HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 730 ORDINANCE NO. 730 AN ORDINANCE TO BE ENTITLED "AN ORDINANCE DEFINING JUNK YARD, AND REGULATING THE USE, OPERATION, AND MAINTENANCE THEREOF WITHIN THE LIMITS OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS." AN QW)INA OM TO I'M F11T.T. M ,I> lwt ORDI '-w Lr USI;, OMIA.TION, ' ATID MAVITA1'NAMIE T mimpOc TrafruB TIC 'f,TYTT, :7g' T;1" Cl'T''C :?t' FAYCuTTL' VIILrs ARICANS.AS . cl BE IT ORDATNM D1' Me, (UTIZ CODNi10 Oi'+ TI^ CITY CIS' ri ?F"'A:•Va.LT': , r'. Section le That the tarn "Junk Yarol: as usod. tjti;::. p ,•:�,'-Irancs shall , :in ocicli.tiora �gnifioanoe of the term as -nae�din ottYr . n:: i;.,•; ;acas of this City, seen ir..ct inaluda that place cat loce:tion wh>rsr: old autrxobtic,, £,�;, tonobilo tiros fiaac,tos?s gabs, vehioles, or : machinery of so kind whav000vo-4 :, 001160dited ' Ana diarimit'Iod� �Or thio pujpose of sallaDza., and •®hall' .exs7snd to and "140 , uc:o all' plaoe,a ;';nre Sunk S+read ae 15ott,1.ea, glassware of argrkind, w.hather birokan or nab,matala of 'a11 kinds and axxahr other rdfusamatdrials aro aooumulatad at once loca_ti.,ari ior 'the purpose of Salva.s storage; sale or manufacture , , • Section 2e ' Firow and afted% the ejZfective date of this vrdinanoo, it Shall tis unlawful r�person, firm, or ooiporation 'to establish a Junk yard in the Cit* of FWatte- vilie, Arkansas, or engage in the business of a • Junk Doaler in said city vdthout• • Are-6 obtaining a permit therefor from the City: Council of said City; and - the appl.i- Cant for such% psrmit shall file his petition therefor, in writings particularly describing the promises . upbn' which lhe propbaes to estaclish a Junk yardand he shp11 give: not Tess than two 'weeke .notice of his intention• to makc' su , ch application , . by ;publioition in a" newspaper published in said City, giving the date when such agpltoation Will, -be presented to ttio said. City Oquncil - a copy of said notice to - • get ,W with proof 'of Sts publication must be attached to said application. Section 3. From and after the affectiw. -date of this Ordinance, it Shall be for. Any, person, firm$ 'or corporation to operate a -Junk Yard, or engage In the busineas of a Junk Dealer in - the City' of. Faye ttsville, • Arkans4 engago comp g with the following roqu:L%ot nta, . (A) The entire area occupied as a Junk Yard ahel:l bs under roof so as to prevent water frog accumulating . 30 Ser to afford breeding, places • for mes%dtos, and said area shad be h a enelo<ied wit Wall of sufficientm he ght to prevent rafrom bldaing into the : niiding; it Ali martblesa material `Ghali be remoycnable ed. from thq • Junk yard within a roaa ' time ( no : exceeding ow month) after. it' Shah have : beep received 'and depasitod atAbe :City Dump . Oroundj (0 ) .%O ,material 'eocumulated- at any Junk yard. •s1sall be bturned ' for the purpose of salvage therefrom; or for atC other, papp proper 4=466 $ nor shall a,W matpr_al be burned rihieb willose, antes; in. give off poisonous . :door' obnoxious gases ar odorG; (D) . -A11 matorialO 1ehall bo, etaeked or stored upon .' supports - of a auffiolent height . fro>I. • the • grou"od• or floor, to prevent rate- fr= karbouring ' ditbiri, cr undernseth the same; • (0) : 'No green borne or otho'r. material • which^•sill attxao•t• 'fltea or give off unpleasant odoin shall be collected or kept . at a Jtmk Bard;: (F) All ' rags, old aloth9s, 'old• carpets , and - materiels, of like natiue. aholl be washed and thoroughly a teriliSed • before being sold or offered for Beation 4o Am person, fi m ' or corporation violating sny. of the proilsions of this 070TH"Ce ahall be deemed guilty of a miademesnor, and upon convi. ction . therefor in the Police Court, Ghall be - flood in any . euni rot' lose than Ten 'Dollarc nor morro hilar Taentysflive . Dollttrs for each• viclation, , and .6aeh day any parson, firm or. core bllalain shall operato. .suoh Junk yard oontrapy to any of the' said provisions: hereof, Shall be deemed ' a separate offonse .' Section 5. This ordinance' ah all not be . oonstrued as repeali.ng any other ordinzriw:a, 8xcrPt t5e Game shall be in direct confliat h6rewith; but shall be doomed as cumn. lative to other ordinances pertaining to the matter• hwoof, and tliis ordinance MICROFILMED DAT QE2ag 1979 . ehAl7, talo. .efferit and be in f.(u s fllom and 'aStor panoata ;, rq)t.)xovPJ. rnc? puL'licat l on. Passed -this 2$th day ' of tuaust, 1930. KCC4 MICROFILMED., DAT5.08 .