HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 774 i ORDINANCFE N0 . 774 Ali OTJINtiNCE" CRAtITTNG TO J . vl . 3IlTT,T,3Y,. A GITI::TA1T OF r;•.YWT'':VILLL' , AI111Pi '•`,=r: r HIS I1:SJc; , LEGAL R'iPR S,s"::: i.TIV; , SUCC` SS03:> , 7iZ i.33TrNPS, TII =tIGIIT A"?D PRIVILT90 TO OPEHA`!Ti: fiLL T117 `T,C?3S; rtY F.,UIi? 311T .U)7 OTJr;it A 'P?,IA"C4" OY^R T . S7703115 , AV"NUB`' , !:?,L3Y.` , 11ND 1�1;BLIC CR0U'•TJS Oil' THE ^t ID CITY 0 ' i' F,:Y':TT:WIT,G? , A`F."I`; .": FO ' Ta"; ?URt'0.i^:, 01' P,::'.":0'dIi!C AND DISPOSIi?G OF t. J1, G1,1MArm F20:1 TM, CITY LI 'ITS OF °i- I:) OITY 01� iii; YIE,7VIJ,i^ , ,",RK. "rFi.^ A ' ID FIXING. AND MFINP-C, ?"Tr ilM 00?T„1' TIOVS OF :IJ GRI,"T • B1, IT 01U .IP"iD F.1' TIP , CITY CO'}I!CIh OF ;T.LL? , .•'•.n ti SA.` 1. That the said J • i'. . Shelly, his sirs , legal ropresentati.ves , successors , or assil-rs shall hereinafter W desil-noted by the crord "Grantee " , and the said City of Fayetteville , tirkansas shall hereinamr be desi,.mrsted by the v+ord "City" and that the word "Garba.,-e '' , wherever it shall appear in this ordinance , shall be construed to reran any and oveiy accumulation of animal , vegetable , and mineral matter , vrhether -such Matter be collective or separate , composed of the refuse matter frc.fi: Id.tchens , pantries , dining rooms , or other parts of hotels , restaurants , boarding houses , pr:plic insti- tutions , dwelling houses , market hous _s , private hospitals , and all animal � . refuses from slaughter houses, all aminal refuses from butcher shons , the :n � refuse atter front fish stores, and the refuse !"latter from :'retail ooultr•/ store or concerns ; Uso any filthy , Succulent Sant"tar, dung , broken glass , peelings , cinders , nut hull:: , ne,:spspers, pa,>ar advertisers nts , litter, boxes , tin cans , ehip.s , and etc . or any trash i,hatsoev r found in the city li:aits of said City and State . 2 . That the said "Grantee " shalll, be designated as the city "Garbaf:e " and "Scavenger Collector" a That said "Grantee " shall have full powers as an "Ex Officio " Sanitary Police Officer and shall have full authority to enforce all the provisions of this ordine:nce , and a prior ordinance I,10 • 313 , of said City and Stz;.te ; and , said "Grantee " shall be directly under . the Orders of the City wealth Officer in carrying- out tho provioions of this ordinance and the said Ordinance 313 , and such further orders as said City Health Officer shall direct . 3• That sad Grantee , before bel;innin„ the enforcements of this ordinance in the City, rnd i;ithin 10 days after this ordinance shall have I ecome effective , - shill procure liability. insurance in legal fora in the swa of x1 , 000 . 00 with a reputable insurance corporation, ruthorized to do business in the State of A.rL•an,^,as , pciyable to the ;;ity as its 'interest :a ,y appear end acceptable to the rGity Council of the City,, holding the City hap:less from any demaros or liability that mey cerise or be caused t:y the operations of the grantee . :;nd there is hereby an additional insurance required in the sum of ..;1 , 000 . 00 l:egsl. in form ,iriven by the [grantee for the faithful perf•orneiice in carrvinlr OUL t c prpvisions of this ordinance aiid Ordinance 313, 4 • The Grantee is responsible for ttte pr•cper carrying out of all the provisions Of this OrdirlanOe anal Orinance 313 a.:i RC- t out, in Section 1. , in case the garbag=e i.s collected by sono .other . rty' Ley any contract aithoti,oisrs of i.hatsoever nature of this said Contract, 5 • The term of this franchise :'t'thhthta. 11 be , fora pe :i.od off 3 errs rw . the Lte by p maaLe and adprof' the Joni-r Ordina.n.e t) may Ue t�Lr;;ana�ICROFIIA4ED any l a Majority i DATE OC 5 19 8 REELS 7 3 brdinance 774--2 6. It is not the .purpole lof this act to chanr-e in any respect the lams and reLuLitions heretofore a:dstin ; and in force effecting, this work. 7 . ,:11 laws and parte of lairs in conflict herewith are hereby repealed and owing to the necessity of said r-arbaffe bei_nfy removed, and emergency is hereby declared to exist, and tinis ordinance being necassarnj for the imiedi.ate oresorvation of puolic health , oesro , and safety, the same shall take of 'ect „nd be in full force ' frora End aft.r its passage . April 30, 1934 i I