HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 762 t • ORDINANCE N0, 762 AN ORDINANCE TO 1: VEND ORDINANCr N0. 313 AS AMUIDED BY ORDINANCE N0 . 442 AS AtT%TIDrll BY ORDP PTCE NO• 757 OF' TIM ORDITIi NO" OF TIfi? CITY OF FAYETTrvILT:!� , ARKPT`F!1', 6 , AND TO PROVIDE FOR '.?OTM FATTITARY )AIRY COTr)LTIrrTS . B^ IT ORDAITT^,D BY THr CITY CXMIT, OF FAY7=7ViT,] .r, ARKPOAS : Section Ones Amend Ordinance 110 . 313 as amended by Ordinance No . 442 as amended by Ordinance 110 . 757 to read as follows, to-wit : I . That all floors in dairy barns and gutters shall be constructed of concrete or other water tight materials and the same shell not be dirt or clay and no other livestock shall be housed in the dairy barn . 2 . That no permit shall be granted or license issued to any person, firm, or corporation to sell milk in the amity of Fayetteville , Arkansas until dmfry barns are so constructed and the terms of the Ordinmlces of said amity are strictly complied with . 3 • That the license fee to sell milk in theV"ity of Fayetteville , i.rk, ns ..s shell be as follov,s : The license fee shill be at the rate of '2 . 00 per year, per cow, payable in advance on the 1st dey of January of each year, or at the time when such cow (or toys ) is added to the herd or the mil? is offered for sale . 46 =ill the . tests provided for by this Ordinance shall be paid for uy the City Collector out of the funds derived from doity license fees , 5. That all cattle used in supplying milk to the City of bayette- Ville , :.rkanses , including those cattle supolying silk to any pasteurizing ole-nt and all dez4lers and manufacturers of any by-product to be sold or resold in the City of Fayetteville , i.rkansas , and to dairytien , be subject both to the Tuberculins and ;lbortion tests before any neu -:emit shall be • granted and that all cattle so furnishing iailk to the City of Feyetteville , Arkansas shall be annually tested durin;- the months of Septonber, October , X.ovaaber, and Decemuer for Tuberculosis and contagious and infectious Gbortion, )rovided that this Ordinance shall not ao,)ly to butter, buttermilk, cottaT-e cheese , or cheese . 6. That milk must be bottled. in a sep73ate milk house from that of the home or residence of the ia:nily and in the manner provided for in the 'Jity Jair;j Ordinance nor: in force a.nd effect. 70 1:ws.t the mill; of all daixrymen which is now subject to a bacterial test stall si)ow by s::id test to` contrdn more than 200, 000 bacteria per cubic centimeter shall us published in 6oizle' ner1`s6a0er published in the. Jity and that t!ie ;.ccredited Vetenarion shall furni.sfi a. copy of all bacterial tests to the City Council u . That the license of all dairy' ionic whose ciilk shows by bacterial tests to contain ;:;ore than 200, 000 bacteria per cubic centimeter as many as three ti;mos in twelve rmonti)s 4•he11 be revoked. OFMNANCE IvUI1BER ' 'Ali ORDINANCE TO BE ENTITLED, " AN ORDINANCE TO AI'lE41) ORDINANCE F.O . 3I3 AS' AMMi DED BY ORDINANCE NO . 442 , AS AE�TDED BY ORDINANCE NO . 7579 OF THE ORDIN- A10E OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, AREANSAS AND TO PROVIDE FOR TfOP.E SANITARY DAIRY CONDITIONS" . BE IT 'ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FAYETTLVILIM ARIMMAS : ._. ::SECTIOIT�ONE :- Amend .ordinanoe :No . .3I3 as amended. by ordinance No .. 442_ as. . ,_._ f amended by ordinance No . 757 to read as follrnvs , to-wit : I . That all floors in dairy barnes and gutters shall be constructed of con- t% orete or other water tight materials and the same shall not be dirt or clay ' and no other live stock shall be housed in the dairy barn. _ 2. That no permit shall be granted or license issued to any person , firm or corporation to sell milk in the city of Fayetteville , Arkansas , until dairy barns are so constructed and the terms of the ordinances of said City are strictly complied with. ' 3 . That the license fee to sell milk in the City .of Fayetteville ,Arkansas , shall be as followst The license fee shall be at the rate of 002. 00 per year per cdw , payable in advance on the First day of January of each year , or at the time when such cow ( or cows ) is added to the heard or, the milk is. offered for sale . 4. All the tests provided for by this ordinance shall be paid for by the City . Collector out of the funds derived from Dairy License Fees . 