HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 757 ORDINANCE NO. 757 AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND ORDINANCE NO. 313 AS AMENDED BY ORDINANCE NO. 442 OR THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS, AND TO PROVIDE MORE SANITARY DAIRY CONDITIONS. PASSED AND APPROVED THIS 29" DAY OF MAY, 1933 r .r . 0?TLIJIAPTO^s :TdU. Tal A*1: .OJZJENANp�. TO A.MV) O1L7Ttth%R38 140 : : 313 AS /jT MVI:i .?1y.;' ()MA HAM3F fU'. OF Tyr; or;W'r- os i 1. �T1'"VIT;I .T.;, ':miiii' m^:� , : !,'2:1 ''I ) „?;:!%:7 : :''iC�? ;ATJfTfrR) u, ':Ti:y ' C' )'�AtT7C: g . TiTs' IT: Onaj%a7a iil[ TICS, CITY . COU 1JIL tlI imend. Ordinance tib. , %,3 :'uiT` '.ahended by 0%x iiri�noa, bio: 'All , "; dead, ;;a ` ..,; That all flodfa in dairy barns ': and '�uttee� shah ::be atchioted of concrete or otherwater t1Efit;material3 ami . tfiw'..earno',:sNaL7. ihot ' t�e art? or : c�ay and no other. ,live etock. 041 :ba . hc+ ?e :clG �. ll. barn. ,( 2).'i. 'That: no: permit be' granted gt 'li66nse iesaed .i;o:>eny.aiersoni:` fdrn� `br co� oratign, .to. soil mills '.in. the .l4 yr .of` 11-4ette"villso Arl� nsell .<.un ll. dairy l�aYeis. .ano.' so oonatructed ' and the. .Qrciinuhee ;Istxu,bt !y: dc�nplied I . ('�.�= :Tkia : the . license: to aell`: r :r ? .. aitLk; in the: pity o_ yzsttavi�.1Q, A'sJc;,;r_; .. i ':, ... . 'wn . . ; ' ahal;l be ; as, fd11oxe p. ' The li , opiise. 2ea :' f6z . :tikros. cotiae. or raorc shall kie : . .. '; y w2.50: for :oacli :o.C}• ;: and the bebtnrifi :: test. ,imbell:'F.e' coapulsory ;an4 Paid ' :".: :3 for ' b�+: .th uity.trom theso llinde', •tasid .icc+nse. . to' ' i�e:. :aid:' in .advanCe.. ; ' ': 1hat ,ail . cAtle . used Sri ELI#iyinF.Til.k to the ,City of Fayeti:e-• vilTe., AzkenAas including tbose `pattla supplyTnT; :aJlk 'to ' any nagteuxii ing plsnt and alll' dealers 'anti manufact,xrarn' of an by-prop t to: be sold ' or re;-sold in :�thc . City of Itayette4'i.2'`igl �xl:tin� r.e , .N ; d • to daiiy nervy. be l.aubje0 both to, the Tube:rculine .,and ,thy'. Abortion tes'te, before any r.eg r . ' ,'{• : .permit shall be 'granted, an& thrt all. Getty ao hi"n hine A k '' to the a Cit : of sttayille Arkansas shat be � mliu Al ` Y 1 , l ': y .tiestsii duri'hj the . montha,, of April 'and kay for TuborCulosia anii ' eor ,ia and irfeetious " i+bor..ti on. . . t5 ) ; 'Tha't. milk : muat be botitledfi ' a; separate rn3lx 2iouae" froia that of 1 kticj '.horde, ' or: s�s3dence of the Samily arld in. th@,'aaaiiner arovided for in :the ; bity' daily. ordinance .now in ford , arid' .effe,'ct. . :r: ' >i (6) That: th3 . mibk of a11:` da4rjrmen. l+kiic6 . l y now :'.au iecti::td a: bsctsiial . ll . test ,sciell show 'by ` aeid teat to cpnts� iri worn' :thsre00, 000 Ua'G.tcixzr; . i�ar ' ' oubio `'centxmster shall Le piib9aa i9S aQn® newspa �r pwU1lTie21 in the City; .and thet We. City iiealth O Ycer. shali' . futlnxah:' a copy of . all I baste,#U tests '; 6 the, .0ity G uneiS " . ''; . 2 . : aili;: Ordinancea` and parfi3 of ArdsriF �ces :iti::cdifl'ict heiow5;tt. . iTra here uy. reao�le�I;.. ,an,i thi8 ordinance Is 611 'take', effect ': .i.n'w ' be . 'in . force L, fro , ' end uf$a i to pa anrso ; ai�orcr6,il j', and publication i•: \ ay 03 2y , 10 iI k a V. OTIIN PICUr 110 . 757 A`1 OUTING TO ME- kU GRJI ??A`IC% NO , 313 As A:LPNDr:) 1lY 9R )Ii1ANCF ?70 . 442. OF TIF; CITY 0: Ffa TT 1rI ?, L� , Ai ;ii: '. ;;i/t , f.'?.) TO It 1:rIU' : ';OR': gALI.CTARY J. I y CWTDITIO?:3 . BE IT 013Ji'J'R D i:Y T11T CITY COONJIL `JF i• GYiiTT'.WIL ; :, AM," . : 1 . Amend Ordinance No . 313 as azended by Ordinance No . 442 to read as follows : ( 1. ) That all. floors in dairy barns and gutters shall be con. stiaucted of concrete or other water tight materials anti the samo shall not 'us dirt or c yy . and no other .Livestock xhall be housed in the de:L:-.y barn. ( 2 ) That no permit be grtinted or license issued to any person, Arm, or corporation to se!! mill: in the City of Fayetteville . Ar. rnsas , until dairy barns are so constructed and the Oruinanca strictly complied s•.ith . 0) T•ha '' the license to sel 1. allk in the City of layetteviile . Ar'.c . shall be as follows : The license fee for three coti;s or more shall be ;;12 . 50 for each cos, , and the bacterial test shall be compulsory and paid for by the City from these funds , said license to ire paid in advance . ( !t ) That all cattle used in supplying :ilk to the City of Fayette- ville , Arkansas , including those cattle supplying milk to any pasteuriz- ing: plant and all dealers and manufacturer;, of any by-profluct to be sold or re-sold in the City of F'ayette� illey iirkansns , and to daix;meny be subject both to the Tuberculin and the Abortion tests before any nett. permit 'shall be granted , and that all cattle yo furnishinf, mill: to the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas shall be annually tasted during the months of April and ?1.ay for Tuberculosis and contariuus c:n! infectious Abortion. ( 5 ) That milk must be bottled in a separate milk house from that of the ho.,ae or residence of the family and in the manner orovided for in the City dairy ordinance now in force and effect. (6 ) That the milk of all dairymen t.hich is noxi subject to a bacterial test shall show by , said test to contain r.jore than 2001OOO bacteria per cubic centimeter shall be published in some newspa .)er published in the City, and that the City ;iealth Officer shall furnish a copy of all bactericl tests to the City C ,uncil . 2 . fill Ordinances and parte of Ordinances in conflict herewith are hereby re -headed, an,l this ordinance shall. take effect and be in force fro.:, and after its paCsal•c , aporova 1 , end pui;lication . i. ay 29 , 1933 MICROFILMED DATE REED1978