HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 750 0; R D I .i'N A. N. C , E Y N 0 S� • ` . AN, ORDINANCE ' TO BE ENTITLED , '� AN ORDINANCE TO PRESCRIBE THE REDUCTION OF X F^ FEEB: 'OR PRIVILEGE TARES ON ALL EGOTOR . PROPELLED VEHICLES;,�� OPERATED . va mN THE • CITY LIMITS OF THE CITY, OF FAYETT.EVILLE , ARKAFvSAS7 AND FOR. OTHER PURPOSES : BE . IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE . CITY . OF FAYETTEVILLE7 ARKANSAS : SECTION ONE : That the License fees or privilege tames . on all motor propelled vehicles^owned or' 11operated .upon the public strees _ • • . . alleys or .:public, highways. of- ' said =city; be' and- the same are' hereby'. ' reduced , forty per, cent. .and , that said licens��e��/-fees or privilege taxes . shall be due and payable on or ' before "the -2 ;� , day of } of the calender year of 1933 , and thereafter anually on or before the 444U& day of February. The failure to pay4same when due as provided herein shall automatically `cause a . penalty of sixty- six and two thirds per cent to attach to - such license fees' or privilege taxa � . . SECTIOIIoI N TWO * Any motor propelled vehicle or motorcycle be- _ longing to any . person whA. o is a non-resident of the State of Arkansas or the City of . Fayetteville ,, Arkansas , and who has complied with , all the laws relative to the operation of such motor vehicle or motorcycle in any AStatel or any city of-• the ' State- `of &Arkansas , and the owndir or operato^ of same is a visitor or tourist of the city of Fayetteville; P0-may ba. operate same in this city for ninety days without the payment of -a li- cense fee orrtprivilege • tax , providing he registers same with the City Clerk of Fayettevi•11e , ,Arkaneas , ' after . each owner or operator has ' been In IN 11 the city for thirty days ; and providing further that this section shall \ not exempt any motor • prope' lled vehiole operated in said ' city ' for `hire. SECTION THREE : . That i't. ehall • be the duty of the City Clerk of said city of Fayetteville;,: to keep a record or register and issue a certificate of reglstration to all' sueh ' non-residents .iri the form of a card which may be carried in the pocket of such owner of • operafor and­ thi'a card -shall contain a registration number assigned tolAsuch registrant showing the expiration* , date of said . ninety day period and it shall fur- . ; ther be the duty of said • City Clerk to . furnish the police department of . said oity. with such eapira%t�ion' datea. ;togethe'r with the names and addresse + , ' , . of . such registrants'. , I P , �., utp SECTION P@tWoe TheCityCouncil of the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas , shall havelt right and authority to order the police ' departwnt od said City to collect. all euch '`delinquent Itcenee fsea,Ior privilege % taxes. micROFI s 1978 s" DATE \ j REEL': l 3 11 1 Page .Two . SECTION ' Forthe violation ' of4, any of , hhe provisions of this Ordinance , the person convicted thereof , . shall be . fined -, in any sum not less than Ten Dollar snor. mor e , than�Twenty- five Dollars . SECTION : . . That . this _Ordinance shall be : deemed cumulative and repeal, only . such .- Ordinances - or parts of "same ,' as are in -direct- conflict herewith , and this Ordinance being_snecess'ary ftor the immediate _ -{� .4 � a .. . • peace ,- - health ,� eafety . and ' welfare of the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas , is . to take effect and ' be iii full 'forcle from ,kkaxaata _ and attei the date of its passage, approval ;and publication. Passed and approved this the %° `day of February , 1933 .` �. ' MAYOR : ATTEST.: CLERK: el .y 0. R D . I N A N C E N .0' , :. AN . ORDINANCE TO BE ENTITLED , n AN ORDINANCE TO PRESCRIBE. THE REDUCTION OF K& E F S, OR PRIVILEGE TAXES ON ALL MOTOR 'PROPELLED VEHICLES ORATED WITHIN THE CITY LIMITS OF • THE" CITY OF. FAYETTEVILLE , ARKANSAS? AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES : BE IT ORDAINED BY THE: CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY '_OF FAYETTEVILLE? ARKANSAS : _ BSCTION ; ONE : That the License fees orprivilege taxes on all motor propelled vehicles owned or ' operated upon ; the , publio strees alleys ,-or,. publio. .highways;_ of . said`; oity , bi%andthe.-'same, are- heieby reduced forty per cent. and - that said lioense , . fees or privilege taxes . //41- shall be due and payable, on or 'before . the QAbh day of , of the calender ' fob . year of 1933y. and thereafter anually on or 'before the -lob day of February. The - failure - to pay same when due as provided herein shall automatically oause - a penalty of` �sixty- six and two thirds ' per cent to ' attach to - such license fees or • privilege tax. ; SECTION TWO : Any ' motor propelled vehicle or motorcycle be- longing to any person : who .is a _ non.resident of the State of Arkansas or the City of Fayetteville , Arkaneasl and . .who has complied with all 'the . laws relative to the operationtof--such motor- vehicle or motoroycle .in any State , or ' any city- of the ' 9tate* of Arkaneae, i,and' the, owner` or operator of same is a visitor ^or tourist of ;the city of Fayetteville. an& may • �aa operate same iii. this . city - for. ninety , daye without the payment of a li cense fee or privilege tax , providing he registers same with the City clerk of .,Fayetteville, Arkaneas , Jafier suchlowner or operator has been in the city , for thirty days ; and providing further - that this section shall not .exempt any motor propelled vehicie operated in said city for hire * SECTION THREE :4 • That; it .shall be the ,duty of the City Clerk of said ' eity of Fayetfeville ', to? keep •a record or -register and issue a ,certificate of registration' to ' alls '•such non-residents in the form� of a " card which may be carried in the pooket , of' such - owner -.or : operator . and which card shall contain a' registration number assigned to , such registrant showing the expiration date of _ said 'ninety day period . and .it shall fur ther be the ' duty- of ' said City Clerk to' furnish the police department of said city, with such expiration dates together :with the ' names •and • addresses of suoh ° registrants . k 11 If SECTION PFOURe The City Council of the City of Fayetteville , Y Arkansas , shall .have the.• right and . authority , to ' order the police . departmnt od said City to collect all such delinquent license fees•' or ' privilege. taxes . Page Two . SECTION %4 For . the violation of any of the provisions of this Ordinance , the person' convicted thereof , shall ,be fined in any sum not less than Ten 'Dollare nor more than Twenty—five Dollars . . SECTION et:i That this Ordinance shall - be deemed cumulative and . repeal only such Ordinances or parts of same , . as are in conflict herewith , and this Ordinanbe � ;being necessary for the immediate peace , health , eafety- and welfare ^of -the" City of . Fayetteville , Arkansas , is to take effect and be in full force from Ahaxdate and after the ' date of its,� Passage , approval and publication. Passed and approve thea the crIday of February , 1933. ' Approved :, ( ' -y cU MAYO '. ATTEST : . - CLERK. ( � 1' 62) .00 . ° - 4 _ ' l 0 m 00 a �� . P N z o Gni p 10 N i C) co c� n m