HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 819 ORDI NAME Me. O� AN ORDINAME ESTABLISHING STREET IMPROVEMENT M STRICT ED • 00 OF THE, CITY OF FAYETTWILLE, ARSAM&S. .. . . � 3 . WEM REAS , parties claiming to be the owners of two-thirds in assessed value of the property located within the .territory hereinafter described r; - have filed a petitionprying that an improvement district be established for the purpose hereinafter set out, WHERMS , after due . notice as required by law the City Council of the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas has heard all parties desiring to be heard and bas ascertained that said petition was signed by two-thirds in assessed value of the owners of real prop erty=within said territory ; NDW , THEMMRE, BE IT ORDAINED by the City Council of the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas : k SIE91ON I . •There is hereby established an improvement district emm bracing the following property bounded as follows , to-wit : Beginning at a point which is 73 feet South of the Northeast corner of lot 10 , Block 1 in Jennings Addition to the City of Fayetteville , thence west parallel to and 73 feet from the South line .of East " South street to the West line of Lot 8 in said Block ; thence South to the. Southeast corner of Lot 7 said Block ; thence west along the South aide of Block 1 in said addition to the- Southwest corner of said Block 1 . thence continuing West across South 'Dist Street to the South- east corner of Lot 4 Block 9 Jennings Addition; thence West along the South line of Block 9. to --the Southwest . corner of Lot ` 1 'in said Block ; thence continuing West across South Block street to the Southeast corner of Iot 70 Block 17 in said addition; thence,West along the South line- of Block 17 to the Southwest corner of Lot 1 ; thence Southwesterly across South Church Street to the Southeast corner of Lot 3 Block 25 in Jennings Addition; thence West along the South line of Lot 3 Block 25 to the tSouthwest'. corner of said Lot 3; thence West parallel to and 150 feet from the South line of 'Wasi South - Street to the West line of Block 1 MCCrimmins Addition to the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas ; thence Nortbwesterly across South Locust Street to the Southeast corner of Lot 2 Block 12 in Ferguson* s Ad- dition; thence West along the South line of Lob 2 to . the East lime of a North and South alley ; thence'North to the Southwest corner of Lot 1 Block 12 ; thence West across said North and South alley to 'the Southeast corner of Lot 12 Block 12 said Addition; thence West along the South line of said Lot 12 to the Southwest corner of said Lot; thence North to the Northwest "corner of said Lot ; thence continuing North across West South Street at the end of . existing , pavement on the Eaet side of South School at its intersection with West South Street to the Southwest corner of..Block 38 in the original Town of Fayetteville ; thence North along the West line of said Block 38 150 feet; thence ERat parallel `to and 150 feet from the North line of West South-.,Street to a point' 150 feet North and 166 feet West of the Southeast corner of said Block 38; thence North parallel to and 166 feet from the West line of South Locust Street to the North line of said Block 38 ; thence Northeasterly across West Rock Street to a point 81. feet S inches West of the Southeast corner of Block 33 in the Original Zbwn ( now City). of Fayetteville ; thence North parallel" to and 81 feet and 3 inches from the West line of South ' Locust Street to the North line of said Block 33 ; thende Eist to the Northeast corner of said Block 33 ; thence Blot across end existing pavement MICROFILMS) RAE I18 at the intersection of West Mountain Street and South Locust Street to the Northwest corner of Block 32 ; thence Yeast along. the North line of Block 32 a distance of 110 Peet and 10 inches ; thence South parallel to and 110 feet and 10 inches from the Past line of South Locust Street to the South line of said Block 32 ; thence Southeasterly across West Rock Street to a point 162 . 