HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 728 ORDINANCE X0 . 711 AN ORDINANCE TO BE ENTITLED , "AN ORDINANCE CONTRACTING WITH YOUNG-BRYAN CONSTRUCTION COMPANY OF FORT SMITH , ARKANSAS , TO REPAIR AND MAKE IMPROVEMENTS UPON CERTAIN STREETS IN THE CITY OF FP. YETTE- VILLE , ARKANSAS , AND TO FURNISH THE NECESSARY MATERIAL , 1"ORK AND LABOR FOR THE SAME , AND TO PROVIDE FOR THE SAID MATERIAL , WORK AND LABOR . " BE IT ORDAINED by the City Council of the City of, Fayetteville , Arkansas . SECTION 1 . That repairs and improvements be made upon the following named streets in the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas , at the places herein named , to -wit : The intersection of St . Charles street and Watson Avenue ; the intersection of Watson Avenue and Thompson Street ; the intersection of Watstoh Avenue and Rolston Avenue ; the intersection of Scott Street and Campbell Street and the intersection of Scott Street and North West Avenue . SECTION 2 . That said improvement shall consist of paving of the intersections of said streets with concrete pavement , and the construction of necessary culverts and drains , to take care of the drainage which must pass under the pavement on the paved streets from the adjacent territory next to said 'intersection of said streets . SECTION 3 . The City of Fayetteville , Arkansas , by the City Council of said City hereby contracts with the said Young-Bryan Con- struction Company of r'ortx Smith , Arkansas , to do and perform the 1 . work and labor , and furnish the necessary materials for the repair and construction , as herein set forth on said streets , and at said intersections of streets as herein mentioned , said improvement to be according to the plans and specifications now on file in the office of the City Engineer of the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas . The City of Fayetteville hereby agrees to pay said Young-Bryan Construction Company for same the sum of Thirteen Hundred and Fifty ( $1350 . 00 ) Dollars , which amount the City Council finds to be a fair and just compensation for said material furnished , and for said work and la - bor . to be performed in such improvement , and said City of Fayetteville MICROFILMED DATE OCi s Im REED ,° agrees to pay said Young-Bryan Construction Company the said sum of Thirteen Hundred and Fifty ( $ 1350 . 00 ) Dollars in the following nsmmji manner to -wit : In ten ( 10 ) equal annual installments , said sum to be paid out of the general revenue funds of the said City of Fayetteville by ten ( 10 ) warrants of One Hundred and Thirty- five ( $ 135 . 00 ) Dollars each , drawn in favor of said Young- Bryan Construction Company , or bearer - - said warrant1to be drawn serially so that one of said warrants shall become due and payable each year after date . If the said Oity of Fayetteville , Arkansas , should make default in the payment of any one of said above mentioned warrants when the same becomes due and payable , the said City of Fayetteville agrees and stipulates with the owner of said warrant representing the amount of the sum in which the City has defaulted to pay to said owner of said warrant , the sum of eight ( 8 ) per- cent interest per annum on said amount of said waraant from the date of such default until the said sum is fully paid , as an agreed and stipulated penalty , and as damages upon the part of said City of Fayetteville , Arkansas , for its failure to per- form that part of its contract with the said Young-Bryan Construction Company , or the owner of said . warrant . SECTION 4 . This contract shall be binding upon the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas , from and after the passage , approval and publication of this ordinance , and the said City of Fayetteville , Arkansas , hereby pledges itself , and all of its officers , to the faithful performance of this contract as herein set forth , and this ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage , approval and publication . SECTION 5 . The City Clerk of the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas , shall be , and he is hereby ordered and directed to issue said above mentioned ten ( 10 ) warrants immediately upon the passage and approval of this ordinance . Passed and pr ved this 30th day of June , 1930 . Approved ; . . . . . . . . ;`` . . . . . Attest : . * . . . Mayor . Clerk . ORDINANCE 728 AN ORDINANCE TO, BE EN- TITLED, "AN N- TITLED, "AN ORDI,NANCE CON- TRACTING WITH YOUNG-BRY- PROOF OF PUBLICATION AN , CONSTRUCTION COMPANY OF FORT SMITW ARKANSAS; TO REPAIR AND MAKE' IMPROVE 1 MENTS UPON CERTAIN STREETS State of Arkansas )l( SS IN iTHE CITY 'OF FAYETTEVILLE, County of Washington, ARKANSAS,- AND -TO FURNISH THE NECESSARY . MATERIAL; WOKSAMRE, -AND TOAND BPROVIDE FOR L ---��_-$�- �X�r--------- - ------------ + on my oath state that I am THE SAID . MATERIAL; - : WORK AND LABOR:•' -' - Owner_-& -YabliBLer-- -______ of the Fayetteville Daily Leader, a daily BENT ORDAINEDby ifie -`City 1 Councilof the City of .Fayetteville, Arkansas. paper published at Fayetteville, in Washington County, Arkansas. That � '. ; � � •. 