO BE A NUISANCE AND MENACE TO PUBLIC HEALTH AND 8AhiY1 ORDERING ITS REMOVAL AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES* MWEASe the owner of the following described property towit9 A� part of . Lot Fitteen( 15 ) Block Six (S ) e County Court Add- tion to the City of Fayetteville Arkansas , described as be• ginning at a point which is 145 feet South and 138 feat West of the Northeast cornor of paid Lbt Fifteen ( 15 ) ; and running thence South to the South line of said Lot Fifteen ( 15 ) 1 thence :est along to South line of said Lot Fifteen ( 18) sixty feotl thence North to the South line of Scott Strestl ;Lence East 80 feet more or less to the place of beginnings has allowed a frame warehouse building located on said property to become dilapidatede unsightly# unsafe * unsanitary# obnoxlouse and detrimental to the public welfare and VHEREAS* said property Is dangerous to the life and limb of the public and WHPREAS4 said property consitutes a tiro hazard and for the reasons stated above said building should immediately be removed,. N07e THEREFORE0 BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL of the City of rayetteviiles Arkaneasi SECTION It That said frame warehouse building located on the above described property be removedwithin fifteen ( 15 ) days from the date of the passage $ approval ,p and publication of this ordinance . SECTION E. The Chief of Police Is hereby instructed to serve the owner of said piece of property with a copy of this ordinance and notify said owner that said frame warehouse building located on the above described property must be razed and removed within fifteen days from the effective data of thie ordinance,. SECTI9N 3 . That it the owner of the above described property fails or r' efue• to remove said property within the ties herein providedq he shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction thereof shall be fined in any sum n06 less than Twenty- five Dollars ($E5s00 ) nor more than Three Hundred Dollars ( $300.00) and each day said building shall remain on said property atter the expiration of the time herein provided shall constitute a separate offenses SECTION ae Tj*t it said building is not reooved by the owner within the time . herein provided that the City may at its option remove said building and the cost of removal shall be a lien upon the above des- cribed real estate . SECTION Be Due to the constant fire hazard and the danger that the above property presents to the public safety, an emergency is hereby declared to exist and this ordinance being necessary for the Immediate preservation of the public peaces health, and safetys the same shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage , approvalp and publication. PASSED AND APPROVED this 7th day of November. 1986. A . De MOAllister, Mayors ATTEST i. yCer 46