5. That all cattle used in supplying milk to the city of Fayetteville , Arkansas including_those_cattle ,supplying_ mi2k to .. any_pasturiiing plant and all 'dealers and manufacturers of any by-product',to �be sold or resold in^the`-city -of"Fayette- - vi�lle , Arkansas , and to dairymen , be subject both to the Tuberculine and Abortion tests before any new permit shall be granted and that all cattle so furnishing milk to the city .of Fayeyteville, Arkansas shall be annually tested during the months of September , October , November and, Dec ber for Tuberculosis and co tang�-,y�,, ious and infectiou rtion. 4? vev CLJ kt&.; ���o,��T�Z CAOJl & �'Y OY _ i 6.�That st be bottled in a separate milk house from that of the home or encs of the family and in the manner provided for in the city dairy ordinance now in force and effect .' 7 . That the milk of all dairymen which is now subject to a bacterial test shad)..' show by said , test to contain more than 200 , 000 bacteria per cubic centimeter shall be published in some news paper published in the city, and that the Accreditx Veteriranian' shall furnish a copy. of all bacterial tests to the city council : WNtIN0 : Ordinance Ito : 3I3 is hereby amended as follows : In sections 8 , 9 and IO of said ordinance 3I3 shall hereafter read "City Collector" where it now reads , ; "City Health Officer" . Section I3 of said or 3I3 is amended to read, "That all cows and herd bulls two years of age and over shall be tested by an accredited veterinarian annually durlia' hM months of�Se`ptemoer;-Oczouei�; ° ,jovembeiwand-December -for;tuberculosis: at a price not to exceed eighty-five cents per head and shall at, Adnce , after com- pletion of said test supply the City Collector with a copy of the test chart form : T. C . Revised No-. 22 U. S . Department of Agriculture , Bureau of Animal Industry" , and the City Collector shall then pay to the accredited veteriranian ' ng aid test not more than eighty-five cents per head for '9ach animal tuber- ' on on Section I9 , 20 and 2I of ordJinance No . ' 323 are amended to read '!Accredited Veterinanian or� Polico Officer instead of City Health Officer. '+�,� f MICROFILMED 1 DATE OCT 5 1978 14 SECTION THREE : All owners of two or, less cows within the corporate limits of the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas ; and all owners of one or more ooms outside the City Limits of Fayetteville , Arkansas , who sell milk within the City Limits to any person, or to any dairyman , pasteurizer or any Milk i Products Company to be resold and consumed within said City of Fayetteville , Arkansas , shall make application to the ,City Collector for a permit as _ provided for in Section 8 of Ordinance 013 . The City Collector shall then furnish the applicant with the names of accredited veterinarians , and when cows are tested as provided for in section I3 of Ordinance 3I3 and the fee is paid as provided for in section I of this ordinance shall be issued a permit by the City Collector as provided for and� shall be subject to all the prgvisions of Section 6 of this ordinance. " 'SECTIO11 FOIIR : All dairy cows and bullsi,as provided for in this _ordinance _ section 3 and 4, shall be tested for infections or contagious abortion when the accredited veterinarian finds by his inspecti n that 2n of the cows in sa• d herd are aborting. , SEA^TIOIT FIVE: All accredited veterinarians shall present to the City Council on their second meeting of each month a written report of the general sani- tary conditions of all barns , yards , milk houses and premises of all appli- cants , when he6has tested for tuberculosis - or infectious abortion, and on his failure to do ' so shall be - subject to a fine when convicted before the Police Judge of not less than yI0 .00 for the first offence , nor more than 020 . 00 for each additional offence . SECTION SIX : All accredited veterinarians shall collect or order the Chief Of Pnlice to collect or have collected simples of milk for bacterial count when he deems it necessary, but not less than 8 samples per. annum from all cows or dairies tested by him for tuberculosis or infectious abortion, and shall report, his findings as provided for in Section one of t is rdinance . SECTION SWRT : Any person violating any of the provisions of this ordinance shall be deemed guilty of a misdepeanor , and upon conviction thereof before the Pelice Judge shall . be fined in any sum not _less; than„aI0T00 nor more.-- — than 0I00e00 , or by imprisonment in the City Jail for not more than thirty days , or by both fine and imprisonment . JSBOTION EIGHT : All ordinances and parts of ordinances in conflict herewith are hereby repealed and this ordinance shall take effect said be in force from its passage , approval and publication. Alderman Passed and approved this the �� day of October , 19330 Attest ; /��/l�v v Approved ; Ult Clerg . Mayor . 'r