HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 723 ORDINANCE NUMBER AN ORDINANCE TO BE ENTITLED "AN ORDINANCE CALLING A SPECIAL ELECTION TO BE HELD ON THE 9, 0 DAY OF MAY 1930 . AT THE SEVERAL POLLING PLACES IN THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE , ARKANSAS , FOR THE PURPOSE OF DETERMINING BY BAL- LOT WHETHER OR NOT SAID CITY SHALL ISSUE BONDS TO THE SUM OF $20 , 000 . 00 WITH WHICH TO PURCHASE , DEVELOPE AND IMPROVE LANDS FOR A FLYING FIELD, " BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE7 ARKANSAS : Section One . An Election is hereby called to be held at the. usual . po1'l n ptapces in the several wards of the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas , ` on the `L O day of May 1930 , for the purose of determining whether or ' not theme-of Fayetteville shall issue 920 , 000 . 00 in negotiable bonds , bearing interest at the rate of' six per centum per annum ; payable semiannu- ally, from date until paid , for the purpose of purchasing , developing and improving lands for a flying field . Said bonds shall be serial , and maturing annually, in the following sums of principal and on the following dates to -wit : August 1 , 19330 A6 , 000 _ nn Auanat 1 , 1934 , 9 , 0n,0 nn Au Pu9t 1 . 1935 _ ? _ nnn • nn August 1 , 1936 , 1400 . 00 August 1 . 1937 - 2 , 000 . 00 August l 1938 , 2400 _ 00 1 Q9,QI nnn nn Avgn qt. 1 , 194n � 5) , non nn Y Au�'�r�, Section Two . The said' election , shall be conducted ;:and the votes thereof canvassed and -the results certified under the law and'. in the mariner pro - vided by law for municipal elections ; and notice of said election shall be given by the mayor , by advertisment weekly four times in some news paper . published in the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas , and having a bona fide circulation therein, the last publication to be not less than ten days prior to the date of said election ; and the ballots for said election shall be marked , 41 " FOR BOND ISSUE TO PURCHASE, DEVELOPE AND IMPROVE LANDS FOR A FLYING FIELD. " "AGAINST BOND ISSUE TO PURCHASE, DEVELOPE AND IMPROVE LANDS FOR A FLYING FIELD. " MICROFILMED DATE_QGTT ss 1978 REEL\ 1 b Section Three . At said election only qualified electors of the City of Fayette v lle , Arkansas , shall have the right to. vote . Section !Four . The result of said election shall be proclaimed by the Mayor of said City,by publication in some News paper published in said City of Fayetteville , and havinLa bona fide circulation therein and said proclamation shall advise a electors and the public , that the •r result of said election , as proclaimed , shall be conclusive unless attacked in a court of competent jurisdiction within thirty days after the date of said proclamation . Section Five . All ordinances and parts of ordinances in conflict herewith are hereby repealed , and this ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage and approval . Approved this the 7th day of Apri1 , 1930 . 6?� Yal � Attest : Mayor , City Clerk . ORDINANC$ 723 .Proof of Publication AN ORDINANCE TO 13E EN41 - ,TITLED "AN ORDINANCE CALL-.� ING A SPECIAL ELECTION TO BE t HELD ON THE 20th DAY OF MAY, State of Arkansas \ CS 1930, AT THE SEVERAL POLLING 'f 1 PLACES IN THE CITY OF FAY_ � County of WaBhlRgton, I ETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS, F O R THE PURPOSE OF DETERMIN- I, George G. Stockard, on my oath state that I am manager and ING BY BALLOT WHETHER OR editor of the Fayetteville Daily Leader, a daily paper published at Fay- NOT SAID CITY SHALL ISSUE BONDS TO THE SUM OF $20.000.00 etteville, in Washington County, Arkansas. That the attached legal notice &WITH WHICH TO PURCHASE, p DEVELOP AND IMPROVE LANDS which came tom hands on the __4-_ _-___ FOR A FLYING FIELD." y _____ day of..�'�,�__._ � BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY " :COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FAY- - 19 ., I have duly published in the Fayetteville Daily Leader for a period � -Section OneARKANSAn AS: is here- 1by called to be held at the usual ofThe first publication thereof being made polling places in the several wards I � _ - 'of the City of Faketteville, Arkansas, on the________ __ ___ day of_____��'�___t�. _cC-__________-_____-___-- 19'�_"____ and the on the 20th day of May 1930, for the purpose of etermining. whether L of Last publication thereof being on the-_ -----day of--------------------------__.. Iiss not $ ,000interest0in negotiable the rate of six ' lor.n $.the Cit n negotiable bonds, �I 1per centum per annum, payable hjJ _ �pdi7 semiannually, from date until paid, ---=-------------- --------- for the purpose of purchasing, de- veloping d f Subscribed and sworn to before me this__________t f_ _____________day of flying fieltl d improving lands or a m � 19 maturing annually, in the following `�_�-''`'e Said bonds shall be serial, and ________________________ sums of principal and on the follow- ing dates, to-wit : ! August 1, 1933 .._...$6,000.00 No ry Public. August 1,, 1934 ...._._.$2,000.00 i i"! -.tulnission Expires Dec. 12, 1933, August 1, 1935_.__.$2,000.00 1 ' August 1, 1936..___.$1 ,000.00 August 1, 1937._....$2,000.00 August 1, 1938 ..__$2,000.00 1 August 1, 1939 ._....$1,000.00 i August 1, 1940..___$2,00d.00 August 1, 1941 --- $2,000.00 Section Two. The said election shall . be conducted, and the votes thereof canvassed and the results certified under the law and in the manner provided by law for muni- cipal elections, and notice of said election shall be given by the mayor, by advertisement weekly four times in some newspaper published in the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas, and having a bona fide circulation there in,, the last publication to be not, less than ten days prior to the date, of said election ; and the ballots for said election shall be marked, "FOR BOND ISSUE TO. PUR- CHASE DEVELOP AND IMPROVE , LANDS FOR A FLYING FIELD. "AGAINST BOND ISSUE TO PURCHASE, DEVELOP AND IM- PROVE LANDS FOR A . FLYING FIELD." Section Three. At said election only qualified electors of the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas, shall have the right to. vote. - Section Four. The result of said election shall be proclaimed by the Mayor of said City, by publication in some Newspaper published in said City of Fayetteville, and having a bona fide circulation therein, and said proclamation shall advise the electors and the public, that the re- sult of said election, as proclaimed, shall be conclusive unless attacked in a court of competent jurisdiction1 within thirty days after the date of said proclamation. Section Five. All ordinances and parts of ordinances in conflict here- with are hereby repealed,, and this ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage and approval. . Approved this the 7th day of April, 1930. T. S. Tribble, Mayor. ATTEST: J. C Massie, City Cleric.