5 feet Y34st of the Northwest corner of Block 39 in the Origiral Town ' ( now City) of Fayetteville ;. thence Fast along the North line' of Block 39 to the Northeast corner ofsaid Block ; thence North across West Rock Street to the Southeast corner of Block 32 ; thence ]Dist across South Church Street at the end of existing pavement at its intersection with West Rook ' Street- to the Southwest corner of Block 31 in the Original Toxin ( now City) of Fayetteville ; thence North along the West line of Block 31 a distance of 70 feet ; thence ]bat parallel to and 70 feet from the North line , of West Rock Street - td the West line of a North and South alley ; thence Bast across said alley to the East line of said alley ; thence Dbrth along the Elst line of said alley to- the Northwest corner of Lot 5 Block 31 ; thence East along the North line of said Lot 5 to the ]gist -line of said Lot 5 ; thena`e South along the Bhst line . of Lots 5 . and 6 to the Southeast corner- of- Block 31; thence South across West_. Rock Street at the end- of existing pavement on West Rock Street at its intersection with South Block Street to the Northeast corner of . Block 40 ; thence South along the last line of said Block 40 141. 5 feet ;. thence West parallel to and 141. 5 feet from the South line of Vest Rock Street 162. 5 feet ; thence` *iiih parallel to -and 163 -feet from - the Bust line of South -to a point 67 feet North, and 163 feet East of t$e Southwest corner of said Block 40 ; thence }Dist parallel to and 67 feet from the North line of. West- South Street to the Bast line of said Block ; thence South along the Rist line of said Block to the Southeast :corner of said Block 40 ; . the-nce Mast ' across South Block Street along the end of existing pavement at its intersection with West Rock Street to the Southwest corner of Block . 41 in the Original . Town ( now City ) of Fayetteville ; thence North along the West line of said Block 104 feet ; thence Ytast parallel to and. 104 feet from the North line of West- South, Street to a point 108 Peet West of the Bast liheYof said Block 41 •, thence South to a point , 84 feet North of the Southline of said Block 41 ; thence 3ast parallel , to and 84 feet from the South line of said Block to the East line of said Block 41 ; thence South to the Southeast corner of said, Block ; . thence East across South 19ast Street to the Southwest corner of Block 41 ; thence North along the West line of said Block 42 102 Peet ; thence_ 3ast parallel to and 102 feet .from the South line ' oP said -Block 42 133 Peet ; thence South 2 feet ; thence est parallel to \and 100�feet from the South line of said Block 42- to the &at line of said Block ; thence South ,-to the Southeast cornerlof said Block 42 ; thence South across Dist South Street along the end of existing pavement at its inter- section with South College Avenue' to the South line of Ibst South Street ; thence South to the • place of beginning, and including the following described lots , tracts , and parcels of land , to-wit : Jennings Addition : Lots 1 to 7 inclusive and the North 73 feet of lots 8-9-10 , Block 1 Lots 1 to 4 inclusive, Block 9 lots 1 to 7 inclusive , Block 17 . Lots 1 to 3 inclusive , ,B ock` 25 McCrimmins Addition:` The North 150 feet of Block 1, - FergusonIa Additiohi Lots 1 , 2 and 12 , Block 12 Original Town ( Now City or Fayetteville) ,, The South 150 feet andlthe }Sst 166 feet of Block '38 All of Block 39 _ The RLst 81 feet 3 inches of Block 33 The West 110 feet 10 inches of Block 32 The South 70 feet of Lot 7 and Lots 5 and 6 , Block 31 _ " The Ibrth 141. 5 Peet and' the East 163 feet and South 67 feet of Block 40. The South 108 Peet of West half and South 84 feat of Bast half Block 41 A part Of Lot 1 102 feet North and South and 133 Peet Zist and West - in the Southwest -coiner and a part of Lot 1 100 feet North and South and 337 Feet YfBst and West in�the Southeast sorner of said Lot 1 "-1 Block 42 , for the purpose of draining , grading, curbing , guttering , and paving . the •.following described streets , to-wit : South Street from West line of South College to the Bast line of South School ; South Locust From the North line of West South to the South line of West Mountain Street South Church iron the North line ,of West South to the North line of West Rock Street West Rock Street From West line of. South Block Street to Fist line of South Qhurch Street Said district shall be known as Street Improvement DistrictNo . 50 ; and . I IA i 67 , l 4acs�sliv rfJ and /d 83� J are hereby named Commissioners who shall compose the Board of Improvement for said district. SECUON II . This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from ' and after its passage. Passed and approved this 29th day of September, 1938. _ Mayor. ATTEST: 61 City Clerk.