HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 776 776 i2 O.TJIIiAId^r ?fISi"1. D , ❑r'al C IT!i:"3 i,;Ci'?^ i, P?tS JI? r ' :_1 GN Tif; i'3I `JIL'C° OF USING ME) " II'SITI':?C T', . ,tile ;In ° CF fldt; I SA4S i:L' " ABTA jiC—l[ 1M J-E : 1G..• , '!AR I,'. i[tCTIT . ' T41 :iT::::.. r. . L Ct . i Oil A :S T," ".: i , ??J l, lilC3 AIj, !10T ..I='TIIti 'Pii'.1sS'';T 'v !,A .. BLTCi D!iiTC '? , PROI?::)Il`.'•C �r r tt�� �� . }t G^ I7 T ^ i]C I7 '� _ �011 5 ..�_ j 1 ' Mr OZ S :.H T!•.., , 1:InP . 0 . . . 1; .J1I.J 0: `VI07Ji: J . iiF :r1I . Cc JIF.lu1 ] CLi:idIJG AT; .,._.;+G'Ii".Y ? iil ? `i':.=:? :'•.-Lr:Y D P °t:'q: . . ° . 9' I1' O2 ), I; : ;] y .it' JLLI OOUi: ':1:I. C`^' i'?f- ,'JI'12 05 i ;tY 'iT atl ; SL:iTiIOI? 1. That every parson , fir:a, or corporation o7,:ni.n,-, operatinh*, or exhibitinT- scales or veiEhinpdcvices or marble machines , oz• other Mechanical machines for aaausement, and which are not within thencelves c,amblinr devices by whatever name called, shall pay for the privileCa of exhibitinp the same in the, City of F'ayett2vi11(; 3 4rkanscs for the privile;;c of such exhibition, the sum hereinafter set out on each s;-id machine o used o_• exhibited: .'kale£ and weiE-hin,; ' dev-ices . . . o . . e . . . . . o . . . de . 00 . . . ,. . . . . . J :) . 00 per r:nnuM C:arble machines and like devices as above descri'ucd. . . . . . 10. 00 per annum SL" 'M N 2 . Before z+ny person, firm, or cor_)oration shall be ,)er;)dtted to operate any of the said machines , as aforesaid, he shall first procure from the Clerkof the Gity of P yetteville , Arkansas a license or permit, which said license or perwi. t shall. shoe: that the license tax on each .mc.chi.ne has been paid, and shall state the :jeriod of time during v.hi.ch said machine may be operated in said Gityand Stats . From the passai-:c of this act until the beginning of tine fiscal year, January 12 1935, the Clerk of the -:ity of Fayetteville , Arkansas may issue a license or permit and collect for each machine the full annual license fee . SB 'ITOT1 3. That u,)on ::he payment of said tax the City Glerk of the City of. Fayetteville , Arkansas shall deliver to the one paying the same , a sticker showing; the oayYaent of said tax, the date thereof and the expiration date of the same , which said sticker shall , at all times thereafter, be prominently displ:7.yed upon the machine or device and a failure to attach and Maintain said sticker as herein required shall bo pri.aa facie evidence that thu tax on said machine exhibited vdth the said sticker-, has not leen paid. S 0TIOTT u. That any person, firm, or cor.»ration ex_hibitinC said machine or machines as aforesaid shall ;:_y in addition to the eaid privilege tax to the said City to the /tmerican Legion Auxiliary of Fayetteville . Arkansas 5 par cent of the gross receipts o: the amounts taken in durin;; the exhibition of said machines ; that the said Auxili.any shall furnish their own collector in rerard to the collection ' of such gross receipts . SECTIO11 5. That if auy section or sections of this Ordinance be declared invalid - by a Court of Competent Jurisdiction, it shall not affect the remainder of this Ordinance . S:EGTION 6. That any person, firm, or corporation violating theprovisions of this Ordinance shall be fined in the sun of Fifteen Dollars (Q;15.00 ) for each separate violation and each day of the continuous violation of the oro— visions hereof shall be deemed and considered :J separate and distinct offense . 'MICROFILMED DATE OCT s 1978SsCTION 7 . That by reason of the large number of madhines defined in this Ordinance which are being operated in the Cit of Fe etteville Arkansas without REEL1�1.�J-- 6 P Y Y , the payment of a privilege tax, and the immediate necessity of raising additional Ordinance ido . 776- 2 taxes to defray t;ie necessruy eztpens.s of the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas ui emergency is hereby decla.rmd to exist, and this Ordinance shv11. take effect and be ir. Force fram ayd afiA -) it s passa;n, approval , and publication. Passed and a;m cved 'wii.s 28th day of lijv, 19344