HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 795 ORDINANCE N0 . 7z? X AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND SECTIONS- - _ OF ORDIffiCE N0 . -420 OF THE ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF FAY97IM LLE, ARKANSAS. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE$ ARKANSASS / t2 SECTIMMONE: That Section5 --- -:- - of Ordiance No. 420 of the Or— dinances of the City of FayeTTv�lle , Arkansas , be amended so as to read as follows: °That hereafter it shall be unlawful for any person , firm or corporation to dig into any paved or otherwise permanently improved street within the corporate limits of the City of Fayetteville , Ark— ansas , without first having filed with the City Engineer , a written application for permission to dig into such street , and without hav— ing obtained from said City Engineer such permit ; provided that said City Engineer shall not under any circumstances issue such permit un— til said applicant shall have deposited with the City Clerk a cash bond, for the purpose of guaranteeing the replacement of said street in as good condition as the same was in before the same was dug into by said applicant , which bond shall be in an amount not less than $50; 00 nor more than $1, 000: 00 to be determined and fixed by said City Engineer, Provided further that the person, firm or corporation digging in said street shall repaid said street at his own expense and under the direction and supervision of said City Engineer , and, shall notify said City Engineer , prior to beginning such repair of the time and manner of repair and obtain the approval of said City Engineer prior to the beginning of said repair and afford said City Engineer the opportunity of being present during the progress of said repair until completed. Provided further that when such repairing is completed and approved by said City Engineer and paid for, then said City Engineer shall authorize the City Clerk toy back to said applicant the sum so deposited by him less a fee of $2. 00 which amount is hereby fixed and allowed the City Angineer for his services in con— nection with his duties hereunder ; and in the event said applicant shall fail , refuse or neglect to repair said street , then said City Engineer may repair said street and deduct the costs of said repair , f rom the amount which said applicant has on depot with said City Clerk , and the balance of sai posit if any , shall by - said City Clerk under the orders of saidCity Engineer , be paid to said appli— cant . d SECTION TWO : All ordiWWes and parts of ordinances in conflict here— with are here4ry repealedT and this ordina'8e shall take effect and be _ in full force from and after its passage, approval and publication. PASSED AND APPROVED this -/Jri-day of March , 1937 . - Mayor Attest • MICROFILMED. DATE oC 55 1578 REEL•, City Clerk.