1 SECTION " I. That',repairs ' and t improvements to be made upon thei the attached legal notice which came to my hands on, the ---Lat__-___-__- ffff following named streets in the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas, at t h e places .herein ; named, 1- to-wit:. , day of —J��-_—_-__— _- 19 30___., I ]lave ,duly published in the The intersection,, of St. • Charles street and Watson avenue; ,the' in teitection_of - Wataon.,aYenue'and Fayetteville Daily Leader for a period of 1 _isa _______________________ The ofThompson street; the, interseT n . Watson avenue and Rolston ave- first publication thereof being made on the _____let --_—_ day of : nue; the, intersection of Scott street and North West avenue. ' " . SE&TION z.,, That said .impro ve - ----Jay---- ------ 19 °,14__—_ and the last publication thereof being on iment shall wnsist. tit. paving of, the intersections of 'said streets with . concrete pavement; and the con. structioil of necessary , culverts and t drains, to take -care of the drainage the ---_---_-___ _ _ __------ day of _________-__:_.__________-____-_ _, 19_-_-__-_ _- which must pass tnder . t pave- ment on the paved streets from the adjacent ' territory next to said in- --- ---- -- -- ----- tersections of said streets. 'SECTION: 9: • 'Ihe Olty of Fay- Subscribed and sworn to before me this -_.-_let__-- ____ day of etteville, Arkansas; by , the City ,Jlyl 19__°x____. . Council , of . midCity hereby con= -------- -------------------------------. i tracts with ' the said Young-Bryan t.r� Construction Company of. , ;Fort - �, _____________ __ ___ _-_____-___ Smith w(; Arkansas; to d6andperform Notary Public. the work and labor, and furnish the My Commission Expires Dec' 12 1933. .the ,_materials, for the repair �• and :coitstructioil, as hemin.wt forth on sald,,streefs,' and , at said inter- sections ;of streets as herein men- l tioned said improvementlto be ac- = - cording to the .plans and, specinca= _ pant' the,said sum of Thirteen Hun- lions now on filum the ot)lce of the dred, and Fifty ($1350.00) 'Dollars in City Engineer ;of, the City of Fay- the; following manner, 'to-wit: = ettevllle, Arkansas: The City of Fay- , 'In ten (10)- equal annual install etteville hereby, agrees to pay said menta„ said sum to, be, paid out of Young-Bryan Construction Com- the , general revenue funds of the Party for same the sum of Thirteen said City of-Fayetteville . by ten (10) Hundred and Fifty ($1350.00) dollars, wer'rants of 'One Hundred and which amount the City Council finds Thirty-five•. (8135.00) Dollars each, to be a fair and just compensation drawn.in favor of said Young-Bryan for, said ,material furnished, .and for Construction Company; or bearer—' said work and labor to be 'performed said, warrants to .be drawn serially in such improvement, and said City siithat, one of said warrahts shall of Fayetteville agrees to pay said become- due,. and Yeung-Bryan Construction Com- PeYd C each year after 'date.',If the said City of Fay- etteville, Arkansas, should make de- fault in the, payment 'of any one. of said atiove'mentioned warrants when the same Becomes due and payable, the' said City of Fayetteville agrees and stipulates with the owner of 's a f d' Warrant . representing the ainourit of , the .-sum in , which the City has. defaulted' to pay to' said owner of adid warrant,; the sum of Eight , (Wper cent interest per an- num. on Saidamountof said warrant fiiotn. the date of .such default until tlle ,,said , sum is ' fully paid, as an agreed and stipulated penalty, and as damages 'upon the part of said City, .of Fayetteville, Arkansas, for its;failure to perform that part of. its'I contract with the said Young-Bryan Construction Company, or the owner of said warrant. , SECTION,. 4 This contract ,shall be binding upon the City of Fayette- ville, 'Arkansas, from and after the Passage, approval ' and publication of this ordinance and the said City `:of Fayettedille A ansas, here y ' pledges itself„ and all of its Officers, to the' faithful performance of this contract - as . herein set forth, and; this ordinance shall take effect and be - in force from and .after- its pas- sage, approval and publication. ' SECTION. 5. The City Clerk of the City of . Fayetteville, Arkansas, shall be, and he is hereby ordered and directed to issue 'said above ' mentioned ten (10) warrants im � mediately upon the passage and ap- proval of this ordinance. Passed and approved this 30th day of' June, 1930. . Apprdved : T. S. Tribble, mayor. Attest: J. C. Massle; clerk.