HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 749 OIWIIIAME No. 742 AN ORDINANCE DESCRIBING ADDITIO'1AL DUTIES FOR THE CIfrf C:,ERfi AND PROVIDING CO PisP1SATI0T4 FOR T1r SAP-F, BE IT ORDAIVa" BY THT3 CITY COCTMIT. Or FA7MTMVILI^ , ARKANSASa Section 1 . From and after the first Tuesday in April ,' 1935, the Cicy Clerk o syr of Fayetteville _, Arkansas shall have the following additional duties . and shall receive ' ;loo.. 00 .per month as'coapsnsation therefore ' beginning on the aforesaid date . Section 2 . It shall be the duty of the Cij�y . Clerk -to keep an accurate account of moneys received by him, in a book provided for that purpose, shoring the names of the person or persons . from v+hom the same is collected, the date of pay- ment and the purpose or cause . for which the same is paid; and for each separate sum so collected, he shall issue duplicate receipts consecutively . numbered. -Section 3. lt. shall . alo be the duty .of the City Clerk to collect all licenses Z7T`pr=lege fees of whatsoever nature and kind; and upon payment of the amount required therefor, to deliver to the person entitled thereto, the proper printed license , . and also to deliver to the person paying for and receiving such license , a duplicate receipt showing the date of the paymentp the name of the person mak- ing the payment, and the kind of lic�se or privilege for which the payment is made . Section 4. It shall also be the duty of the City Clemk to make and prepare a s o e names of all persons in the City who are engaged in any profession, business, trade, or vocation for rich a license or privilege permit is required, and said list shallshow the kind of professi n, business, trade , or vocation Im which each person so listed is - engaged. Upon the completion of add list, it shall be the duty of the City Clerk to proceed ' to the collection of such licenses or priv- ilege taxes on such dates as are, or may hereafter be ordained by the City Council . In lase of the failure or refusal of any such person liable therefor, to pay such license or privilege tax, it shall be the duty of the City Clerk to report such person to the Police Judge or to take Chief of Police for violating of the City Ordinance, and thereuponthe City Attorney shall be req .1rad to file an affidavit against such person and cause him to be proceeded aainst in the Police Courts of the City. Section 5: It shall also be the duty of the City Clerk to collect all rents and r� oei ures that mW be due the City ; to collect all ,judgments obtained by the City; to . collect allother debts .that may be due or, may become due to the City. Section 6. It shall also be the duty of the 'City Clekk to collect all assessments ue or to com due on various street, sewer, or other kinis or classes of Im- provement Districts that are now for-.ped or may be formed in the City of Fayetteville ' Arkarsas , and after such funds have been so collected by the Clerk, he shall deposit the funds of each separate Improvement Di . trict in such Bank or Banks as he may be directed by the several commissioners of the respective improvement districts . For the collection of the aforesaidassessments due said Improvement Districts , a fee of One per centum of such collections of. the aforesaid assessments due said Improve- ment Districts, a fee of One per centum o£ such collections shall be paid to the City Clerk and the money derived from this source shall be • paid to the City Treas- urer by the City Clerk anl . by the City Treasurer placed in a separate fund for the payment of the partial payment of the ;cFTii# g, p£ the City Clerk MICROFILMEQ DATE ncr s 1978 REEL 1 7 Section 7 . It shall also be.) the duty of -Phe rk to tarn over to the City treasurer, at least once each month, all the monoys In his hands , taking the Treasurer ' s receipt in duplicate for tyle ,same, which z°eceipt shall noa� the fund to tivhich same belongs; . one of ' which receipts shall be filed with the Qity 8ecords and the,, other. the City Clerk shall retain for his own files ., and _ the said City Clerk, .at the first regular :aeeting of the City Council , each month shall make a full report of all his . offieial transactions since his l.:st report . Section B. The said City Clerk shall be . required. to furnish a good and suffi- Us c2en : to the City. Of Fayettev311e , Arkansas for 'the faithful performance of all his. duties in such amount .or amounts as may be from time to time fixed by the .City Council of the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas . . Section 9. Pending the taking over of the duties hereinbefore mentioned by the Ulty.0Terk, the City Council of the City of Fayetteville ; Arkansas. shall employ some person who shall perform the aforesaid duties and shall receive as compen= cation therefor, the sum of $360.00 per month. Provided, . heti.ever, .all of the terms and conditions hereinbefore mentioned have been complied mi.th . It is further. provided that the council may at their. option .employ �e present City Clerk, or any . other City Clerk or any other person to perform. the Aforesaid ser- vices pedi.ng the taking aver 'of the additional duties by , tha . City Clerk on the first Monday in April, 1935 Section 10. This ordinance is intended to and does hereby abolish and discount- enance the office of City Collector fot the City. of Fayetteville , Arkansas effective April 2, 19336 Section 11. All ordinances or parts of ordi-rances in conflict hererith are here- EY repealeZI and this ' ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage , approval and' publication. Fab. 13, 1933.