HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 760 AVI Ni ORDINANCE PygBERO AN ORDINANCE TO - BE ENTITLED , " AN ORDINANCE TO PE91IT THE MANUFACTURE .. , SALE AND DISTRIBUTIONWITHIN THE CORPORATE LIMITS OF THE CITY OF PAY"" ETTEVILLE ,ARKAITSAS , OF LIGHT WINES AND BEER , AND TO PROVIDE FOR THE TAXING THE SALE AND DISTRIBUTION OF SUCI•I PRODTTCTS , AND FOR OTHER PTTR- Fos in " . BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COINCIL OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE , ARKANSAS : SECTION ONE : The business of manufactorin g, handling , , receiving2 distribut - ing or selling the products hereinafter defined in this Ordinance is here - by declared under the O'onstitution and Laws of this State and the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas , to be a privilege , and the purpose of this Ordin - ance is to impose certain License , fees and taxes on such business and to regiulate the sale of the same . SECTION TWO : The following Words and Phrases whereever they appear in this Ordinance shall be construed to mean the things set out below respectively , to -wit : The " *) rd'sii1amon " means one--ormore persons , a company , as corporations a .partnership , a syn'' icate , or - an association . The terra " Beer" means - any fermented liguor made from mault or any substitute therefor , and havdzig an alcoholic content of not in excess ' of ' 3 .2 .per cent by weight . The term" Light Wines " means the fermented juice of grapes or other small fruits including berries and ha,vi\ g an alcoholic content not in excess of 3 .2 per cent by weight ./ . The term" Wholesale Dealer and distributor" means any person who sells beer or light wines to retail dealers in quantities of � gallons or ffiose . The term " Retail Dealer" means any perso 1Fiho sells to the consumer li:& t wines or Beer in _quantities of ' .a4, 4, •r� i ) gallonsB'w- Amoco e All other words and phrases not herein defined shall be defined , and held to mean the same as defined by the Act of the Extra Ordinary Session of the General Assembly of the State of Arkansas of 1933 legal - izing the sale of Light wines and Beer in the State . of Arkansas . SECTION THREE : For the privilege of doing business' within the corporate Limits of the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas , respectively as herein -below ✓✓ indicated there shall be assessed , levied and collected an annual License Tax ; all of said License shall expire on the 30th day of June , 19342 and on the same date each year thereafter : ( A ) From . each Wholesale Dearer or Broker , or Distributor in light wines and/ or Beer a special Tax of One Hundred Dollars ( $100 .00 ) shall . be levied and collected . ( B ) From each I.4anufacturor of `Beer or Light :'lines located within the 1 corporate limits of the city of Fayetteville , Arkansas, , a special tax shall be levied and collected annually of One Hundred Dollars ( $100 .00 ) ( 0 ) �7 Mach Retail Dealber doingibus'iness within theta,corporate limits of said City , shall pay a special privilege tax of Dollars ( $16 .00 ) 'per annum C je�v 6.� .:.e e $rve 0. �u ,. 8vo.w:s �.e7 `wk ajona fit. B B?v • a - (QNB, Baa. , ti«, w--. c o'� o -' ( D ) From each Retail Dealer doing a curb service , serving Beer or - L•iEit )Vines outside the walls of their establishment shall pay an Extra IBriviiege Tax of $15 .00 per ' annum •'for the privilege of serving beer or light wines to customers on the streets or outside their walls * SECTION FOUR : It shall be a violation,� of .this ordinance for any person to have in his possession any liquors , or in his stock, any Beer or wine ` on which the tax has not been paid , or which contains more than 3 .2 per cent by freight of alcohol * MICROFILMED DATE OCT 5 1918 REEL_ — SECTION FIVE : It shall be the duty of each person before he shall begin 1 the sale or distribution as provided by this ordinance , to make applica = tion to the City Clerk , and receive his License , which shall be granted to him by the Clerk on presentation of his State License Permit , and pay the annual License_ fee as above provided ; said license shall not be transferrable ; if any person shall be convicted for a violation of this Ordinance his license permit shall be cancelled and held nul and void , and shall not thereafter for a period of one year be granted another per mit or license for any purpose authorized by this ordinance . SECTIONSIX : No permit to engage in such business shall be granted by the City Ckerk to any person not a resident of the SU to of Arkansas for at" least two years , nor to any person who was not a qualified elector in the last preceding election . SECTION SEVEN : No sale of Beer . or Wine shall be made to minors . SECTION EIGHT : Any person violating any of the provisions of . this Ord- inance shall' upon conviction thereof before the police judge be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor , and shall be fined in any sum not less than ten dollars nor more than one Hundred dollars for each, . violatiode. SECTION NINE : It is not the purpose of this Ordinance to repeal any ordinance now in force and effect prohibiting the manufacture or sale - of any liquor exceRt as in this ordtinancg feSinedd Rt d e chh cruse 1t d section is declare to to be separa a an n epen en wi hin l s se SECTION TEN : Wh'EREAS , . on account of depressed conditions , collection of revenues for the support of . the general revenue fund of the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas being wholly insufficient to fleet the needs of said City , an emergency is hereby declared to exist , and this Ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage , approval and publication . Approved this COY day of August , 19330 r * Atte Atte this eP. 4ZCday of August , 1933 , 0. Clerk . ( SEAL ) aevei� - 7�—/9 � \� 1