HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 793 Sr , ._ .r . .. . . ,. + ., . 2 S .�..__ _ . . '— + 60 y �� Oy ORD.T,PIANOE Pio. (93 P.N (EtaItdANCE TJ BE E" TITL� ^AN ORDIPANCn TOr120VIDFi F01? l.DD1iI :lPiAL PficC'J- I.AiI0P7> FCR T.1^ RaTA'L ..^.•AL?•S OF BSER AArJ LICH^t 'i:IA�.S , PROVIP,IAT^ P3P1AI.iT.S F0� YIOT,ATIOPi CF SAI:J '?GUi.ATIONS APPD ibR OTFIiiR P[TF�I'OS�'S YiFiEREAS , Ordinance No . 760 does not provide proper supervision for the retail sale oS beer and light wines and for the revocation of licsnses for selling the same in the City of Fayetteville and tiHi�1tEAS, it is neces:�ary for a:lditional restrictions to be placed on the sale of the smme and to provide for roaocation of licensFs, TiiisREi'Otir: , B3 IT ORDAIPdD ;;f iPI CITY COUP7CIL OF 'Ci CITY OF F;:YL''T"icVILL:.. : SECTION 1. Tt shall be unla•�rful for arty person, film cor. :oration or associa- tion to mah false answers in any application to questions tou:hing hie qualifications for a permit to sell beer and light wines in the City of F�et�eville. Section 2 . It shall be unlawful to sell beer or light wines in any residence in�ar�y �e or building used in part as a resi.�. enoo , or built onto, or is a part of any residence , provided, haGever , that this section shall *o t apply to pisses of business r+he .a apartments are located over same . Section 3. It shall be unl.arful to sell or serve beer or light nines , or w�aame to i�9 consumed in any dance hall or place where dancing is carr- ied on; and 1t shall be unlawful Eur dancins to be allowed in any place where bear or limit wines are being sold, dispensed or served ; anti it shall be un- lawful to sell beer or light wines in any place or building ad:ere there is a direct entrance allodng ingress or egrFiea to any dance hall or place ae::ere dancing is allowed. Provided, hrnaver, that no part of this sectt �n shall apply to private homes being used exclusively as such. Section !t. It shall be unlawful to sell bear or light wines within 200 feet o any c arch or any public or parochial school in the residential section of the City of Fayetteville. the reaidentias section of the City of F�r - etteville shall be any part of s aid City that is outside of the fire zone` as is nos or :say hereafter be fixed bq the ::ity Council, and the business suction of the City of F� etteville is that part of said City within the Fico 'Cons . Section $ . It shall be unlawful to sell beer or li6ht wines 11 the reaiden- aec on of the City of F��etteville between the hours of 12 :00 o + clock midnight and 7 :G0 o � clock in the mortung, or to serve either or allow either to be consumed in a public place between those hours . Section 6. It shall be un1A.rfu1 `w Boll beer or light wines to a7;y person w�o-� s intoxicated at the t.i:� the Salo ie made . Section 7 . It s^all be unlar;ful Ser any person, firs, Corporation or asaocia- MiCROFILMFi). engaged in the retail sale of brier or light v:irps in the City of Feq- DATE �%T s ttevillo to allow any intoxicat:d parson or persons to loiter in his place REED \ '1 �"_ of business . Section 8 . IP arty person , film, corporation, o: association engaged in the sale oS or or light wires ii the City of Fayotte•rills shall alloe ary}r any person or persons of dissolute character to loiter in and around his place of business or shall }omit profane language therein loud or unnecessary noises , , or or conduct his place of busines3 in any other way that is detrKmental to t1+a good morals of the community, or in such manner as to constitute a nuisance or if the City Council shall find that any retail dealvor in beer or light wines has made false answers to questions touchinrrhim =:'..Ificationsto sell the sae; then the City Council shall revoke the license of such person, firm corporation or association to 3^11 beer or light trines in the City of P'aya tteville . Section 9. Nothing in this Ordinance shall be corstrup.1 as repealing any Pio `Ordinance No . 760, but Vis Ordinance is and shall be supplemental thereto. Section 10: Ary person, firm, corporation or associaticn 'Violating Sections Is 22 3 5, 6, or 7 of this Crdinance shall be deemed guilty of a mis- demeanor , and upon oonvichion shall be fined any sun of not mono than Five Hundred Dollars (y'500 . 00) and each days violation of said Ordinance shall constttute a separate offence , and in adlition to such fine , it shall be the duty of the Court to revoke t': a liceme of anyone so convicted. Section 11. It being ascertained and fowre by Uie citr Council of Fayet v:lle the unregulated sale of beer and light tares in the City of Fayetteville constitutes a menace to the public peace , health and safety of the citizens of Fayetteville and requires tate imn-�diate passage of an ordinance to regulate and control sale of beer and light ;;fines, an elder- gency is hereby declared to exist, and this Ordinance shall take and be in force iii= from an;l after its passage , approval and publicatiun ' Published in Fayetteville Daily Democrat Oct. 27, 1936 Passed and Approved October 26th , 1936