HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 815 ORDI NANCz M . AN ORDINANCE ffiTAABLLSBING STREET IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT vv W. 47 OF TRE , CITY OF FAYBTTEVILLE, ARKANSkS. , . . , . WHEREAS , parties claiming to be the owners of two-thirds in assessed value of the property located within the territory hereinafter described have filed a petition praying that an improvement district be established for the purpose hereinafter set out. WRERBAS , after due notice as required by law the City Council of the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas , has heard all parties desiring to be. . heard and has ascertained that said petition was signed by two-thirds in assessed value of the owners of -real property within said territory ; bDW , THEREFORE , BE IT ORDAINED by the City Council of the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas : ;> SECTION I . There is hereby established an improvement district em- bracing the following property bounded as follows , to-wit : Beginning at a point 674 feet north and 30 feet east of the southwest corner of the S3* of the Sq of Section 9 , Township 16 , North , Range 30 West , which _ said point is the northwest corner of Lot 13 of Lever ett ' s Addition to the City of Fayetteville , running thence east 800 feet to the northeast corner of Lot 13 ; thence north 85 feet to the northwest corner of Lot 11 ; thence east 200 feet along the north line of Lots 10 and 11 of said addition and across the north end of the north and south alley to northwest corner of Lot 9 of said addi - tion; thence south 85 feet to the southwest corner of Lot 9 ; thence east 200 feet to the southeast corner of Lot 9 ; thence- south 105 feet to the south east corner of Lot 8 of. said addition; thence across Whitham Street to the southwest corner of Lot 3 of Archia ' s and Bushnell Addition; thence north 6* feet to the northwest corner of Lot 3 ; thence east 150 feet to the northeast corner of Lot 3 ; thence northeasterly across the north and south alley to a point 100 feet north of the southwest corner of Lot 14 in said addition and thence east across Lots 14 and 18 parallel to and 100 feet from the north line of Douglas Street ; thence southeasterly to the southeast corner of Lot 18 ; thence due east to a point on the east line of the right-of-way of the St. Louis and San Francisco Railroad ;, thence southeasterly along said. east line of the said right-of-way to' a point where the east line of said right-of-way intersects the east line of - the f -the NEJ of the Ma of Section 16 , Township 16 North, Range 30 West ; and thence south along . said line to the west line of said right-of-way ; and thence southwesterly across Gregg Avenue to the southeast corner of Int 3, Block 19 Gregg' s Addition; and thence west 211 feet to the east line of a north and - south alley in said Block 1 ; and thence northwesterly across said alley to the southeast corner of Lot 1 , Block 2 , Gregg ' s Addition; and thence west along the south line of Lots 1-5 , indlusive , of said Block to the southwest corner of Lot P 5 in said Block ; thence north along the west side of Lot 5 and across Reagan street to the southwest corner of County Court . Plat of the N* of the NW} of Section 16 , Township 16 North, Range 30 west ; thence north along the west side of said County Court Plat 75 feet ; thence east parallel and 75 feet from the north line of Reagan Street to a point 75 feet from the west line of Bushnell Street ; thence northwesterly parallel to and 75 feet from said west line of K Bushnell Street to the south line of Maple Street ; thence northwesterly across Maple Street to the southwest corner of Lot One ( 1 ) of-Gallawa MiCfcOFILMED DATE OCT 5 79 REEL Addition; and thence northwesterly to the northwest corner of said Lot 1 ; thence continuing along said line produced across the east and west alley to the south line of Lot 3 in said Addition; and thence west to the southwest corner of Lot 3 ; and thence west to a point 100 feet east of the east line of Whitham Street ; and thence south parallel to and 100 feet east: of said east line of Whitham Street to the north line of Maple street ; and thence west to the southwest corner of Lot 19 , County Court Plat of the S1* of the SWj, Section 9 Township 16 Abrth, _Range 30 West ; and thence west across - Whitham Street to the southeast corner of Lo.t 4, Leverett ' s Addition; and thence west to the southwest corner of said Lot 4 ; and thence north 192J feet to the northwest corner of said Lot 4 ;and thence north across the , eaet• and west alley to the south side of Lot 5 i•n . said . addition; thence west to the southwest corner of said Lot 5; and y thence north along the west line of Lots 5 ' and 6 to a point on the west side of Lot 6 opposite the southeast corner of Lot 18 in said addition; and thence across the north and south alley to the south- east corner of said Lot 18 ; and thence , west along the south side of Lots 18 and 17 to . the southwest corner of Lot 17 ; and thence north along the east line of Lot 15 of said addition to , the north- east corner of said Int 15; and thence west to the nortbwest . corner of Lot 15 ; and thence north along the east line of Leverett . Street and . crossing Douglas Street to the place of beginning, , and including the following described lots , tracts , and parcels of land , to-mit : r Archia ' s and Bushnell ' s Addition: Lots 1-2-3-13 and 17 and' South 100 feet of Lots 14 and 18. Leverett ' s Addition: x Lots 49 59 . 60 70 8 , 10 , 119 13 , 14 , 17 and 18, - County Court Plat , Section 9 : 100 foot strip squarely off the west side of County Court plat of the 34 of the Wj of Section 9 , Township 16 North, Range 30 West. 2allaway ' s Addition; - Lots 19 39 40 5 and . 6 Gregg' a Addition: Block- 1 - Lots 19 2 and 3 ' Block 2 - Lots 1-5 , inclusive County Court Plat of the NE* of the Mj of Section 16 , TDwnship 16 , Range 30 West : 75 foot strip squarly off the south side of said Plat and 75 foot strip squarely off the east side of said platted land, for the purpose of draining , grading , curbing , guttering , and paving 1 Douglas from Leverett to Bushnell ; Whitham Street from Douglas Street to Maple Street ; Bushnell . Streat from Douglas to Maple and from Maple to the North end of paving on Gregg Street ; Reagan Street from Bushnell Street to Arkansas Avenue ; Said district shall be known as Street Immprovement District No . 47 ; A1 & hLPs and n4 aL znu„ , 0 s �2r . 7'- , and n? are ^hereby named Commissioners who shall compose the Board of Improvement for said district, SECTION II . This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage. Passed and approved this 29th day of September, 1938. Mayor, ATTST : Ci Clerk. Q N